What people are saying about "Not a cheat"
Not a cheat
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almost 13 years ago
And of course it had to keep happening. Over half of the first episode of DanNerdCubed's LP was of him spamming the fire spell at an NPC.
almost 13 years ago
All I can say is BOOBS!!!!!! Damn. I am in no way complaining just was not expecting Engi to have some bombs of her own.
almost 13 years ago
I learned very quickly not to ever do this again, or if I do, don't go kill the first dragon for a while. I did the same kind of glitch with a bug in speech and learned you can't sneak or talk a blood dragon to death.
T Chicken
almost 13 years ago
Note: Don't attack imperial dude or viking dude when you got outside the jail!
almost 13 years ago
so true
silly jo
almost 13 years ago
tentacle like tits
almost 13 years ago
Proper game design and coding would prevent all of this but it looks like even for blockbuster productions quality work is a rare item nowadays...
anonymous troll
almost 13 years ago
If you are having fun, then you are having fun. If you choose to stare at the loading screen while teasing your nipples then by all means, go to town.
Some Breton
almost 13 years ago
@that needs clarification

yes, I spose I can agree with that as long as it is something game breaking.

if its just a case of "too hard/cant be bothered" then its still unacceptable >IMO<.
almost 13 years ago
Banish is by far most profitable enchant. Over 1k gold.
Most profitable smithing item are bows, I think.
almost 13 years ago
I found out that enchanting stamina damage makes the item 3 times the worth other enchantments do under the same condition. It always hurts my pride if I intend to make some money and give in.
almost 13 years ago
I know the feeling. I always find it silly when people abuse such systems when the game isn't that hard to begin with.
almost 13 years ago
I...er...hum... love Engie's new top... What I was saying?
Darth Mario
almost 13 years ago
Devs also put console commands into the game. I fail to see the difference between subverting the intended skill development with commands that the devs put in (intentionally) and glitches that they also put in (unintentionally).
almost 13 years ago
Also an artist is an artist and has to do what is in his mind. You have been quite sucsessfull with that tbh, so better do how you feel like.
Reason for that: Fanservice into fanservice INTO fanservice will allways end in porn
almost 13 years ago
Some comics ago you were saying that people do want silent comics. I really do not get it since your development is going somewere else. I must say Engi-tan vs Jo is a good match witch ceeps doing good jokes just by the situation. Same with the average Gamer vs Steam and Orgin.
Except for Fuzzy
almost 13 years ago
entering a cheat command, and then spent the next half hour ACTUALLY PLAYING THE GAME. Who's the winner, here?

It's the guy who had more fun.
Except for Fuzzy
almost 13 years ago
Almost everyone seems to have rather missed the point. Who CARES what's "fair game"? On the one hand you have a guy who spends half an hour doing something boring and repetitive to level up a skill in a way the developers didn't intend. On the other hand you have a guy who spent a few seconds (cont)
RE: Alex
almost 13 years ago
I didn't realize until now... you can actually be a merchant/craftsman in Skyrim o_o
almost 13 years ago
To be fair, Engie has a point, in a sense. I don't think exploiting a glitch is any less unfair than a console command, but, well... I consider it the difference between working withIN the system, and working withOUT.
almost 13 years ago
Nobody claimed her <3 yet...
in bleach theres
almost 13 years ago
karins boob training arc

sir boobs
almost 13 years ago
boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
Dj boobie
almost 13 years ago
Is it just me or have her brests improoved in size? =P
An Onymous
almost 13 years ago
It always is entertaining to see what people consider "fair game" to be. On a side-note, I love engie-chan's new top.
almost 13 years ago
according to CoD players, this would be considered cheating
That needs clarification.
almost 13 years ago
@Some Breton
Personally, I think you could say that more generally as "any time a glitch becomes a problem, cheats are an acceptable way of solving that problem."
almost 13 years ago
Spy here
Some Breton
almost 13 years ago
why hit some guy with your sword for hours, when you can hit multiple guys for hours and get gold and levelling up other skills aswell in the process.

only form of cheat/exploit I think is acceptable, is no-clip, for when that quest item or epic item falls thru the floor due to bugs.
almost 13 years ago
I actually attacked the Tutorial guy on my friend's game and for some reason he became pissed and attacked me. Like, seriously, he chased me down and acted like I was an enemy. And he was no longer easy to kill. Basically, I broke the whole storyline, because whenever he sees me he attacks me.
almost 13 years ago
In Skyrim you can earn a lot of levels and money, while staying in character and without killing a single soul. Words are: smithing, enchanting, alchemy. Just go around cities (by carriage), buy raw stuff and craft for sale. And you also will be a very good combatant thanks to gear you will have.
Defiant Wolf
almost 13 years ago
Honestly, who cares? If it's a single player game, the person exploiting/cheating is only affecting themselves and nobody else. Only time this discussion should be had is if we're talking about a multiplayer game.
almost 13 years ago
I'm going to assume I'm the only one who plays Skyrim on PS3...stupid 720p shit...
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_94677]@Mart[/url]: Cheating means you are using things like console commands that aren't supposed to be used. Exploits though are what people have been using in Skyrim in that its in the game but it was not meant to be used for that purpose.
almost 13 years ago
I think the issue isnt that smacking one guy for hours is a cheat, but that if you're going to exploit programming and waste all this time for levels, why not just exploit programming and use the console for them? Is it really more noble to say "I earned these levels by smacking this guy for hours"?
almost 13 years ago
Lifts and separates!
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_94677]@Mart[/url] Pretty much that exactly yeah, you took my comment before I could even post it.
almost 13 years ago
EXPLOITS! Like flying horses :D
almost 13 years ago
Its pretty easy Joe really. If the game allow you to do this without having to modify it in any way, its not cheating. You're just exploiting something the devs didnt think about. Their fault, not yours.
almost 13 years ago
Seems like Engie's lower right arm is invisible. :o
almost 13 years ago
Looks like Jo has gained a few pounds in the last panel...
BLU Employee
almost 13 years ago
I got here before the Spy Here photo note. I must be early.
almost 13 years ago
Oh, I thought I was the only one who thought it...

Or is it just because of this top?
almost 13 years ago
I'm only stopping by to mention, I think her tits got bigger.
almost 13 years ago
I wonder how many of the previous posters are arguing for the sake of trolling, and how many are arguing for the sake of serious-face.
almost 13 years ago
Is it to my credit that I did attack the Tutorial NPC repeatedly, not for levels or skills, but to piss him off so that my character (Ol' Man Dunmer. He dun give a fuck) would be universally reviled?

As it is, I can't progress through the main quest. Gonna try to kill the leader of Whiterun next.
almost 13 years ago
Yes. I completely agree with this.
almost 13 years ago
Hey, they broke console in Russian localization. No other options.
Sreggin Wej
almost 13 years ago
Dont hate the player, hate the game.

Anything that dont involve modifying the game file or using command lines/codes is fair game to me. Games got rules, and in case of video games, these rules is what you can do within the game. If the referee was retarded or lazy, his problem, not mine.
almost 13 years ago
I completely and utterly agree with Engie-tan this time. I leveled up tremendously by zapping every NPC with Courage for no reason :D
almost 13 years ago
I've made fun of myself for the same kind of thinking; back in the day I'd spend hours trying to roll near-perfect stats for a Baldur's Gate character but I wouldn't dream of just modifying them to whatever I wanted with an editor. It would, like the lady says, be cheating!
almost 13 years ago
I don't mind if these shortcuts gets patched soon, at least I could try them out. See it as an unintentional pre-order/first-day buyer bonus.
But boy, there are some insane shortcuts in Skyrim right now. I got lots of money, 100 Speech and 100 Blacksmith in just one day!
almost 13 years ago
I did this with my companion and a trap in a dwarven mine i just used healing hands on him and i got to 60 restoration in like a 20 minute period
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_94584]@Runic[/url]: Exactly the point I was making waaay back down in the comments.
almost 13 years ago
It would be like using a training dummy. You aren't getting combat skill from practice, but you are learning how to swing your sword very very well. There still retains a sort of spirit of having swung your sword that many damn times to gain the levels in it.
Personally though, I prefer killing...
almost 13 years ago
There is a difference, and while it is an exploit (since they don't die), it is not "quite" cheating. It is taking advantage of a loophole in game to gain levels without threat. However it is still fulfilling the basic requirement to level in the first place: repeating an action ad nauseum. -cont-
almost 13 years ago
In the same vein, there's an elf in the first town who wants you to give a fake letter to some broad. If you do so, he'll join you as a companion. Use him to train archery, then ask him to carry some stuff and reclaim the gold you just spent from his inventory.
Miguel Young
almost 13 years ago
já que todo mundo só escreve em inglês aqui...

I would say that we stopped breaking/cheating/short cutting games when we started paying for them.
Mr. B
almost 13 years ago
Is it just me or are her boobs bigger?
almost 13 years ago
Those boobs looks fake. SRSLY
Nando Rock
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_94447]@pong[/url]: indeed
almost 13 years ago
True that, sir, true that.
almost 13 years ago
@Luken - that's kind of my point. There's a thin line between an exploit and a cheat. And in a game like Skyrim, it's a line that is quite blurred. Attacking an invulnerable NPC for no penalty for levels is an exploit. Using the console is a cheat.
almost 13 years ago
I remember back on Morrowind you could use Alchemy to create intelligence boosters- which strengthen your Alchemy abilities. Repeat about a dozen times for potions of ridiculous power.
I remember using a 5000 second levitation potion to fly into Vivec's chambers and kill him with one 10000 str. cut
almost 13 years ago
Well, it is more towards grinding than cheating - and would defenetly not be cheating if the game legally offers a way to do that anyway.

E.g. Fallout 3 offered a way to "grind" good Karma - you got free water from your robot-butler and a guy asking for it. If you gave him, you got good Karma.
almost 13 years ago
New outfit is a grey sports bra?

I can roll with that.
dat mob
almost 13 years ago
*poker faic*
almost 13 years ago
Skoon are you really unhappy that the game allowed you to choose to do something interesting? Really? You, yes you, are personally responsible for every single thing wrong with Bethesda.
almost 13 years ago
like when I killed Aludin with 5 hits because I kept around the jarrin root from the dark brotherhood quest, which I turned in to a 980 damage potion, yea that's the problem with letting someone keep something that is actually an instant kill instead of just a scripted one time instant kill. :\
Liro Raeriyo
almost 13 years ago
Level illusion to cast easy invisibility spells, level sneak to backstab, level one handed to increased dagger damage


Dark Brotherhood Brother
almost 13 years ago
Well if you ever think about raising sneak just auto sneak into a wall for a few hours.That usallyworked in Oblivion to so should work here to
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_94484]@Tigerhawk71[/url]:Stuff like reloading is using stuff that's clearly put into the game and intended to be used. Attacking a npc that's invincible so that you wouldn't be screwed out of story and quests for hours to get level and skill ups is not what they had intended.Thin line between exploit and cheat
almost 13 years ago
It's much more satisfying to find an in game exploit than to just use a console.
almost 13 years ago
"It's not cheating. It's EXPLOITNG. There's a big difference!"

Solo Ninja Fairy
almost 13 years ago
This brings back memories of training stealh on first crabs in Wizardry 8.
almost 13 years ago
That argument annoys me. "Oh you mightaswell have used the console". "If you reload when you fail to pickpocket you should just give yourself 100 pickpocket"... "When you reload after you die you should just type god mode into the cons-" wait.. Oh, balls. That logic is inherently flawed. Now what?
almost 13 years ago
Oh man. Oblivion. Fort... Ash, I think? There's a bridge above a pit of rats. I spent two hours working my Sneak skill up to 78 before I got really bored. The first Oblivion gate in Kvatch had nothing on me.
almost 13 years ago
He draws them every fucking strip and still can't get boobs right.

Do SOMETHING correctly, man, because making respectable characters is off the list.
almost 13 years ago
I wouldn't be surprised if I was part of that conversation. Got into it a bit on GameFAQs recently about it on threads where folks post quick, mechanic-abusey ways to skill up on the PC board.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_94460]@Dusk[/url]: stop trying to rationalize it - it's cheating and you know it. The fact that you wasted time and effort to cheat makes you a dumb cheater, since the good cheaters just use console commands to achieve the same purpose anyway.
almost 13 years ago
In a similar vein, repeatedly casting Courage on a NPC gives fast Illusion leveling and it won't get you attacked.
almost 13 years ago
One man's cheat is another (wo)man's feature. GunZ taught me this the hard way, and I still avoid that game like the plague because of it.
red hairs cute hot lesbian girl
almost 13 years ago
Epic boobs are epic.
almost 13 years ago
(cont) doesn't give EXP for those actions, so actions that amount to similar training methods that the game will recognize (whacking invincible or summonable NPCs, casting spells on yourself) are fair game IMO. What difference is there in attacking an invincible person than a target dummy?
almost 13 years ago
-no effort
-knowledge needed: console command
-time consuming
-(usually)requires effort
-knowledge needed: how to perform the exploit

In all honesty, it would make sense to be able to train by whacking target dummies or shooting targets, but the game (cont)
almost 13 years ago
27516541654TH!!!!! WOO
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
I didn't understand why this was so mind blowing anyway. You can do the same with conjured summons. They attack back after a while so you can raise both your armor and restoration.

Or you could just, you know, play the game.