saw the picture of his (kindafrozen?) corpse his arms were stretched and his hands were like when you normally play games
over 12 years ago
Dammit the link died. What did it say?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_115622]@cnj[/url]: you went 51.5 hours without a restroom break, food, sleep, and while sitting still in a chair? That doesn't seem physically possible.
over 12 years ago
damn. i didnt know someone was checking for records. i did play for 51.5 hours straight a few years ago. Maybe i was a world record and didnt know :D
over 12 years ago
Actually, when I saw the papers that day, he was playing WOW...then again, there's enough newspapers in Taiwan each with different versions of the same story to confuse and troll people.
Sorry guys, spammers are on crack today. Don't bother replying to them, I'm working on keeping it down as best as I can.
Now that's determination
over 12 years ago
According to the article, he was found with his hands still on (or stretched towards) the mouse and keyboard. Gotta hand it to him, the kid had grit.
over 12 years ago
A HoN player just broke the Guinness World Record, he played 76 hours. 56 hours straight, then 6 hour sleep then the rest of the hours played.
over 12 years ago
As seen on Kotaku
An Onymous
over 12 years ago
I remember reading a news similar to this one a few years back; something about a Chinese man dying after non-stop video game playing for 2-3 days. Compared to that, this guy was just starting. Not that I think he deserved to die, but if you play 23 hours straight, well....your kinda asking for it.
over 12 years ago
it IS possible, just as u said: 'Consecutive'. Dota, wow and other players can handle days even weeks playing, but everyone takes a break, 10-30 min break for coffe, smoke, eat, etc. If this dude got 23 hours without a single stop for do these basic things, yah, he can die, better, WE can die
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_115286]@troll[/url]: played 2 days straight? You may be alive, but can't say you have a life. tui-bum-dish. (of course, this coming from a guy online 12 hours/day)
over 12 years ago
Also, food for thought: go search google for "scandinavia and the world funny movie", read the strip that pops up and read the author's explanation.
THEN try getting angry at Jo for making humor out of death.
over 12 years ago
Just gotta love the media's bullshit, ive played 2 days straight before (not counting bathroom breaks, food breaks) and look! im still alive! :O
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_115233]@wkz[/url]: More like obsessively playing games, or anything for that matter, and ignoring ones health can lead to ones death.
over 12 years ago
"Chen's family told police that he suffered from a heart condition and officers believe that a combination of fatigue, lack of movement and the cold weather, may have caused him to have a heart attack."
Despite this paragraph, the linked article focuses on "playing games = death".
Heh. "News"
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_114813]@Anonymous[/url]: You missed my point. I agree with you totally. Just had to say he wasn't a loser. All the flaming is the real waste of life.
over 12 years ago
Its completely possible, IF you do not move, at all.
Same thing happens to truck drivers.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
People die from overdose of alcohol,and from overdose of gaming, crap happens.At least koreans are crazy when video games are involved and would never say they killed him. Games don't kill, people do it themselves, losing awareness.Moral of strip- remember that there is such thing as too much of fun
that dude
over 12 years ago
23 hours? We did that just now after Soul calibur 5s release. And i did 3 days straight on Skyrims release
over 12 years ago
He was playing LoL when he was found dead. Fact. Did he played only LoL? No one is sure about it. South Korea have some serious issues with this absurd gaming habits the youngers are developing there: We are talking of a country that puts Star Craft on the TV gold hours! I think I'm gonna see a MD.
Smart guy proclaimed dumb
over 12 years ago
Of course the media doesn't talk about how he really died and just automatically blames video games. That's all they want to say "video games are bad and you should feel bad"
over 12 years ago
I've pulled longer in worse games before.
over 12 years ago
*coughs loudly* As someone with a heart condition, and being a gamer, I'm going to call semi-bullshIt on the article. While I'm sure 23 hours of pure gaming probably had some effect on his death, there's no way in sh*tting hell it was all LoL. The article doesn't give any info on his life, ie food.
over 12 years ago
Thats totally the way I wanna die, except after 50 hours at least. I mean come on, 23 hours? I pull that off everytimes I buy a new Zelda game.
And I cant believe some people are offended by the comic, its hilarious. What did you actually know that guy? People have hearth attack every seconds.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_114626]@L[/url]: 5 star post right there dude!
over 12 years ago
What, this story again? I thought it was Starcraft, last time it rolled around. Snopes, away!
That said...gaming 23 hours straight isn't that hard, though I could see being in a cafe and potentially losing your place if you went for a potty break as a problem. But at home? Easy.
over 12 years ago
This is funny because in the time the "offended" people took to type up their comment, 2-3 children starved to death.
over 12 years ago
You people act like death doesn't get made fun of all the time, what the fuck is wrong with your dumb asses? This situation especially isn't new. We're not pissing on his grave, just making light of the situation. Society acting like this is why the world is a miserable place.
over 12 years ago
there's nothing statistically significant about a person spending 23/24 hours online dying while online. such a person only has a 1/24 chance of dying while not online, assuming that the time of day isn't a factor when a person dies.
over 12 years ago
A lot of players in Korea a while back started dying from heart attacks because they were drinking too much caffeine to keep them awake for days.
over 12 years ago
@Gamesman : You miss the poiny. It's not Jo who's being offensive, there are just a lot of people on the Internet who get offended too easily.
over 12 years ago
I'm not sure if Jo is purposely trying to make the past few comics and this one offensive. Not to say that I have a problem with it, but there are tons of butthurt around here.
over 12 years ago
Only 24 hours? I think some people played for longer times on Evercrack.
over 12 years ago
He died doing something he loved (obviously) besides sex what better way to go? If your heart craps out on you that's usually all she wrote. Having had a few near fatal asthma attacks as a child I say he got lucky and could enjoy life till the drop. Hope they have to pry me away at 120+.
over 12 years ago
Not in good taste.
over 12 years ago
Dammit, Jo fixed the Engrish.
over 12 years ago
not a single hngggggggggg photo note?
son i am dissapoint
over 12 years ago
Who the fuck plays so many hours in a row O__O
Lord of the dance
over 12 years ago
And you know his team reported him for leaving/afk.
over 12 years ago
My personal best (worst?) is 40 hours straight, second was 22 hours. Fuckin' casuals...
I am sorry for him to have died so ridiculously
Liro Raeriyo
over 12 years ago
this hits close to home, i almost died doing the same thing, hahaha sucks to be this bastard, he actually did bite the dust.
over 12 years ago
If you have a fucking heart problem and you play a fucking game for 23 hours you have more than just a heart problem.
Those of you who can't take a joke, lighten the fuck up.
Violence Jack
over 12 years ago
Does that make me insensitive? No, that makes me a realist that acepts death as part of life. Btw Jo that comic made me laugh out loud :D, one less casual to bother us haha. Sorry for english not native speaker.
Violence Jack
over 12 years ago
And yes ive had relatives die on me and i moved on... and got 2 more relatives on death's door knowing they will die soon, so should i be sad and depressed? hell no, they had their live for ill or good, now they go to oblivion. (i must have a klingon bone in me :P)
Violence Jack
over 12 years ago
I usualy dont comment but damn ppl, who cares about people dieing? thousands of people die every day, thousands born everyday its the cycle of life, you and i will die one day as well, why cry over it. Just enjoy it while it lasts, and laugh at death face when it comes for you...
over 12 years ago
Sorry but work, food, restroom breaks, school, and personal health outrank any game. People dying because of a game could consider it more akin to Darwinism.
Also, I think it was about 36 straight hours for someone on WoW.
over 12 years ago
I... Didn't really like today's comic. I mean, the comic itself at first felt like just one of those comics saying how the asians play way too much, but upon knowing it was a real story you're making fun of... Yeah, kind of depressing, you know.
Jews Did 11/09
over 12 years ago
Some people don't have the guts for Dark Humor, hahahahahahhahaha.
Fucking Casuals
over 12 years ago
There is always debate as to whether we can poke fun of everything and everybody. A french stand-up artist gave the best answer I ever heard
"You can joke about anything, but not with everyone".
You wouldn't joke about this with the family, but fundamentally one dead somewhere is meaningless.
over 12 years ago
I agree with Seriously. This crosses a line that shouldn't be crossed. You don't make fun of shit like that. Its in bad taste and makes you come off as a dick.
over 12 years ago
cmon this comic goes too far. A Man died these days and its nothing you should make jokes about. Your comics were all awsome but today it feels wrong....
over 12 years ago
Pff lightweight. I've played GTA3 for 72 hours straight. What can i say, it was pretty amazing after GTA2.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
@Light Yagami: my thoughts exactly
over 12 years ago
Reminds me of the videogame rehab camps in korea, poeple die in those all the time.
over 12 years ago
ok, that was pretty harsh.
but in the end, it's the truth.
if it's not war, epidemics or natural disasters like droughts and resulting famines, people tend to destroy themselfs by pulling all sorts of stupid shits.
over 12 years ago
well, that's live. you either take care of your ass, or it rotts 6 feet under.
over 12 years ago
He was in fact, 23 years old... He lost his job recently... He was diagnosed with a heart disease last year... Other players in the cafe ignore him because they don't know he was dead... Some even didn't realize a person was dead when the police was in the scene.
over 12 years ago
hum...I'm Chinese but I didn't see this on TV news.
I found it is Taiwan in original article,Not CN here.
over 12 years ago
Damn you, Kira!
over 12 years ago
Pffft, I agree with casual. From my early teens with the dawn of Mario to even now in twenties I've done multiple 24 hour periods of this game or that. Weak!
over 12 years ago
*Sees "******dics" support a comic I feel is in bad taste*
*walk away confident my opinion is well-founded.*
over 12 years ago
according to the article this 30 year old:
1. he "had a heart condition"
2. he "took frequent nap breaks."
3. there were other contributing factors (like cold whether, apparently it leads to heart attacks)
Talk about media spin.
over 12 years ago
It doesn't take balls to make light of something on the internet, Xenodyne.
over 12 years ago
I'm happy that someone got the balls to make a joke about this. Well played sir.
over 12 years ago
I think it's time for LoL to put a 22 hour limit on gaming and force you to take a two hour break if you stay logged in that long.
BLU Scout
over 12 years ago
Yo, did ya even see me hittin' ya?
over 12 years ago
pfthahahahahaha I bet you think rape is an evil word too. Goddamn get your head out of your ass.
over 12 years ago
The article says that this guy was playing in Taiwan. That's not "in" China.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_114578]@Justin[/url]: You do realise that the article he linked to was insuiating that the games caused people to die of heart failure. That's the joke here, he's making fun of idiots who think this is common.
Light Yagami
over 12 years ago
Another one down. Less competition for me.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
I find it hard to believe he died. When the only people dying from video game playing are in China, a country that continuously tries to crackdown on internet cafes, labels the internet as a treatable addiction and recommends dangerous torture camps to parents and constantly rails on it.
over 12 years ago
Milkfat just played for 76 and a half hours straight to set the world record.
thats not even funny and the game had little to do with it either way lol or dota he would have died if he had a heart condition and played for 23 hours straight....
this wasnt funny even slightly it was kind of rude and i lost a shred of respect for you jo...
Blu Mage
over 12 years ago
Reminds me of Assassin's Creed Poison system
over 12 years ago
wow, after only 23? srsly casual
over 12 years ago
Remember, you are only allowed to laugh if he got a Darwin Award.
And I'd say he's gonna get one soon.
over 12 years ago
I can just see the other people on his team going "Where the hell did he go in the middle of a match?? He better have had a heart attack"
over 12 years ago
23 hours and he only died once. AMAZING
over 12 years ago
his heart just couldn't stand not having fun for that long
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_114545]@V[/url]: Tell that to the KMT.
over 12 years ago
In b4 Jo is grief striken and edits the comic
over 12 years ago
Taiwan and China are two separate entities...kind of.
over 12 years ago
Hey look, Hisao.
over 12 years ago
Then maybe you shouldn't put joking aside?
over 12 years ago
not to sound like an asshole but come on a person dies of a heart attack and a comic like this comes up with an asshole calling the guy who died a fucking casual, but fuck man joking aside way to be a dick
over 12 years ago
the best engrish
over 12 years ago
His 23th hour? Damn, son.
over 12 years ago
Only 23 hours? What a noob.
over 12 years ago
PS: He died because he had a heart condition, not because of League of Legends. It's legitimate though.
over 12 years ago
23 hours and he only died once? Man, that guy is GOOD.