What people are saying about "Massively Singleplayer"
Massively Singleplayer
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almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_100534]@Khira[/url] For a game that asks a subscription fee of me and is fundamentally about multiplayer, I'm going to need more than an enthralling story. Even it's most ardent supporters will readily admit the gameplay is pretty much just WoW. I don't see what the player gained from TOR as opposed to KOTOR 3
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_100587]@Voidheartd[/url]: Sure makes me miss the LFD tool in WoW also...
almost 13 years ago
The solo experience is indeed pretty great. It'd be nice if it were a little easier to do group content though.

Your only real option is spamming general chat, as the "LFG comment" you can set for yourself is useless, as it isn't searchable on the /who window (the tooltip claims it is though).
Darth Naruto
almost 13 years ago
Yo yo yo wassup mah sith niggas and bitches imma like NINJA UP ALL INS
almost 13 years ago
Enthralling story, great for single players and playing together alike... Repeatable heroics quests daily for those who like the more social aspect... I think they did well. But yeah, the initial 1-10 is very single player, but very enthralling. Can't wait until they add armour for neutrals, though.
almost 13 years ago
Hah, this comic is actually kind of my problem with TOR. All of what's listed as the games strengths make me ask "Okay so what made an MMORPG seem like the genre that would best make use of this?"
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_100456]@Niggerdicks[/url]: However, I enjoy the game and so I overlook it. It's an MMO, these kind of things can be updated.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_100456]@Niggerdicks[/url]: Maybe have some items where you need 4000 total Side points but you can remain neutral or close to it. And some of the choices are like "Dark Side: Kill this kitten. Light Side: Kick the kitten". I'm still being a jerk by kicking the kitten, but I get Light Side points.
almost 13 years ago
@Nigerdicks: I do agree with you that the neutral players are boned. My Imperial Agent was pretty neutral until I realized that having 600 Dark and 550 Light wasn't helping me get good gear. Now I've made him into kind of a jerk.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_100456]@Niggerdicks[/url]: You forgot to say how many parsecs, "Hands SoloNigger".
almost 13 years ago
AND HERE COMES MY PREDICTION SPEEDING IN AT LIGHTSPEED. It's not a troll you gullible fucks, you HAVE to choose to be supremely over the top good or bad because gear depends on it. Neutral or morally gray characters get boned. But hey, enjoy your queue times and missing cd keys and discs.
almost 13 years ago
I'd honestly buy a singleplayer version (with no monthly fee), loved the quests and story during the beta. Just kept chat set to npc and other players were some shapes in the distance.
almost 13 years ago
Anon Nub
almost 13 years ago
My suggestion to you and anyone else playing swtor...
Play with a friend, do the quests together, accepting and turning in the quests. Play as different classes.

Make sure to troll each other.
Light Side Jedi + Flexible Smuggler = Hilarious
Its the journey that counts, do it with a friend.
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
Yeah, except my single player BioWare games aren't populated by Darth 'Bater and Hands Solo.
almost 13 years ago
Honestly, when I get rolling on my quests I find it disturbingly easy to tune out the chat window in pursuit of more story. Of course, I'm still leveling, so it might be completely different at end game.
almost 13 years ago
The genre "Massively Singleplayer" actually exists. It was...

Violence Jack
almost 13 years ago
Anyone knows a MMO where i can do that? :P
Violence Jack
almost 13 years ago
I would love to get a MMO that you can do every single thing alone in the game without the "help" of others... And if you want to team up its up to you, as long its not necessary to do so in order to get the best gear (or whatever). in MMO's i only like to see other players for PVP, not PVE...
almost 13 years ago
wait a minute! did you say hats?
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_100395]@Niggerdicks[/url]: Unsuccessful troll is unsuccessful
Great Biotic Wind
almost 13 years ago
Is it free to play or do we have to wait few months?
Copyright Theft
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_100395]@Niggerdicks[/url]: What, so whenever a choice comes up someone walks into your room and holds a shotgun to your head shouting, "Choose this option bitch!" Funny, I never noticed that. The whole point of choice is having to CHOOSE, moron. Take your flawed logic back and re-write it.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_100367]@kriss1989[/url] The fact that you're getting so upset over it means there's foundation there. You know damn well as I do the stereotypes, and that's all I mentioned- stereotypes. But yes the moral choice system is retarded, especially because it's not a moral choice. It's a moral forcing system.
almost 13 years ago
I have Origin and Steam running at the same time on my pc, and after the last few weeks of comics I'm picturing the two characters in a constant catfight behind my desktop.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_100339]@Niggerdicks[/url] - please leave us bronies out of it. Why is a group about love and tolerance of others often discriminated against or used as a bad example? Can we focus on the fact that Bioware has made a moral choice system MMORPG? It's a little mind blowing to me that their even is a MC system.
almost 13 years ago
I feel like the third bubble is missing a word at the end or something??
almost 13 years ago
It does remove the grind commonly found in most MMO. I mean you can get to max level with just the full quest line.
almost 13 years ago
I'm in an active guild of moderate size (usually 10-25 members on at any given non obscene time) so I don't really get that feeling from it, but it does suck when there's 100 people on the planet according to the counter at the top and it still takes 30+ minutes to get a full group for a heroic.
almost 13 years ago
Respectfully, i must disagree with the statement made here.

This game is EXACTLY what you make of it. If you play alone, you're alone, and you get a good single player experience.

Or you can play with others, and get a good multiplayer experience. I've done both multiple times.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_100314]@Ninj77[/url] And they get to charge a monthly fee for it too! inb4 5 million hyped up fanboy faggots lie about that or try to justify it an any manner whilst they call me a hater or butthurt WoW/GW2 fanboy or something equally asinine. You assbags make the "brony" stereotype look good.
almost 13 years ago
Well it stills play pretty awesome, considering fact that you do pretty well alone (beside hero/flashpoint ) and when you do make party (for those hero/flashpoint 90% of time ) it plays even better. Love it
almost 13 years ago
Mostly "single player", right? You know, maybe bioware finally created the perfect MMORPG for all the masses of casual players. Not a bad move, indeed,
Cyclone Duke
almost 13 years ago
Thanks for linking me Jo! I'll save up an extra festive ubercharge for you in thanks!
almost 13 years ago
well, it's bioware, joe said it all, also first