What people are saying about "Clone"
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over 12 years ago
Say what? You're still at version 1.7.0? That's like 4 years old You start the game.. Then it will aailmuttcaloy start to download the patches. You will end up at patch 3.3.5 (The latest one.)You could also download just patch 2.4.3 from an external site, like Wowwiki.com
Andrew Hall
over 12 years ago
But, you left out Kingdoms of Amalur, the greatest clone failure of the modern era, which has taken all of Curt Schilling's baseball profits and most of Rhode Island's money...
Adeptus Enginus
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_136551]@logic[/url] They've been quoted in saying that the TES MMO will follow a traditional hotkey system. Take that as you will.
over 12 years ago
From what I heard, they have been working for the past 6 years on an Scrolls MMO. I hope their ideals for a successful MMO aren't from 6 years ago.
All that keeps the "scrolls" rolling is lore, and hearing it will be 1000 years before the events of skyrim is a big "fuck you" in the face of lore
Hairy Basement Downstairs
over 12 years ago
Why is it that games that advertise themselves as MMOs are so similar to each other, yet these same MMO games are so fucking different than regular multiplayer/singleplayer games?
over 12 years ago
Use of phases in game areas by wow. Nothing innovative?
over 12 years ago
If you want to succeed as an MMO, having your game have blatant reminders of your main competitor is like subliminal advertising FOR your competitor.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_136544]@someone[/url]: bars with pictures is fine... but here's the thing. almost every MMO I've played has had bar of skills across the bottom, the EXP bar above the skills, the health, mana, and portrait in the top left, minimap with a circular design on the top right. Is it that hard to change the layout?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_136468]@galdon[/url]: the problem is, sometimes there's not very many ways to do something efficiently or keep it looking nice. If you have a lot of skills/abilities/wearable items/potions etc... bars with pictures is really the best way to go.
over 12 years ago
ako yun...
over 12 years ago
What do you think of Guildwars 2?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_136495]@PapLockDunk[/url]: It is but like Mike Mohaine said it requires half a billion dollars which is how much money they put into making the game. (and that was 4 years ago)
Adeptus Enginus
over 12 years ago
People who say WoW didn't innovate, or EQ didn't innovate haven't actually played any MMOs before WoW.

You people need to stop talking, seriously.

As for ESO, so long as it doesn't prevent TES6, I'll happily be able to ignore it.
over 12 years ago
Here's the problem I see with trying to beat WoW. WoW has had 8 YEARS to refine and add new stuff to their game. It is impossible for developers to create a new game that will beat WoW in terms of content and variety.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_136453]@Xeno[/url]: I believe Jo really meant WoW in this strip as one of the most popular ones, not original, therefore mentioning direct revenue. You could mention older classics like Ultima or Everquest, but these days most people dont even know these exists, so developers goes for a wow-like design.
over 12 years ago
More than 100 comments over 1 panel strip... Jo, this time you really rattled the buzzer nest, pal.
over 12 years ago
Xeno: the problem is, most MMOs go so far as to actually copy WoW USER INTERFACE. It takes literally no effort to at least move the interface around a bit so it doesn't look exactly like WoW's, or maybe using a square minimap instead of a round one.
over 12 years ago
Seriously want to play TERA.
over 12 years ago
C'mon, I'd expected better from you. Many MMORPGs copy from WoW ok, but WoW is not exactly the first one out there, Blizzard copied a lot of things itself. It's just lame to refer to it as some final and everlasting archetype of the genre. It's like claiming every RPGs copied from Final Fantasy...
over 12 years ago
I play TERA, the combat system is smooth, very responsive, For example the tanking class Lancer has a block ability that has no cooldown, all attacks you do can be animation canceled into block and block, blocks all damage and debuffs from infront of you.
Truth Bearer
over 12 years ago
Try Guild Wars 2.

I puked after 15 of any of those other games.
They are all the same.

Guild Wars is different. It's actually fun.
over 12 years ago
I don't trust the Scrolls online much, but there is enough sketchy about the concept that you should need to resort to the "lol, wow clone" stuff, especially not this early on.
over 12 years ago
Seems a bit of a jump since not a whole lot about the game has been released, so calling it a clone this far in advance, especially given the crowd they would be appealing to with the current fan base (open world, more action style of combat rather then icon watching, etc).
Pactain Bovious
over 12 years ago

over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_136199]@Kazmohdim[/url] Successful troll is successful.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135960]@Hyshinara[/url] DAMN RIGHT!
over 12 years ago
It takes money to keep a MMO running. Devs introduce shitty game elements that deliberately slows the pace of the game down so that you don't "finish" the game in a week and stop paying. And now you know the reason why MMOs will NEVER be as fun as a regular vidya game.

tldr; MMOs suck

Some Dude
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_136288]@Doktor[/url] I totally agree, only reason I play WoW is cos of how much i've put into it, and how few people I know in Rift... if this weren't an issue, would've dropped WoW and stuck to rift the moment I first tried it. Nearly did as a matter of fact.
over 12 years ago
If you're going to start labeling Fantasy MMORPGs as clones, then get the game they're cloning right - All Fantasy MMORPGs owe their existence to a little game called Ultima Online.
over 12 years ago
tbh how many of these are still around, don't hear much from them anymore.
Clone NOW!!
over 12 years ago
The problem is no matter how different an MMO is from WoW someone, somewhere, is going to call it a WoW clone just because it's an MMO. It's just like every single shooter is a Call of Duty clone now even though Call of Duty was a clone of Medal of Honor back in the WWII days.
over 12 years ago
I've got to say that "WoW Clone" is kinda getting old.
WoW can be said to be Everquest clone. Rift is an amazing MMO and throwing it down as a WoW clone just isn't fair.

Shoot, I still play WoW over Rift (Because of how much time I've already put into it) But Rift is still great.
over 12 years ago
Kara was the only raid I ever had fun with after the first two or three runs.
DAOC once had a free pvp expansion that let you level up through battlegrounds, and then hit pvp without ever having grinded.

Those are the only good moments I've had in themeparks.
Red J
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_136272]@zeal[/url] Did you even research what GW2 is about before you wrote that?
over 12 years ago
Age of Conan imploded into itself due to the massive amounts of gamebreaking bugs that really never got fixed, tried the game 2 years after when it went F2P and it was still incredibly bugged.

GW2 combat looks bad, to much like WoW, clone etc.
I think i will stick to Diablo3.
over 12 years ago
SW:TOR is out of the shop for a bit, but it will be back. Seriously, what a terrible game.
over 12 years ago
Where is Aion?
over 12 years ago
Jo,you really should check GW2
and on a somewhat lesser note(i mean,it`s still only asian still) PSO2
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_136199]@Kazmohdim[/url]: you miss the point :p He just said that compare lotro and wow is like compare hl2 and cod 3. Any possibilities to compare them. Or compare a duck with a truck
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_136199]@Kazmohdim[/url]: I think that was actually his point...
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_136174]@someone[/url]: LOL@ HL2 is COD clone. The original half-life was made in 1998, thats before the first call of duty game was even in concept. HL2 is just the sequel to its own game.
over 12 years ago
I actually enjoyed Warhammer Online. That one was really fun. I had a lot of good memories stem from it.
over 12 years ago
I tossed in the towel on MMOs after Neocron died.
Tried WoW and hated it. Played FFXI for awhile and rage-quitted. Tried Rift while new and actually ENJOYED myself... before it got repetitive and too time consuming.
If I ever need an MMO-fix... Ragnarok Online :P
over 12 years ago
1) LotRO is a WoW clone in the same way that Half Life 2 is a Call of Duty clone(haven't played the other 3; therefore reserving judgement)
2) LotRO is also still going pretty strong
3) Just because something is an MMO doesn't mean it's trying to overthrow WoW.
That guy
over 12 years ago
Its sad... Poor doctor Wily shouldn't be making ESO, he should be making Elder Scrolls Man!
over 12 years ago
@Angry Microbe: Sounds like someone's poor :p but seriously I know what you mean
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_136098]@oslecamo[/url]: wow...checked...they actually are making a PSO 2...and I thought they had gotten Street Fighter syndrome considering the last one was something like Phantasy Star Portable Infinity Universe Blue Nacho Supreme... I'd still rather like a new plain Phantasy Star game...
over 12 years ago
Warhammer Online was epic for the realm vs realm pvp and the new frontier it pushed there - but its died a sad, slow death over time.
over 12 years ago
Fun Fact: LOTRO and ELDER SCROLLS ONLINE have the same bubble graphic. AGE OF CONON and RIFT have the same ones aswell, but RIFT's is upside down.
over 12 years ago
Warhammer online has a free trial and that was enough to convince me to not bother with it.
Khârn the Betrayer
over 12 years ago
So, is Warhammer Online worth checking out?
over 12 years ago
What makes LotRO good is the community. They have got to be on of the most mature game communities I've ever seen. Gameplay-wise though, it's not that exceptional.
my 2 cents
over 12 years ago

RIFT - I actually enjoyed this, my only problem was lack of friends playing (if I had someone to roll with, probs would've stayed, the class system etc was awesome)

SWTOR - wanted to try, but EA can fuck themselves with the £45 price tag on the box (I shall wait)

just my 2 cents.
My 2 cents
over 12 years ago
Age of Conan - just seems terrible imo, so much so I didnt even want to try it

Warhammer online - im not to into the whole pvp thing, but probs should give it a try as I love the warhammer franchise

LoTRO - loved the game, and the community, just some of the systems seemed a bit clunky.
over 12 years ago
Now iirc, Jo likes (maybe plays) SWTOR and that might be the reason why it was left off.
over 12 years ago
Personally, I'm waiting for Phantasy Star Online II. The first PSO actually came out before Wow, so you can't call it a clone. Also robot maids with guns. And it will be free to play from the start!

over 12 years ago
Wow Jo...I hope your trolling, cause that is easily the stupidest thing you have ever said. Ever.
over 12 years ago
Seriously, dudes, Warhammer Online isn't a WoW Clone!

There is a huge difference between 6 Battlegrounds and some feral PvP and much bigger RvR with castle and zone capture.
Pug Power
over 12 years ago
To be fair to Warhammer Online, it had a VERY good pvp system. And seeing how people are still playing the game despite the terrible patches the game gets, just proves how good the pvp is.
over 12 years ago
@Angry Microbe: And paying to acquire it
Elin Berserker
over 12 years ago
You all have fun with your clones. I'll just be over here, with the MMO that's actually fun to play.
over 12 years ago
That said, one nice trend in SWTOR and GW2 is that they're focusing more on the Massive and not as much on the Multiplayer part--making games that can be played fine solo, *or* in a group, without forcing the latter that often.
over 12 years ago
To be fair to war, it had a lot of innovative stuff now present in most new mmo's- it was just rushed out and didn't have a very complete endgame etc.

Plus if we're going to talk about stealing, what about Blizzard basically ripping the whole warcraft franchise from warhammer's lore?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_136006]@Nam[/url] One question does come to mind--just how much 'something different' does a game have to have before it *stops* being a 'WoW clone'? If you listen to people talk about it, it seems like every MMO in existance is nothing more than a WoW clone...including the ones that were around before WoW was.
Angry Microbe
over 12 years ago
Why a customer would pay money every month just to play a game they already own is beyond me.
over 12 years ago
Would you rather play a multiplayer game that isn't massive, but it's free. OR would you rather play a massive multiplayer game for a monthly fee?
over 12 years ago
An Elder Scrolls MMO would only be popular because of the fanbase. So far, it won't have an aggro function, areas are being developed before release as DLC, and it breaks a shit ton of lore made beforehand. It's disgraceful.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135981]@qq[/url] I suppose you don't know Dofus or Wakfu =3
over 12 years ago
Shame about Warhammer. I actually had a lot more fun with it during the trial period compared to WoW, even if it was a clone.
Wicked Ninja
over 12 years ago
Everyone if you're sick of the whole "clone" aspect of MMOs I suggest Wakfu it's a lot of fun. At least check it out whenever you get a chance.
over 12 years ago
well for WoW i think its a little outdated to be used as the master copy. All its doing now is killing its self. . . slowly!
over 12 years ago
@Music Meister:

And yet its still a clone. A successful clone, but a clone nonetheless.
over 12 years ago
If only they tried clone dcuo and ddo. Those games are plenty of fun thanks to better combat system(specially dcuo:s).
over 12 years ago
forgot SWTOR
Music Meister
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_136010]@maestro[/url] 2 million players from WoW seems like a success to me.
over 12 years ago
Note the lack of SWTOR...
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135986]@El_Nazgir[/url]: May I remind you that EQ1 was also highly succesful, Warhammer was a widely known IP and WAR made by a widely exalted company, LotRO goes the same for that. GW2 is nothing special so far. Well known IP and and few new things like everyone else.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135994]@Altherix[/url] If investors played video games, then EA's board of directors would be drinking booze under a bridge.
over 12 years ago
I think the main reason is that they all think WoW big and when they don't get it, they're deemed failures. There was an article that said that an MMO with few tens of thousands of users will rack up money just fine. But it's not WoW, so they axe it.
over 12 years ago
I'd think now investors would be noticing that WOW is in decline currently. Be it people are bored of it or the terrible economy more are worried about real life than a game.

I agree though, some company needs to take a risk in the MMO market. I've play far too many 1 month and I'm bored MMOs.
over 12 years ago
Lies, lies...lies!!!! All of you are wrong! I'm 100% sure that (...insert random MMORPG name here...) will totally best WoW! And nothing you say can't change my mind!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135902]@LSRagnarok[/url] I get it Aziz!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135982]@nam[/url]: The difference is that Guild wars already carved itself through the MMO business successfully, with plenty of difference with the MUD clones already. May I remind you that guild wars is the MMO with the second most copies sold, and the 9th most sold PC game?
over 12 years ago
Lol of course WoW copied stuff from Everquest, just like absolutely every platformer after the first Mario copied stuff. Thats not Jo point, his point is that new MMO obviously try to be WoW while WoW wasnt trying to be anything else then itself. Everquest wasnt doing too good when WoW rolled around
over 12 years ago
@ Asgar:

Yes, and every game on that clone list "tried something different"
over 12 years ago
Turn based MMO - you don't need more signs of failure.
over 12 years ago
One thing to say about the comic. My toughts exactly!
over 12 years ago
Guild Wars 2 is actually doing something different, played it last weekend. Will be interesting to see how it will affect the MMORPG genre.
over 12 years ago
Would have been better if Rift was replaced with SWTOR. At least Rift has the dynamic invasions and cool class system to set itself apart from the pack.
over 12 years ago
What I find funny personally all those new "M"MOs are cutting down on Massive part of name.
25 man raid ?
Some FPS have more people on map than "M"MOs in one instance.
I miss times of 200+ man raids in L2, only notable exception now is EVE but its not for everyone.
over 12 years ago
Hope you know that WOW copied parts from EACH existing MMORPG during the same era..

WoW is NOTHING original, just a pure copy-paste mmorpg.
over 12 years ago
I wholeheartedly DON'T want an Elder Scrolls MMORPG...
All I want, ever since I played Oblivion, is Elder Scrolls "invite-in co-op", where you can get a friend to join you game and play a quest with you.
Or a form of 4-or-so-player server.
Andrew Hall
over 12 years ago
Oh, please, it's not that everyone copied WoW - it's that WoW copied Everquest, which copied MUDs, and no one has innovated anything since then. WoW is just a reskinned MUD itself, in essence. There's no real innovation anywhere.
over 12 years ago
Diablo III:
over 12 years ago
its a funny comparison to the Card Game Glut that reared its ugly head in the early 1990's do to the rise of Magic: The Gathering. Everything, and i do mean Everything had a card game at that point. Everyone wanted to cash in. Its nothing we haven't seen before and won't see again.
over 12 years ago
Lotro, srsly? You disappoint me, my tentacle friend.
over 12 years ago
Well, not that we know much of Elder Scrolls Online, but the 3 factions is a dead giveaway, this will be a DAoC 2, Matt Firor being on board is another dead giveaway.

So won't be much of a WoW clone.
over 12 years ago
where is the guild wars 2?
over 12 years ago
So I loved the personal story mechanism of GW2 and the dynamic events. Hopefully it will develop even more (wow, MMO puberty). One thing that concerned me was the areas seemed really disconnected. Losing a dynamic event in an area didn't seem like it would spill into any of the neighboring areas.
Kaja Rainbow
over 12 years ago
I saw people spontaneously helping each other out all the time in the GW2 beta. I enjoy that kind of spontaneous cooperation more than the social gameplay encouraged by most MMORPGs' mechanisms.
Kaja Rainbow
over 12 years ago
In GW2, there's way more incentive to actually help out other players out since everyone shares equally in the rewards no matter what, and the events encourage teamwork. So it feels more like a MMO game than a game where everyone solos or plays in exclusive teams.
Kaja Rainbow
over 12 years ago
I liked what I played of GW2 better than most other MMORPGs I've tried. In most games, you want to whack on a mob no one's whacking on because of the reward mechanisms.
over 12 years ago
Uhm.....lumping these all as clones is kind of misleading and really it would be just as bad to say they're all clones as most use the same set of elements. If the implication is these are all failure clones, then that also isn't really accurate; LOTRO at the very least is very strong still.
over 12 years ago
They admitted to purposely developing DLC before release. It's going down in flames.
over 12 years ago
Not that I hate SWTOR (I actually love it) shouldn't it be up there?
over 12 years ago
You should've drawn the AoC clone malnourished and withered, maybe the tank a little cracked and leaking. Y'know, to symbolize how FC decided to forget people were still playing the game.
over 12 years ago
For the record, those are the four stages of MMO denial.
T Chicken
over 12 years ago
I think it's kinda Unfair to Age of Conan. In Conan, You can dodge and attack by direction.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135879]@Flashburn[/url]: But it's in Betaaaaa, but it's just been releaseeeedddd, but they'll patch iiiiittttt, but I don't want to be aloooonnnneeee.
over 12 years ago
In the games development industry, a common term to use for large-scale grind-based online games is "MMO", which means "More Money Oooooh~"

I don't think anyone is really under the illusion of an MMO having anything resembling a quality gaming experience, any more.
Nando Rock
over 12 years ago
Good old times of Ultima Online and Ragnarok Online...
over 12 years ago
As much as I hate to add it since I like Aion. It was up there with AoC and Rift as WoW killers also.

Loving GW2 though.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135869]@anon[/url] 23 Way to pass judgment on the game based on the BETA. GW2 is hardly ready to release.
over 12 years ago
The funny thing is there's probably a WoW ad above the comic.
anon 23
over 12 years ago
gw2 actually sucks i played beta
over 12 years ago
HE was probably going to draw Eve online but he-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
over 12 years ago
SWTOR needs to be up there instead of Warhammer. At least you're not Jesse Cox and insulting Guild Wars 2, the flame wars would melt the last of the ice caps.
over 12 years ago
@A Guy: Um, a remake of a remake? PASS. I'm pretty sure I'm not getting in any lines to see a remake of Avatar.

"Now Pocahontas in the ocean with orange people! It'll be a hit! Everybody's got a thing for scales!"
over 12 years ago
Elder Scrolls Online sounds like more of a clone of GW2 from what they've said about it so far
over 12 years ago
If you want an MMO that's no WoW clone, join us on EVE Online. The only game where you can lose EVERYTHING!
A Guy
over 12 years ago
As much as everything is a clone of WoW, WoW is a clone of EQ and other predecessors. If a clone can be so successful, what's to stop a clone of a clone from being great?
over 12 years ago
Where is SWTOR?
over 12 years ago
I always wondered how Warhammer Online has been doing. I havent played it in years i remeber it being fun as much as a WoW clone can be i suppose
over 12 years ago
Again and again and again!
Pyro is a Boat
over 12 years ago
We can reboot them - we have the technology. The technology to keep milking ideas FOREVER.