What people are saying about "Hidden Power"
Hidden Power
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over 12 years ago
I have less than an hour invested in the axtinguisher and I do pretty well as pyro. Its not the end all be all people make it out to be.
Mad Skull
over 12 years ago
check in the bios/console configuration
Mad Skull
over 12 years ago
DarkStalkers: night warriors and Vampire savior, had that feature, it can be turned on-off the option to choise between manual or auto-block. only search in google, darkstarlers was the dad of auto-blocking crap.. (shame for so good fighting series)
over 12 years ago
Screw you Capcom, seriously. And you namco, I am watching you, even if that ridge racer one looks very delish.
over 12 years ago
@Mad Skull: I play Darkstalkers NOW and I don't see any way to turn this on.
over 12 years ago
I'll take my degreaser and reserve shooter with ya and We'll see who the good pyro is.
over 12 years ago
And the Doombringer mines are as good as the grenade and the Plasma Gun is totally not OP.
over 12 years ago
I would like a good solid storyarch as well, but it doesn't have to be TF2, it just needs to be well written and told.
over 12 years ago
Agreed with Seangief.
over 12 years ago
Off topic, but I read through older Nerfnow comics and thought Jo should do another story arc! I miss Sniper-tan!
That Guy
over 12 years ago
I think the game is great! I don't even notice the gems much.
over 12 years ago
I actually prefer the backscratcher (rake)along with the vanilla flamethrower for cheap airblasts. Being able to completely nullify ubers by airblast juggling them, and not depending on a medic for health is 2 big plusses for me.
over 12 years ago
Good Pyros use flare gun and power jack.
Mad Skull
over 12 years ago
the auto blocking feature is very old, come from the Darkstalkers series, where you can choose auto-block or manual, and really help you a little, but it dont has use in real matches cuz the game turned off that feature until the round finished.
over 12 years ago
I started to say I'm glad arcade games didn't do this, but then I remembered at least one did. An old game called Lost Tomb. You were an Indiana Jones type explorer and whips were your super weapon. Occasionally the game would stop to sell you extra whips, if you put in another quarter.
Sendo Roba
over 12 years ago
SFxT was a failure, can we get over it now?
over 12 years ago
Dawtwan: just avoid Capcom games and you'll be fine, it's only really Capcom that does this.

As me for, when I played I was a powerjack Pyro. Backburner killed fast enough on ambushes outside of heavies, and Powerjack was nice when you were out of ammo.
over 12 years ago
Comparing SFxTK paying to win gems with gems you pick-up in-game like in those other two games is completely wrong.
over 12 years ago
The jewels are not new, they were present in Marvel Super Heroes and in Gem Fighters. They are not that much different here. Did they messed up in SFxTK? I need to play more of the game to be sure. But they should be a bit more smart and made the same they did in UMvsC3-A mode with the gems.
Troll the fools
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_138033]@Gouki[/url]: Ok, it costs meter, but why would that be a downside. Now you can block 50/50 mix ups with ease, and punish them for trying. Fuck EX attacks or supers, just auto-block, then hit them a little. God, if games like blazblue and guilty gear had that, they would suck.
Andrew Hall
over 12 years ago
Seriously, Namco, you better not fuck up Tekken Tag Tournament 2 like this, or I will go Eddy Gordo on your ASSES. We're talking years in a hardscrabble Brazilian prison taking capoeira lessons in preparation for my sacred grudge, the whole works.
over 12 years ago
Anyway, as for my thoughts about the comic, I just found even more reasons not to go back into fighting games.

Rather not be called a "n00b" by a 12-year-old with rich parents just because I was man enough to go without gems.
over 12 years ago
Of course, defensive Pyro still has his place too. His airblast works wonders in preventing projectiles from attacking pushes and buildings and there's the Homewrecker as well.

I'm just saying, Pyro isn't strickly a defender/supporter. His flanking ability can do wonders.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_138165]@Pyro[/url] Hold on there. Pyro does have his place in offense. He is on the Offense Tab after all. What he lacks in attacking people in a frontal encounter, he makes up for it in his ambush abilty. He works differently than a Scout or a Spy, but his HP and airblast ability helps his survivablity.
Some Spy
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_138165]@pyro[/url] well, axtinguisher is more for "axssasin" pyros, whos soul purpose is to ruin everybodys day whenever possible. homewrecker pyros are useful, but not the be all end all. I personally just airblast and reserve shooter em.
over 12 years ago
Axtinguisher is a crutch. Real pyros Homewrecker and learn their place as defenders of others. Not saying a pyro is a bad class (its my second favorite) but it is most effective defending engineers and medics from spies, scouts, demoknights and w+m1 pyros and lighting large attacking groups on fire.
over 12 years ago
this is the worst fighting game
over 12 years ago
you are the reason i started playing team fortress 2. thank you Nerfnow
over 12 years ago
"Just a few bucks" on the store....yeah, right. Just how much is a "few", hmmm?
over 12 years ago
Sometimes I don't really notice the gem system when I play a match. It doesn't annoy as much now.

I do wonder what would have happen if they approached SFxT without the gem system. This game could have been a lot better.
over 12 years ago
Without all the scars it took me a while to realise that was Kazuya.
over 12 years ago
Man, its good gems will be turned off in majors. Also taking 1/8th of the entire meter per auto block... easy to get through.
over 12 years ago
What did you expect? SFxT is the fighting game equivalent of Apple - dumbed down and overpriced yet people still buy it
over 12 years ago
And this is why you should be playing Skullgirls.
over 12 years ago
Someone is forgetting about the Powerjack and Rape-Rake- I mean Backscratcher.
over 12 years ago

It's worse then the comic.

Thankfully, these days more then ever, you can be Capcom free and enjoy fighting games again. Get VF when it comes out. ^_^
Picker of Nits
over 12 years ago
The the Equalizer does less damage at full health, so it's perfectly balanced, right? Because hitting people with a melee weapon is the first thing a soldier does when rushing into combat, right?
Dr. Robotnik
over 12 years ago
If Akuma's defense is ever impenetrable, something is horribly wrong.
over 12 years ago
Seriously... Dafuq is this shit!
Andrew Hall
over 12 years ago
Boy, guess I'm glad I didn't pull the trigger on SFvT after all.

If they fuck up Tekken Tag Tournament like this, I won't get that either. Stop letting the wealthy buy invincible advantages in games. I play games to get AWAY from the unfair world full of rich bullies we live in, partially.
over 12 years ago
This kind of BS DLC is going to destroy the console gaming market.

Keep shooting yourselves in the foot, boys!
over 12 years ago
I can just imagine how frustrating this will be for tournament organizers.

Lines drawn between purists who want no gems and those who argue that certain gems increase the metagame complexity. Then figuring out what combos need to be banned.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_137919]@Bob[/url]: They did? News to me.
Troll the fools
over 12 years ago
Why does capcom feel the need to make MORE DLC? There must be enough money in new characters and recolors to not need to add STAT boosts. Also, when you factor in that it's not a free game, this COULD be getting to the point of greed by now.

Just my thoughts...
over 12 years ago
It's funny, because people kept begging for companies to make DLC in the past.

Also, dat perspective/proportions.
over 12 years ago
Haha... this is one of your comics where you nail it. Granted, bashing gems is an easy target, but the drama in the first two panels really brings the joke home.

A++ would read again!
over 12 years ago
...actually, having just reviewed news of SFxT, I discovered that they'd introduced new auto-block gems. Ones that cost much less meter. I apologize. Capcom dun goofed.
over 12 years ago
Just another reason why Capcom fighting games fail again.

The only thing that should be customizable in multiplayer fighting games... is the APPEARANCE. Adding ability/stat boosters are bullcrap.
over 12 years ago
...oh lol, the auto-block gems? They're shit. They only work if you're not attacking, and they take bar. I hate to say it because it sounds like elitism at it's finest, but if you're having problems with auto-block, you should probably just get better at the game.
Dr. Robotnik
over 12 years ago
Said this would happen when we found out about them, kept saying it when everyone stopped saying it, and look who's right.
BLU Scout
over 12 years ago
Reminds me of the complete Milkman set. Good times.
over 12 years ago
Oh boy! Competitive 1on1 fighting goes pay2win(tm)! I can't wait!
over 12 years ago
That would be your mother
over 12 years ago
Oh pay-to-win! I'd be mad at you, but I have money.