What people are saying about "Triple Standards"
Triple Standards
Comments have been closed for this comic.
some guy
over 12 years ago
Alright guys, get shipping!
over 12 years ago
Anyone else look at the pony and see Cereal Velocity?
Hurt Feelings and buttrange
over 12 years ago
I can see the joke here, and I find it funny

But the real issue here isn't the implied romance. I don't mind if I want to play my waifu simulator as a gay. No, I want to expect a GOOD STORY for the choices I MADE and not some washed-up afterthought that will force me to pick the Gay scene
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_121297]@CC[/url] Oh man i cant believe you fell that easy for that one...
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120951]@Sir[/url]: You seem to fail your own logic. "Bronies hating fags" aren't visible in any photo note.
Lupal Fillyus
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120951]@Sir[/url]: You seem to see some invisible homophobic brony comments I can't find in this thread. I want to have your inviso-vision.
Lupal Fillyus
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120943]@Anon[/url] is a Bigot: And how much love do you think lesshep gets from girls? We're all so approving of that because (random guess zomg) 90% of the commenters here is male. Not to speak of the male percentage of ME players/Youtube commenters.
Lupal Fillyus
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120943]@Anon[/url]: You can't reproduce with blowjobs either. Boo-yah!
over 12 years ago
The pony vid would have quadruple the views of the other two vids, combined.
over 12 years ago
...I'd pay for a Mass Effect 3 pony DLC.
over 12 years ago
Yay, ponies!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_121391]@qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm[/url]: Agreed. But hey, at least it's something pony-related.
over 12 years ago
Surprised there isn't more outrage about the awful endings instead... won't spoil it (bioware social forums got you covered) but they suck, actually something to be angry about imo.

Gay sex doesn't bother me, and it's cool they finally (unless you count Liara) made it an option.
over 12 years ago
I'm would be ok with this if the pony was a mare.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_121297]@CC[/url] I assumed that sodoku is something related to seppuku and sodomy...
over 12 years ago
You're thinking of Seppuku, Marielx.

Unless you were so shocked by that the last panel that you started working on a Sudoku Puzzle.
over 12 years ago
Shamefur dispray!
Commit sodoku.
over 12 years ago
Preceed, you all. I am very aroused.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120943]@Anon[/url][url=#user_comment_121142] @Mick[/url] is right. Not everyone is like that. My family is deeply rooted in Catholicism, and they've been pretty accepting all things considered.
Trolling Nerd
over 12 years ago
Check the likes on the Pony video.
over 12 years ago
yay ponies :D
you rock, Jo! ~wo-hoo~
Obvious troll is obvious
over 12 years ago
Whoah. You have no idea what you're talking about. I suppose that you know MLP just because of 4chan, amirite ? Well, fyi, there are right now on EqD 1534 no-crossover MLP fanfics for 175 crossover ones. And it's probably the same for fanart and fanmedia. Better luck next time.
over 12 years ago
(cont'd[url=#user_comment_120943] @Anon[/url]) It's good that you feel shame. It's good that you're reaching out, even to complete strangers. If you reach out to Jesus I promise you he will answer.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120943]@Anon[/url] I'm sorry that you feel that all Christians are all carrying "God hates fags!" signs. The truth is that God hates evil and wickedness, but he doesn't hate homosexuals, Muslims, etc. He looks upon a wretch and makes him or her his treasure.
over 12 years ago
ayup, the same reason the Bro Gamers kept it out of other games and Mass Effect 2. Same thing they are now trying to do in SW:TOR. Everything should service their Heterosexual Bro Male need, if something doesn't in this society they will start to rage. ;).
over 12 years ago
Hey. I think that pony came from John Joseco... http://johnjoseco.deviantart.com/
over 12 years ago
i have to admit, i am an in the closet homosexual .... i've just been ashamed of myself because i was raised into a religious family. but more and more i realise all books like the bible teach is ignorance and hate. fuck religion and hateful people! THANKS INTERNET!
crusader soccer mom with no life
over 12 years ago
niko bellic
over 12 years ago
@crazy fox news viewer/brainwashed media slave bullshit, i've been playing video games since i was nine. i've only killed about 800,456,264 corrupt cops and other criminals in liberty city. give or take a few thousand pedestrians i accidentally ran over.
crazy fox news viewer/brainwashed media slave
over 12 years ago
Foiled by Hate
over 12 years ago
Hmmm...the link to youtube says it's private. Can somebody give me the blow by blow (pun intended) of the scene? As a connoisseur of the pornographic arts this is relevant to my intrests.
over 12 years ago
@ Joker yeah! me and batman are getting married! our mutant bat-robin offspring will protect us from your joker estacy gas, joker!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_121124]@Joker[/url] MY HEART BELONGS TO ROBIN YOU BASTARD!!!!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_121123]@Batman[/url] how about we make a gay cutscene of our own, bats! HAHAHA!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_121121]@Joker[/url] Thats not true , THATS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!
over 12 years ago
I would dislike the video also, not for the reason you think though. Going by FanFiction.net Male Shepard is clearly in love with Garrus.

Bioware's lack of accuracy disgusts me. Where is Brokeback Garrus and L-Word Tali? I am not pleased Bioware.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_121120]@Batman[/url] I am your father, bats! HAHAHA! i f****d your mother!
over 12 years ago
gay tony
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_121111]@AnalDongDelivery[/url] you like nightclubs , babe ? how fast can u make it to liberty city ?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120943]@Anon[/url] I used to be an in the closet homosexual like you. But then i took a dick to the knee. Give me you address and i may pop in through the backdoor at night if your looking for a good time, honey.
over 12 years ago
Girl-on-girl, gamers have no problem.

Guy-on-guy, gamers throws a hissy-fit.

People seem to forget that the term "gay" also applies for lesbians...
over 12 years ago
@Raphael Angelus:
>implying people don't cuddle
over 12 years ago
I dunno, I'm a guy and I know i wouldn't mind bedding Garrus, Thane, Mordin (I would ask him to sing to me in bed), or Jacob even I didn't play a femshep.
Raphael Angelus
over 12 years ago
Woah woah! WTF IS SHEPARD DOING WITH THAT MAN! one of them needs to be lower, or facing the other way.. huehue
Andrew Hall
over 12 years ago
Bromosexuality. Brindency. BRONIES. Maybe our parents were all right about the corrupting effects of games and gaming webcomics after all. xD

over 12 years ago
@?: One word: Bronies.
over 12 years ago
I really like her mane.
over 12 years ago
Oh really? Is the clitoris for making babies too? What a dipshit.
over 12 years ago
Triple Standards?
Be polite, be efficient, always have a pony to be with?
Blu Mage
over 12 years ago
Mmm bromance
over 12 years ago
Why is the like bar larger on the pony..?
Hedinisum Bot
over 12 years ago
OH! How Deliciously Absurd!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_121051]@Notoryctyemorph[/url]: Maybe with all those sentient aliens more conservative beings would be glad to be able to have sex with something of their species.
over 12 years ago
Didn't they do same sex romances in Dragon age? So I don't find this very surprising...
over 12 years ago
My only problem is the EVERYONE IS BI thing that comes across as a resut of including homosexual romance.

If it were just one or two characters only romanceable as the same sex, it would be fine. It would be even better if one or two characters were ONLY available as homosexual love interests.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_121047]@gimmethegepgun[/url]: Not to say that the douchebags that enter a "gay sex" labeled video and vote it down are people worth giving a shit about.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120907]@LDM[/url]: le sigh, if only we had the choice to be an Asari instead. Then we could get with everyone and not a single person worth giving a shit about would complain. Oh well.
over 12 years ago
Miranda > Ashley

Also, inb4 Heresy!
Dr. Obso1337
over 12 years ago
This has probably been said, but it's funny because people go out of their way to watch and down-vote it. Why go into a video that says "Gay Sex" when you know you aren't gonna like it? Repressed homosexual desires maybe?
over 12 years ago
Personally I've never had a problem with someone else s sexuality unless it involved me somehow. Like a gay guy coming on to me or I make a pass at a lesbian and then it's just awkward. I've known many homosexuals and found them just as annoying/funny/smart/bigoted etc as everyone else.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_121036]@jso[/url]: Well that's one of the most incoherent comments I've seen today. Keep up the good work.
over 12 years ago
no one likes looking at two guys having sex, except for fat tubs with 10 cats
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_121031]@Meowmix[/url]: You find it disgusting? Then dont roleplay a gay shep. Easy as that.
over 12 years ago
I find male gay sex quite disgusting, and I would have disliked the video if the youtube video wasn't set to private.

problem wit that?
over 12 years ago
Hypocrisy is alive and well it seems
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_121002]@Alex[/url]: It's Ashley actually.
over 12 years ago
I choose option three.
over 12 years ago
Shep WOULD do that.
over 12 years ago
Well, did anyone really expected a different reaction? Still most gamers are staight males, and still they don't appreciate being exposed to guy-on-guy sex scenes. What's next? You introduce me to that freakin new thing they call gravity?
over 12 years ago
But... Miranda? Seriously?
over 12 years ago
What, no varren?
over 12 years ago
After Ponies, some people already knows the next step is Fem X Bro Shepards experience.

Sasha Nekosune
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120831]@pong[/url] Well in this one there are. The Yeoman and Shuttle pilots are completely Gay. Lieutenant Cortez and Samantha Traynor.
over 12 years ago
thgir tnia tsuj taht
over 12 years ago
.......Suprise Buttseckes!
The Lord High Executioner
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120943]@Anon[/url] You and are quite alike. I too, despite scientific evidence and conventional logic, believe that homosexuals are the Spawn of Satan. After all, is it not written in the Good Book: "Love your neighbors, as long as they are straight, white Christians"?
Mr. B
over 12 years ago
@Bed Inspection: Gayshep bit it too hard.
Mr. B
over 12 years ago
Why anyone would pick the god-awful male VA over Jennifer Fucking Hale is beyond me.
Bed Inspection
over 12 years ago
Wheres the pillow in all of this?!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120976]@MartyMcFly[/url]: Uh no, it's just wanting to be accepted. It has nothing to do with "enforcing" anything, there is more than one way to live life after all.
over 12 years ago
Its a unicorn too, que horn jokes:
That pony sure is 'horny'
Shep: I really like its horn!
Is that your horn, or are you happy to see me?
over 12 years ago
I will just leave this here...

over 12 years ago
I find it funny...there are so few gay and lesbian people around the world but now it would be best that 95% of the characters should be able to be gay or lesbian.
The homo movement wants to enforce their way on the dumb straight fucks.
To all the HOMOS out there: FUCK YOU.
over 12 years ago
It's funny because it's a clop joke!

no seriously though, great comic here!
(going to try and ignore the people who use the word ponyfag and clearly cannot understand a joke about the internet as a whole, whelp, I've already failed this).
over 12 years ago
Gamers: Never knowing what the bloody fuck they want.
Random Internet Person #13242452
over 12 years ago
Hey, isn't that the same pony who was a Spy a while back? I sense a new recurring character!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120937]@Idiots[/url] You must be new here. The photonotes clearly show there are bronies here. Go back to kindergarden, you have a long way until you can fully explore the internet.
over 12 years ago
skunk: hepler actually didn't work on Mass Effect. The 'screenshot' where she says otherwise was shopped.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
As with all fan groups, there's obviously a very small percentage that give the rest of the group a bad reputation. Take Homestuck and ponies for example.

On another note I find it funny the button to turn in a message is labeled "Troll NOW!!". Which makes perfect sense.
over 12 years ago
Expecting tolerance and rationality out of youtube commenters is kind of dumb.
over 12 years ago
The problem isn't that there is a gay option. The problem is that Hamburger Hepler goes on and on about how it is the ONLY way to get the REAL Mass Effect experience.
over 12 years ago
Actually there's no "pony" here people complaining about anything, but there is a bunch of morons like Sir and Zero-00 complaining about these phantom people.

You folks may want to get yourselves examined for serious mental illness.
over 12 years ago
So if I understand well, ponyfags are disgusted by broshep, but not bestiality?
You guys are fucked up.
over 12 years ago
fucking pony faggots, they bitch and moan about people messing with their fandom yet they do the same to others and don't even give a fuck. the most pathetic thing about it is that instead of making anything original for their fandom all they do is mash it up with other stuff & piss off those fans
over 12 years ago
I for one am disgusted that there is no Shepard on Shepard pairings. WE DEMAND A CLONING MACHINE.
over 12 years ago
First scene should continue
don't care for the rest, but it wouldn't hurt to see where they go for those interested
over 12 years ago
D --> i think i may need a towel
over 12 years ago
They made Shepard gay buttsecks video private, does anyone have a working link?
over 12 years ago
where is the 5-some?
Seriously, where is it?
Sir Fredrick
over 12 years ago
>"Theres going to be lots of pony flamewars!!!!!"
>Gay flame wars arise
>no mention of ponies in sight
over 12 years ago
It's not that they hate it for being gay, it's that they hate it because it's like a fucking yaoi fan-fic. I'm gay myself and I hate it too. The whole gay Shepard thing would be fine if they actually had writers who knew how to put it in. But Bioware is shit at romance.
over 12 years ago
This is crap. Why do I have to chose. Can't I have Shep with a man and a woman? Or Femshep with a woman and a man?

or Anyshep with a man, a woman, and a pony?
Mr Sparkle
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120842]@Anon[/url] If homosexuality was a choice, there would be a heck of a lot less gay people out there. I don't know many who would willingly want to suffer through all that hatred if they could just "choose" to be attracted to the opposite sex.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120842]@anon[/url] Actually, the difference between bigots and normal people is that a bigot tries to force his/her own narrow world view on others. Not only that, but they try to back up their opinion with weak arguments.
Some Other Guy
over 12 years ago
I don't care what gender you are, Garrus is the only companion worthy of Shep's love.
Shipping! Shipping I say!
over 12 years ago
I like how there are more people saying there's going to be raging pony fans than there are raging pony fans...
over 12 years ago
Panel 1: Nice!
Panel 2: I'm ok with this
Anon is a Bigot
over 12 years ago
Well, as a gay man, I kinda feel that this thread is awesome for how many people feel Anon is a bigoted, low-intellect, fool for his hateful rants. Its nice to see support.

As for lesbian shep vs gayshep, its this way in ANY Bioware game. Gay men get no love, other than by fan girls.
over 12 years ago
It's not like animals are homosexual in around the same % as humans or anything right. Almost as if it does have some benefit to the survival of a species.
over 12 years ago
the problem is femshep having shirt while broshep can be naked.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Ironicly one of the most natural feeling 'romances' in a bioware game, was never finished so you can't complete the romance
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120817]@Watashiwa[/url]: Totally agree. It's rare to find well-written romance in videogame. And I am confident, that i didn't see good romances in bioware games. And doesn't matter, straight or gay. They both are felt forced and unnatural.
over 12 years ago
I'd buy the pony dlc.
Picker of Nits
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120842]@Anon[/url]: Vasectomies and tube tying are choices. So are contraception and abstinence. And hell, while infertility isn't necessarily one's choice, having sex with someone who is infertile is. Funny thing is homosexuality still isn't. So yeah, you really don't have an argument. Troll harder.
over 12 years ago
How much pay for pony DLC?!
over 12 years ago

Wrex should be a romance option. I also want to see a Gay, Power Top Volus.
over 12 years ago
Isn't this poking fun of any xeno rom in the game as well? I mean you're not even from the same part of the galaxy.
The only real problem to me is the lack of well written gay people in games in general. Like Lorgy said: gay people probably have other interests than showing you how gay they are.
over 12 years ago
Goodness, we have one smart Anon here. He knows better than all the psychologists, and the naturalists too! Who do they think they are, claiming something is 'natural' just because it has been observed in nature?

Better get off your computer Anon, that shit's not natural either.
over 12 years ago
HA, so true, xenophilia ftw XD
over 12 years ago
Eh, I'd probaby read the fanfic that lead up to that last one.

I can only imagine how many world-shattering monstrosities would have their asses kicked by the general badassery that is characters from MLP and their absurd combat skill, and I could use a good dose of badass today anyway.
over 12 years ago
Luiz Rafael, or whoever wrote the photo note "Fanfic.net the movie" on Shepard Gay scene...
Good job.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120842]@Anon[/url] Look at it this way: Society is becoming more and more accepting of Homosexuality, regardless of what you may think. So, you can either keep complaining like an idiot or quit your bitching and deal with it, Nancy, the world doesn't give a shit about what you think.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120843]@Temperjoke[/url]: I Still! havent gotten past the first box :3
over 12 years ago
Oh my god. This is the best picture of NerfNow ever.
over 12 years ago
Is it weird that it took me 5 minutes to get past the first box?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120839]@fishbulb[/url]: Everyone is a bigot, because everyone is going to have something they don't like. Bigot is a buzzword people like to use when someone else doesn't feel the same way about things as they do. And soft science psychologists can come up with all the bullshit they want. You choose to a homo
An Onymous
over 12 years ago
Considering all he's been through (including death and reincarnation), I think Shepard's sexual preferences can be forgiven.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120834]@anon[/url] You can choose to be a bigot, but you can't choose your sexual identity. http://guyism.com/wp-content/uploads/the-more-you-know.jpg
BLU Scout
over 12 years ago
Alright Jo, you win this round. I laughed. But its nothing, I laugh cause I want too. You wanna make something about it! I'll see YOU in Badlands!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120830]@Shader[/url]: An infertile person doesn't choose to be infertile, a homosexual chooses to be homosexual. And those claiming that since animals can be homosexual so it must be natural seriously must be joking. They still don't reproduce with their same sex sexual encounter so it's still not natural.
over 12 years ago
Oh and Bioware does have the tendency to make too many people bisexual. Sexuality is a defining trait, a person's identity...make some straight, some bi and some totally gay. I don't think they've ever had a gay-only character in any of their games.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120814]@Anon[/url] Actually, it's quite natural. "A 1999 review by researcher Bruce Bagemihl shows that homosexual behavior has been observed in close to 1,500 species, ranging from primates to gut worms" That and by reasoning of 'Repoduction', infertile couples are disgusting.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120813]@Aramaru[/url] I don't know, I guess because Shepard was straight for 2 games and can now suddenly be gay. As long as Shepard doesn't have some sort of crisis about his sexuality or something, who cares?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120812]@Eugene[/url] Would imagine it would come under Xenophilia, as Zoophilia implies non-sentience. And I'm not surprised at Youtubes reaction. It's vocal user base is hardly a bastion of sophistication. Or common decency.
over 12 years ago
...Eh. I'm one of those weird people who doesn't like romance in games at all. It always comes off forced, awkward and stilted.

And not in the way it is those things in real life.
Another Anon
over 12 years ago
Honestly, I hate close-minded bigots, they're unnatural, you can't have an intelligent conversation with talking to someone who won't listen, that alone should tell you something. Then bigots grasp at the piss poor excuse of "I'm right, you're wrong". No, everyone can be good, you're just not.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120814]@Anon[/url]: O hai there.
over 12 years ago
Honestly, I hate homosexuality, it's unnatural, you can't reproduce by laying with someone of the same gender, that alone should tell you something. Then homosexuals grasp at the piss poor of excuse of "I'm born this way". No, everyone has a choice, yours isn't the accepted one.
over 12 years ago
Why the big deal about the gay/bi main character? The Fallout series has been doing that since the original; and New Vegas even had both male and female gay characters as companions. Not to mention plenty of Bioware's older games let you flirt or even sleep with those of the same sex..
over 12 years ago
I wonder, sex with a pony: it is zoophilia or xenophilia...
over 12 years ago
Yeah. My Shepard is Bi. Deal with it.
over 12 years ago
Homophobia is heavily linked to uncertainty about one's own gender identity, which is not as heavily linked to one's sexuality as people have been told for the last millennium or so. The sooner people start to accept this, the better.
tl;dr: don't hate what doesn't hurt in any way
Rain Harper
over 12 years ago
Triple standards? Are You seriously complaining about evolution?
over 12 years ago
I don't mind mass effect 3 having male gay romance, ON ONE CONDITION. If it's like DA2 I am gonna rage so hard. Seriusly, in DA2 every male within a 1km radius was constantly ready to jump on you all the time. Completly destroyed immersion.
And honestly I'm concerned with the trend going now.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120796]@crazyredemu[/url] Oldest, lamest and dumbest excuse is still just that.
over 12 years ago
I play as female shepherd cause if Im going to be staring at someones ass for hours on end (third person view anyway) might as well be a chick cause Im straight
over 12 years ago
Comared to weird pony sex or hot lesbian action the gay sex would be the most boring option in my opinion.

"This is commander Shepard and this is my favorite kind of sex "
Shepard on every and any kind of sex.
Motherfucker would hit anything anyway.
over 12 years ago
As of my posting, no one has drawn a box over the middle panel with 'hilarious' caption in it.

I don't think people are ready to accept same-sex relationships just yet.
over 12 years ago
The irony being that Pony fandom doesn't really mind the fringe of furries, anthro-fans, Rule 34, gay, straight, male, female, young, old, demographics. All different in their unique ways, but the fandom usually can get by accepting it, though some still quibble a bit. Gays alone however....
over 12 years ago

Only gays like MLP.
over 12 years ago
Of course, people will talk more about ponies than gay sex in this comments section...

Edit: I think the lesson here should be: Shepard will hit on anything that move. And some that doesn't.
over 12 years ago
I r amused
Jo is best troll
over 12 years ago
Hahaha ! Jo, you silly troll :)
Homosexuality + ME + ponies = giga flame war.
You're perfect, Jo. :D
*sits down*
*takes some popcorn*
*watches the incomming rage*
over 12 years ago
I'm calling it
inb4 shitstorm of haters

As said by wkz:
"Ponies + anything = raging idiots."
the1andonly joe
over 12 years ago
i am disapoint. where is femshep/pony sex scene. i want my lesbian ponies god damn it!
over 12 years ago
I think that's a stallion....should be a mare
over 12 years ago
Those guys actually roleplay really really gay and now they actually see the consequences.
over 12 years ago
Jo has forgotten the rule that is before the question of Bro-Shepard sleeping with who: Ponies + anything = raging idiots.

*ducks out from the comments before the flames*
over 12 years ago
Okay, remind me to wash my brain in lye.
over 12 years ago
Truer facts have never been uttered.
over 12 years ago
Pretty much, yeah.