What people are saying about "Mistakes From The Past"
Mistakes From The Past
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over 12 years ago
I like romance the Paragon femshep way:
Date Kaidan;cheat with Thane; Thane dies; go back to Kaidan
over 12 years ago
Sorry, Kaidan. As far as my Femshep goes, it's Sistahs before Mistahs.
over 12 years ago
meh, I left Ashley because my shep and Kaidan were bros, and "Bros before Hoes"
There were other reasons, but that was pretty key in my decision
over 12 years ago
I'm in the camp that hates Ashley's new design. It reads as a complete character derailment. Even that pales in comparison to what they've done to EDI, though. Jesus, BioWare. There's no excuse for what they've done there.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119381]@DrDarkheart[/url]: I left Kaidan alive because at least he had personality Ashley whined about how she hated aliens and how her life was so hard because of her grandfather's decisions so I let her go out and they gave her a medal I say I picked right!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119663]@hack[/url] Carth was cool in the KOTOR comics though: http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/3757/knights21019.jpg
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119629]@Anon[/url] and considering that Carth was pretty damned annoying in and of himself, that's quite a statement.
over 12 years ago
The problem with Kaiden is that he's just an annoying version of Carth, seeping all sense of originality out of the series. Ashley's a cunt, but she's less annoying than Kaiden.
fly man
over 12 years ago
if you sit back that fly looks like a nipple on her... 0.0
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119493]@Malygon[/url]: Oh. I figured a bad tech would kill the Fire Team Leader since a bad TL kills a good tech.
over 12 years ago
Sorry, Ashley looks like a dude in drag, you've been duped.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119486]@gimmethegepgun[/url] Well depends who you send as a technician. Only a loyal Tali, Legion or Kasumi will survive. And they won't survive if you send a bad fire team leader, that's true. Miranda is.. pretty hard to kill actually. Best way to kill her is to bring her to the end fight disloyal.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119481]@Naumhagatos[/url]: Too bad the ACTUAL way to kill the technician is to send a shitty Fire Team Leader :/
over 12 years ago
I sense much man-hate amongst the women in this comic lol
over 12 years ago
I had to kill Ashley in my replay of the game, as I accidentally activated her romance-subplot and was saving my Shepard for Tali.

Kind of gives it a cool "Could have been" feeling, anyway.
over 12 years ago
"Some" cartoonists elect Miranda has the most hot one.

But others...
over 12 years ago
I honestly forgot I even had human squad mates until Virmire happened in ME1.

They just seemed so boring compared to Space Batman, Faceless Moe Alien, and Urdnot "You Should Eat Them" Wrex
Wall o Text
over 12 years ago
makes you Space Hitler. Then again considering the devotion(ie: stupidity) of the more vocal Tali lovers (yes she's awesome, no she is not Space Babe Jesus) I suppose I shouldn't be suprised. I don't even like Ashley that much, but the hate she gets is massively disproportionate to what she deserves
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over 12 years ago
As for the alien hating. Jacob is more anti-alien (he calls Garrus a cuttlefish, only they can use that word) than Ashley was. Evidently expressing skepticism about letting a Quarian(they have a reputation for being theives and Ashley likely has never met one before Tali) have access to the engine
Wall of Text
over 12 years ago
thumping Jesus freak who lynched alien children on weekends based on what most people who dislike her say it. She never even mentions what religion she follows for fucksake. The "zealot" crap is just insecure internet Athiests who take any mention of religion as a personal attack against them.
Wall o Text
over 12 years ago
Geth shrine on Feros where she jokes that "if they're looking for God I can show them the way" hint: she meant she was going to kill them and send them to meet their maker.

If you don't like Ashley's character that's fine, but the reason people give are ungodly stupid. You'd think she was a bible
Wall o Text
over 12 years ago
As for being religious, do you people know what a religious zelot is? Ashley casually mentions her father "being with God" when discussing him with Shepard and asks Shep if he/her has a problem with Ashley believing in God. And that's it. The only other time she mentions God is when you find the
Wall o Text
over 12 years ago
again a reasonable assumption shared by Captain Anderson himself. When you imply that she might be prejudice against aliens (Terra Firma) she's pissed that you'd compare her to them. With good reason since that's basically the equivlanet of calling a Conservative Republican(Ashley) a Klansman.
Incomming Wall o' Text
over 12 years ago
Somebody mind explaining how Ashley is "racist and super religious". She's skeptical about having aliens on the prototype Alliance warship, a reasonable concern that any military minded person would have. She believes that humans shouldn't trust the council because the council is wary of humans,
over 12 years ago
Blu Mage
over 12 years ago
Kaiden fans frown on your shenanigans.
Also I chose Kaiden because he's always been down for shepard and actually is a cool bro, plus I always wanted Tali
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119462]@Bindal[/url]: Because the aliens are racist
over 12 years ago
I thought that was Ashley lol. Couldnt tell cause she wasnt wearing her white/pink armor.

Regardless, Kaidan is my homeboy. ManShep Kaidan Garrus Dream-team-bro-squad!

In actual fact, I probably would have saved Ashley had it not been the more logical choice to help Kaidan.
over 12 years ago
im starting a new save in 1 and playing through again because i meant to save ashley in 1 but messed up.
i do like the xenos as well, i often used tali/legion as my squa in 2 for the ironies
over 12 years ago
@@ savagesavant: Not really, if you actually played the first game.
@ savagesavant
over 12 years ago
Tali > Ashley for the simple reason that Ashley and her family are racist.
over 12 years ago
Some people prefer to romance someone who is passive, submissive, and worships the ground Shepard walks on(see Tali,Liara,Miranda). Others prefer a woman who has strong beliefs and the courage to stick by them(Ashley). Personally i'm glad I am the latter, partially because the sex is so much better.
Khârn the Betrayer
over 12 years ago
All I care about in ME3 is Tali. The way Bioware is going this may be my last game I buy from them. :
over 12 years ago
I like how all you "I hate her 'cause she hats Xenos" people would probably hate xenos, too, in her position. But since it's a fantasy world and you get to see all the sides of the issue, and you haven't lived through a war with them, you get to pretend you're 'above' all that 'nonsense.'
over 12 years ago
I haven't played ME2 yet, but I liked Ashley in #1. So she was distrusting of alien races... makes total sense, and she didn't act on it. So she's religious... her choice, and she didn't rub it in my face. Can't we disagree with a character without hating them?
I let her die but I felt guilty.
over 12 years ago
Meh. Ashley isn't hot enough for me to bring her back. BROS BEFORE HOES, MAN. ..... unless it's a lesbian 3-way with Miranda and Kelly.
over 12 years ago
I let Ashley die for 3 reasons:
1 - She's fucking annoying, stupid bitch
2 - Kaidan is a super nice dude who struggled to become the fine soldier he is
3 - I wanted to bang Liara, she's way more hot
Neverthless, Tali > All chicks in Mass Effect.
over 12 years ago
Miranda is pretty <3.

In all seriousness, I don't think Ashley can be better anyway they might change her. The tragic British woman is always gonna be my choice.
over 12 years ago
Ashley is alive in my game. I still hate her xenophobic ass.
over 12 years ago
What? Ashley is still a ugly ass religous annoyance. Leaving her on Virmire was the best thing ive done in my shepards career.
Now if only i had killed off Miranda as delibertly...
over 12 years ago
Guys you are aware all Ashley did was let down her hair, right?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119441]@Stravagante[/url]: Wrex wasent angry (well maybe except a bit in the entire my species is doomed thing) but among the Krogans we have met in both games he is the most level headed of them all, which says something.
over 12 years ago
Not a fan of new look Ashley. I actually didn't think she looked terrible in the first game, her apperance fit her profession. I'm still fine with touching up her face a bit, but why the hell does she have long hair? That's a horribly impracticle haircut for someone fighting on the front lines.
over 12 years ago
Ah Kaiden, Bioware does love their bland male romance options. Seriously; Carth, Kaiden, Alister, Jacob, Fenris, and Anders? Because that's what women love, boring and/or angsty men. Although Fenris isn't terrible and at least Garrus is cool, still miss Sky from Jade Empire though.
over 12 years ago
I always liked playing pimp-male Shepard and romance any female in both games. As for Kaiden..meh, he was just cannon fodder.
over 12 years ago
I liked Kaiden. He was an actual guy, didn't have to push his agenda in your face or had a traumatic past that needed fixing.
Garrus, stick up his ass. Wrex, angry guy.
Kaiden; your XO. "Ready when you are, Commander."
Ashley was... well, just not someone I liked enough to romance. Not BAD tho.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119439]@GumbyX[/url]: As if Jo would ever've bothered with such details...
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119392]@Bindal[/url]: You can't get involved with Ashley as FemShep as far as I know, so its not clear.
over 12 years ago
Picked as a companion to protect her
Ok, let´s go save the rest
Ashley activates the nuke
Internal debate of whether to return or not
Respected her choice, I couldn´t let my feelings get in the way of what was already planned
Shed a tear and remained single until ME2
An Onymous
over 12 years ago
Meh, I still prefer the asari.
over 12 years ago
I should give the point that both of them were Jerks in ME2, but in ME1 she was bitchin all the time. About aliens (wake up, Ashley, we are able to pursue Saren thanks to the help of a Quarian) about Shepard's decisions or anything if you ask her.

I wonder why Ashley didn't join cerberus.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119410]@qq[/url]: Why else would anyone want her? I guess Space Jerry Falwell might enjoy the conversation?
over 12 years ago
Ashley's already a space racist. You really think she's going to be OK with being space gay?

"This isn't natural, Shepard!"
over 12 years ago
Blue Skin all the waaaaaaaaay.
I could stare at it all daaaaaay.
Tentacle hair, didn't you hear me say?
I'll be with it from blue to gray.
over 12 years ago
Ashley? What is an Ashley? Maybe I should ask Kaidan. I remember leaving behind someone who behaved like an Ass back in Virmire, but nothing of value was lost.

It's not like Kaidan is awesome, but at least he didn't go smartass all the time, and even showed a little respect to others.
over 12 years ago
I let her live in ME 1, as I though it was that dude's - that I forgot the name- wish.
And I also though they would pull some "his experimental chip overloaded protecting him from the explosion" crap.
over 12 years ago
Shep, hate to break it to you, but that's not Ash. You left her kissing a nuke, there shouldn't be any body left. So apparently, someone sold you cloned body or some other look-alike.

Which is perfectly fine if you want her just for looks.
over 12 years ago
wow quick edit ;), btw kaidan is dead to me =X
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119397]@Peddie[/url]: Or maybe the original ashley was just kinda fugly especially after seeing miranda so they had to make her look better (thats what i think anyways), regardless I like her new look :). And as long as they have her quoting old poetry still I'm happy. Also Think of the fanservice as a plus :D
over 12 years ago
I didn't like Ashley's character... but Kaidan didn't have much character at all, just left me ambivalent.

Who to save during Virmie was an easy choice... Captain Kirrahee and his men. Whichever squad mate happens to be with him can hitch a ride too I guess.
over 12 years ago
Nothing hot about the new Ashley, plus it contradicts her very character, she's a practical military girl, not some cheesecake supermodel.

And it kind of shows that Bioware doesn't think very highly of us if they think we need this blatant fanservice to play their games.
Monetary Value?
over 12 years ago
There are those times... that I feel awfully alone; particularly in liking the original Ashley just how she was. Old poetry and racism made for enjoyable dialogue in my opinion and she actually looked like a soldier... well bare the pink armor. (I mean, WTF? Pink, really?)
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119391]@GumbyX[/url]: Chest says everything, don't you think?
over 12 years ago
So is this FemShep or GuyShep in this comic? Higher brain functions are limited this early in the morning, so help a guy out.
over 12 years ago
I kept ashley alive no matter what :3, loved her new look in me3 so i hope to god we get another smexy sex scene :3
over 12 years ago
ME1 was so long ago that I actually don't remember whether I let her live back then. Time flies in the gaming world xD
over 12 years ago
I kept Ashley alive in my second playthrough, which is the one I'm probably going to continue in ME3, though I am interested how she'll react to me being with Liara...
over 12 years ago
I left Ashley alive because at least she had personality Kaidan whined about how he was gonna die from him implants and how he had terrible headaches so I let him go out and they made a Biotic Academy in his honor I say I picked right!
over 12 years ago
but Ashley looks terrible, even worse than Miranda
Any Sane Person With Eyes
over 12 years ago
Ashley looks like a drag queen now.

Long hair is not practical in combat.


over 12 years ago
Never had problems with Ash at any point. Heck, she even survived my playthroughs with my FemShep (while Kaiden always was going to bite the dust). Still, FemShep got Garrus at the end of ME2 for me.
over 12 years ago
Honestly the human squadmates are never as interesting as the xenos. Garrus and Tali were my team in ME1, my team in ME2 and they're going to be my team in ME3.

If Origin ever rolls over, dies, and lets me get the games from Steam.
over 12 years ago
Meh I have one save with Ashely and one with Kaidan and I am romancing none of them.

Give me Liara (Male Shepard) and Garrus (Fem Shepard) any day.

over 12 years ago
who's kayden? :trollface: