What people are saying about "Fair Game"
Fair Game
Comments have been closed for this comic.
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_96156]@EltonBM[/url]: The joke. It is there. In your words. Re-read them to see it.
almost 13 years ago
But Zangief already dresses in much less than Cammy...
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
@Wha?: It's there as a photo note :)
almost 13 years ago
2nd pannel needed OBJECTION!
almost 13 years ago
Bet you the Guile theme goes with this.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_95901]@Fiaryn[/url] How would women sexualize Zangief? He's a muscle man, that's what they're going to show. And if they create a new character design, well there's always a bishou character. Are we supposed to cry sexism over that? I'm still of the opinion that this is still a fair two-way street.
almost 13 years ago

Emo Panda
almost 13 years ago
No offense Jo, but the shadowing on Zangief seems a little off.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_95825]@Acacia[/url] Tribes 2 definitely got more options and more variety of potential things you can do for those of us, like me, who suck at the whole killing people thing. The problem is Tribes 2 doesn't have that 'pick up and play' feel. Plus Valve made sure TF2 had enough funny to be appealing.
almost 13 years ago
So is Zangief Techno Viking or is Techno Viking Zangief?
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_95905]@wkz[/url]: Jup, was thinking about that one. BI guess it's luck, I've seen some nice players in Lol aswell... Kennen still is a guy.
almost 13 years ago
And here's Demitri to use Midnight Bliss on you all so you really know how it feels.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_95901]@Fiaryn[/url]: So why is there a big muscular guy wearing an outfit like hers in her ending? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hScxZy9zgaY#t=00m57s
almost 13 years ago
e.g. "How I meet your Mother" ?
almost 13 years ago
I was a little surprised there wasnt strip of a character nerdgasming over star wars open beta this week, or something along the line.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_95901]@Fiaryn[/url]: I'm not sure many men consider Zangief to be a power fantasy. While he is big and strong, he's kinda dumb and a bit of a goof. He's less like someone men want to be and more like someone men wouldn't mind hanging out with or watching on tv. Also, his outfit is not for male benefit, methinks
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_95867]@11monkeys[/url]: http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/483 I just hope the exact same thing does not happen to him in DOTA 2 when he graduates from playing with bots.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_95901]@Fiaryn[/url]: Well then, all you gotta do for "men for women" or "women for women" is to go look at Japan shojo mangas... ...where EVERYONE looks like teenage girls, every male is gay, and all the girls are still beautiful, whiny, undecided on the kitchen thing... ohwait...
almost 13 years ago
No offense but that's not quite how it works. Cammy is in an outfit envisioned by men for men. Zangief is a power fantasy by men for men. A Zangief sexualized by a woman for women would very likely look kind of different.
almost 13 years ago
FINALLY, thanks for clarifying that Tom.

I thought that was a bunch of grey trees or something.

Also, these "Yours" and "Mine" Photo-notes are getting ridiculous.
I think both of them are hiding something.
almost 13 years ago
I just realized the jet.
Liro Raeriyo
almost 13 years ago
a good TF2 to everything else ratio would be 1 TF2 page per 3 of everything else, enough to keep us here for what hooked us
Some Dude
almost 13 years ago
That's not Gill or Urien. What is this?
almost 13 years ago
Tried playing a lot in Multiplayer DOTA 2.

Most people don't complain AS MUCH as what you'd expect. Some might, but not in an unnerving tone like most retards we have in those older games
corporal grif
almost 13 years ago
i just realized something youve never made an official battlefield 3 comic yet
almost 13 years ago
@Andrew Hall: Must.... not.. form... an... image... in... my... head...
almost 13 years ago
Moral of comic: Don't complain about embarrasing shit if you don't want more embarrasing shit!
A dirty as Fo3 Hobo
almost 13 years ago
"BTW Jo - the new coloring is nice but if it makes the comic not fun for you to draw just leave it alone and go back to the old way! I read your comic for the writing, I wouldn't care if it was black and white as long as it's still funny like this." -Drawfag

I agree with this too NERFMAN.
Andrew Hall
almost 13 years ago
Cammy could totally just cut Zangief's massive boxers in half and make a bra and panties, so she is in no trouble. But do I kind of have to wonder what Zangief will look like in Cammy's bodysuit?
Andrew Hall
almost 13 years ago
BTW Jo - the new coloring is nice but if it makes the comic not fun for you to draw just leave it alone and go back to the old way! I read your comic for the writing, I wouldn't care if it was black and white as long as it's still funny like this.
almost 13 years ago
Dhalsim genderswap

Blanka genderswap

Still need to find a good zangief and E Honda
Andrew Hall
almost 13 years ago
The Russian government prefers that Zangief fight in a full FSB special forces dress uniform (like Dragunov from Tekken), but he won't hear of it. The bitter Russian winds just feel so pleasing to his manly tuft of chest hair.
almost 13 years ago
Spot on!
hot cammy is hot
almost 13 years ago
Nando Rock
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_95837]@JheeBz[/url]: i suffer this same thing..... back to Skyrim...
almost 13 years ago
Yeah people are dumb. Especially moba communities such as LoL, DotA, HoN, etc. They are so attached to their game and everything has to be perfect to them.
"A teammate is new to the game? UNACCEPTABLE, EVERYONE HAVE TO BE PRO FROM THE START!" Etc.
almost 13 years ago
Zangief, Blanka, E Honda, Vega....Plenty of the guys are wearing just pants, spandex, a toga, or less.
almost 13 years ago
Dude you have to play against Real People, not against Bot! Or you will never improve yourself!
almost 13 years ago
The next TF2 arc should be about how Tribes 2 is a superior team FPS in all respects.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_95802]@Kronos[/url]: He tryed LoL, there are two comics. Well, basicly a raging Mundo scared him^^ The LoL community can suck. Hard time. Then again, welcome to the internet...
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_95771]@usbfridge[/url]: Having TF2 comics all the time would be boring. A variety would be nice. After all, all the comics Jo makes are about what game he is playing right now. Besides, Jo said he WOULDN'T STOP making TF2 comics. So stop complaining about it. Give it time, and he'll make a new arc.
almost 13 years ago
You forgot to draw Zangy's mohawk.
almost 13 years ago
Did anyone else notice that the first panel makes it seem like Cammy made a sammich for Guile?
An Onymous
almost 13 years ago
Haha, funny comic today :) Can imagine Engie-chan and Joe being the characters in this one.
almost 13 years ago
ooooh, that i want to see.
almost 13 years ago
"Hairport" good find :)

I agree, I wouldn't be against SF women wearing nothing but Zhangief-style red panties.
almost 13 years ago
Guile's hairport made the comic.

almost 13 years ago
If you want to join a PvP game anytime Jo, give a shot to LoL... though I must admit, since it's a player-based game (there is AI matches, but the bulk lies in the PvP) there may be some jerks and douchebags, it's one of the most fun and competitive games. May aswell give some ideas for comics too.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_95780]@Der[/url]: The most stupid uniform ever (on guys). Oh well, as long as it's not Borat...
almost 13 years ago
Also, people don't rage as hard if you're playing in a practice match. So if you lose, it doesn't get marked down in your record, which is what I think is most important to the competitive (and jerky) players.
almost 13 years ago
Honestly, I don't think anyone should pay any heed to all the jibberjabber of other people when they badmouth one group of players. There are jerks in DoTA, but it's the same thing in the other games. You just have to be lucky that you don't get grouped up with them.
almost 13 years ago
Dunno why Cammy's the one complaining. She wears more than most get.
almost 13 years ago
When it comes to DoTA, no amount of skill will ever change the fact that there is no sportsmanship among the community, or that they are among the most hostile elitists this side of battle.net. Jo, if you're that afraid of joining in, then you honestly have to consider whether or not it's worth it.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_95771]@usbfridge[/url]: Nooooooooo not TF2 comics! those are the worst! No new TF2 arc, I'll have nothing interesting to read for a whole week =o(
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
Ken Masters
almost 13 years ago
"Do you really think a sandwich is a match for me? Scott Mc ... I mean Ken"
almost 13 years ago
You know, Cammy's outfit is her military unit's uniform.

Anybody who's watched her intro custcene in Street Fighter 4 knows, they make guys dress like that too.
Kaja Rainbow
almost 13 years ago
Also, I just looked up Crimson Viper. Uh, I wouldn't cite someone with chest cut-outs as 'improvement'. If they had gone with an actual suit, I'd be more impressed. Juli and Makoto seem better overall, but looks like female characters still aren't allowed to be ugly like the men are.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_95761]@Einhander[/url]: Or... we could get some tf2 comics, that WAS the whole reason this was started. We could use a new arc, to be honest.
Kaja Rainbow
almost 13 years ago
Thing is, the "beefcake" is usually presented more as powerful than sexy. Blanka, Zangief, Dhalsim, E.Honda, Sagat, scantily clad sure, but how sexy are they really?

You'd need not only outfit swaps, but also character design, pose, and characterization swaps.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_95763]@d0m[/url]: Shuma-Jorra still piss off that he can't beat spinning PileDriver so he drew Zangief bald.
almost 13 years ago
Hmm. I dunno... maybe when those bottoms turn into butt-revealing banana hammocks which also show a bit of balls.
almost 13 years ago
I love this comic and the comments <3
Also, the coloring is fine the way it was :)
almost 13 years ago
This comic made me laugh.
almost 13 years ago
You forgot his mohawk :>
almost 13 years ago
More MOBA related comics would be nice! Although, try to balance it for the different fans. Like, make a Dota 2 comic for the Dota fans, then LoL for the LoL fans. Same for HoN.
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
Blanka, Zangief, Dhalsim, E.Honda, Sagat. If you think about it, Cammy wears more than a lot of the street fighters.
random guy from the internet
almost 13 years ago
Am I the only one to hear technoviking theme playing on?
almost 13 years ago
So Cammy now has to wear Zangief's costume?
As long as body hair isn't counted as part of the dress code.
almost 13 years ago
Hey, If you think you're doing pretty good against bot, you're probably already better than a bunch of pub players.

Even if the Matchmaking is still in his Beta form, it works nicely most of the time, give it a try !
almost 13 years ago
I am not sure if this is part of the joke or not, but Zangief has a mohawk. He isn't bald.
almost 13 years ago
Guile's hair is the highway to the Danger Zone.
*Monocle Man*
almost 13 years ago
I would rather worry for the stereotypes... Besides they have toned down the sexism (or however its said) in the last years. You just have to look at the new Street fighter girls like Crimson Viper or Juli, hell Makoto is the perfect example that they are over sexist dress codes or looks.
almost 13 years ago
Now THATS a flattop
almost 13 years ago
Im imagining the guile theme while he eats that sandvich
almost 13 years ago
Way too many people are ridiculously quick to call sexist over cheesecake in games while completely ignoring equal amounts of beefcake in the very same games - a double standard that is, ironically, sexist as hell.
almost 13 years ago
Game on! Keep it up!