What people are saying about "Dashboard"
Comments have been closed for this comic.
almost 13 years ago
There are ads? ... Where?
oh right, adblock is always on :D
almost 13 years ago
I'm mostly okay with the NerfNow ads too.

Except for the ones that hard-lock your browser for like 30 seconds while they're loading. Those ones are jerks.
almost 13 years ago
I don't know if I'm using adblock. Judgeing from the ads, I probably don't.
Not like I care at all, I'm good at ignoring things.
almost 13 years ago
"Soon you people'll want adblock for TV."

What do you mean soon? People have wanted that since before adblock even existed.
almost 13 years ago
Meh. I only use adblock on sites with intrusive ads and popups. Stuff discretly on the sides or on top will not hinder my enjoyment of a comic.

Soon you people'll want adblock for TV.
almost 13 years ago
Adblock is staying enabled. Suck a chode Jo.
almost 13 years ago
I normally use Adblock, but since you asked so nicely, and because I enjoy your comic, I turned it off <3
almost 13 years ago
I use adblock, but because you asked for people to disable it for monetary reasons, I turned it off for this site. The least I can do after creating so many comics.
A dickhead
almost 13 years ago
I use adblock. Love you, Josue <3
ABP has ads?
almost 13 years ago
i never knew nerf now has ads cause when i came here i had abp on, i turn it off and o lawd @_@
I always fail this part of the test
almost 13 years ago
Funny thing is it's called the "Xbox Home" now.
almost 13 years ago
I use NoScript AND AdBlock.

Haven't had an issue since. :3
Nice job guys
almost 13 years ago
Cut the site's revenue because your eyes are too sensitive to non-invasive ads."ooh, I didn't know nerfnow had adzzz ^_^"
almost 13 years ago
I should point out that there have been ads on Xbox Live for ages now. It's just far more noticable now due to the switch to the Metro format.
almost 13 years ago
i don't like the new playstation360, microsoft is copying too much off of sony, who knows in a little while it'll have blue ray and then it'll be really hard to tell the diffrence between the two.
An Onymous
almost 13 years ago
I used to get harassed by adds....but then I discovered NoScript... :)
Ad Block Plus
almost 13 years ago
Your completely right!
Ad block plus is so awesome I often forget this site even has adds. <(O u O )>
almost 13 years ago
NerfNow has ads? I did not know that.

Everything's better with NoScript! Makes the internet a safer place.
almost 13 years ago
I dont like ads, and usually surf with it. but sites i like are on the whitelist.
almost 13 years ago
I didn't even know there was adds on the site :)
almost 13 years ago
hah, add me to just adding nerfnow to my whitelist. The whole page just exploded with color, but not in a bad way :)
almost 13 years ago
It's not that I don't like the new Xbox format, I just find it kind of annoying. Probably because I don't have a Kinect. Youtube, however, just completely f'ed up.
almost 13 years ago

Everything is better with the Muppets!
almost 13 years ago
Adblock? Oh lord, who would do that.

Not me~.

almost 13 years ago
Haha, exactly Jo.
almost 13 years ago
The only ads I block are the popups that firefox blocks. Most webcomics I visit are free, some ads are useful, and bring in revenue for content providers. Why run additional apps to block stuff like that? If you havent learned to ignore ads you dont care about by now, you're doing something wrong ;)
almost 13 years ago
This is complained about tirelessly in the beta. And like your comic shows actual content is downplayed to the smaller box's. No one is happy about this.
almost 13 years ago
This comic has earned you a spot on my adblock's whitelist.

almost 13 years ago
Jeez, Jo, AGAIN? Give it a rest, we know you hate Muppets!

Every single comic...
 Platypus
almost 13 years ago
@Erick Mendon\u00e7a: I'd be more tempted to get an Xbox if that were to happen. Oddly the only game I ever cared about on Xbox was the Halo series, not because it became a frat/bro game but because it was a Bungie game and I was a fan of the Marathon games. But with no gold live Halo isn't as fun.
almost 13 years ago
Since Microsoft put ads on Xbox Dashboard, gold LIVE should be free, huh?
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_97478]@Slim[/url]: Me too, I tend to browse with over 9000 tabs open and when 5 of them are running ads with sound it turns into a hellish cacophony. But I don't use adblock, just look less to annoying sites.
almost 13 years ago
@corporal grif You're annoying, learn to use proper grammar. Oh, and I don't want to see ads for random things completly blocking out my apps when I'm not even connected to the internet.
corporal grif
almost 13 years ago
still though its not like youtube where every video has a commercial before it starts you have to click on the add to view it and there not annoying the only thing that is annoying is the fact that this morning i couldnt log on to xbox live.
almost 13 years ago
Xbox's ads aren't that bad anyway, the Chuck Norris WoW commercial made me lol when I saw it up there.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_97519]@A[/url] NN!! Reader It's more like, when you get adblocker you can choose to just block ads as you come by them, or choose a feed that updates known ads to block. So its not like we say "BLOCK NERFNOW'S ADS JUST BECAUSE!" its more like "We're blocking them all, just incase."
almost 13 years ago
Ouhm... i'll keep using AdBlock, but i just sent u a lil donation to keep the balance ;)
almost 13 years ago
I only block the annoying ads, so I don't block this site's. Though, I am a bit perplexed as to why the two banners are always reversed.
almost 13 years ago
If you make those ads that auto-play some annoying sound file, you're going to burn in a very special level of Hell. A level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater.

...the... special... hell.
almost 13 years ago
ok sorry my fail it was just an imposer
A NN!! Reader
almost 13 years ago
I don´t really get why people block the ads on this site. You barely notice them if you are reading the comic (which you are supposed to).

I block the ones that spam as popups, and the ones with annoying sound files, but these ones are more like...wallpaper.
almost 13 years ago
wait what he just said he would disable the ad-blocker not enable it^^
almost 13 years ago
plz don t do that :(
almost 13 years ago
Thank you for reminding me to disable Ad-Block on your site ^^
almost 13 years ago
I dont like ads. But this is one of the few sites where I disable the adblock.
almost 13 years ago
To all who disable AdBlock here, I thank you guys. :)
almost 13 years ago
Ads? What ads? I've been using adblo-- oh, now I smell what you're stepping in!
almost 13 years ago
this is the only site where i disabled adblocker because i want to support^^
almost 13 years ago
There's no such thing as a free lunch. Possibly the better way to put it is "NerfNow shared freely at my own expense."
almost 13 years ago
Hard to do an editable hosts file for routers as routers have a command-based os only.
almost 13 years ago
I wish the 360 had a user-editable HOSTS file. Either the 360 or manufacturer firmwares on routers. (Better the router since that would work on the PC at the same time.)
almost 13 years ago
Your page has adds? o.O
almost 13 years ago
I don't use AdBlock much because NoScript is a thousand times better at cutting down on annoying stuff on websites. Improves load times too. AdBlock is useful for blocking images though.
almost 13 years ago
Speaking of NerfNow ads, do you get anything for them just being displayed or do we have to actually click them for it to beneficial?
almost 13 years ago
im gonna do the dew later
almost 13 years ago
i really want some mountain dew now...
almost 13 years ago
AdBlocker Plus and NoScript makes for an excellent browsing experience. You can whitelist sites, and if any annoying flash ads try to come up they get blocked by NoScript. Double win!
almost 13 years ago
I proudly use adblock just because it makes sure that every time I visit the internet, I'm not bombarded by ads everywhere I go. And with the places I visit, that's an important thing.
almost 13 years ago
//* been had Adblock+, and I didn't even know this site had ads; Whitelisting lol. btw, filtering works great for disabling looking at the public idiocy of youtube, as with the following ( ゚ヮ゚)> */

almost 13 years ago
Adblock is truly an invention made by the gods.
almost 13 years ago
I just whitelisted NerfNow. Longtime reader, but first time seeing it unadulterated. Did not even know all that whitespace was filled with something, thought you were just a fan of minimalist design.

Still, keeping it whitelisted, you deserve the clickthroughs.
almost 13 years ago
One of the few sites I actually whitelist for adblock.

Keep it up, Jo, we love you and your zany comics :3
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_97485]@BobisOnlyBob[/url]: Me too! Didn't Jo request something like that awhile ago?
almost 13 years ago
This site has ads???

Yes I use adblock.
almost 13 years ago
Adblock, HO!
almost 13 years ago
I see such ads but they're mostly terrible F2P games. Oh look. a best buy ad for a 360/Kinect bundle...
almost 13 years ago
I proudly use adblock...

and disable it on NerfNow.
Random guy on the web
almost 13 years ago
Twice i have attempted to buy something from an ad, both times it did not work, once because the store did not have any left, the other because the store was having technical issues.
almost 13 years ago
You know i never realized that you have ads on your site before this strip
almost 13 years ago
The only adds that really piss me off are the flash ads that lag your box, the javascript ones that stop the site from loading (lol waiting on adserver.com), and the ones with sound that autoplay. There is a special place in hell for the makers of that last one.
Hooligan Gamer
almost 13 years ago
The only ads I dislike are anything not a still picture or text. Everything else can severely cut performance, and usually is very distracting. I've white listed NerfNow, too.
almost 13 years ago
I have sadly never bought anything I have ever seen in an ad :(
almost 13 years ago
NerfNow has ads?
Your Name
almost 13 years ago
I hadn't even known there were adds on this site
almost 13 years ago
@Anthony Edward Beanes: U salty?
almost 13 years ago
8.95 stay very free
almost 13 years ago
NerfNow is one the few website where I disable AdBlock.
almost 13 years ago
Didn't even know there were ads.
almost 13 years ago
o my god theres ads on the side of this
almost 13 years ago
Adblock is good for getting rid of really pushy ads. I'm fine with advertising, but you'd think advertisers would have realized that loud, annoying ads, and ones that expand to fill the screen are the ones that get all the others blocked.
almost 13 years ago
you know when i loaded this page it had no ads on it, and i dont have adblocker stuff
almost 13 years ago
I guess not owning any game consoles has its advantages.
almost 13 years ago
I think Mountain Dew is a meme now. Or at least the "Trope Codifier" for aggressive marketing of a d-bag product.

Anyway, I do use an adblocker but I always whitelist my favorites. Nerfnow is one of those favorites.
almost 13 years ago