[url=#user_comment_91385]@@brinty512[/url]: So you're kinda saying that it's Madden with guns?
over 13 years ago
I love this new outfit.
over 13 years ago
11/08/11 = MIKUUU Live on Niconico <3
over 13 years ago
BF3:You can only play on PC if you let us rifle through your PC! (can opt-out now, but I don't believe it.)
MW3:Hi, I'm Bobby Kotick, and every gamer is a moron. BUY OUR PRODUCT!
Fuck 'em both. BLACK on PS2 for me.
@Efrath[/url] Have you played Brink? The idea is nice, yes, but the execution... UGH.
over 13 years ago
Well, X-play gave it a 5 out of 5 score. A friend of mine has the game, and talked with them while playing TF2 yesterday, and well there was close to no one on MW3.
Mad Cow
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_91608]@Wolf[/url]: Second!
over 13 years ago
Yeah... it may be par for the course but it pisses me off that they're still riding the high from the first modern warfare game and that people are deluding themselves to thinking that the games that have followed are perfect because of lingering goodwill to the first game.
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
If you buy MW3 you're a dumbass. No really.
No one in their right mind would buy a product off someone who then spits in their faces, so why would you? Kotick does just that,repeatedly. Spit into gamers' faces n put an arrogant smirk on. Because he can. Do. not. buy. MW3.
Google Kotick. Youll see.
over 13 years ago
The suspense is killing me!
over 13 years ago
So they gave MW3 good scores and bashed Brink? Great going, great going... Let's destroy and push down FPS multiplayers trying to be unique and not so much about spamming grenades and then promote the game series that has barely changed at all since MW1.
over 13 years ago
I'm radically uncertain if I want to get it just for the multiplayer.
I don't hold the fact that it's overhyped and mainstream against it, shit comes, shit goes, and I'd rather not be another negative voice.
over 13 years ago
I think kitty engie should make more appearances..
over 13 years ago
What was with the problem earlier?
over 13 years ago
Games will never live up to their hype. Its best to stop believing in them.
over 13 years ago
MW3 is trash? And they paid off reviewers in addition to screening them?
No...you don't say...
over 13 years ago
So, Jo, tried and failed to change the site layout earlier? Some of the files viewable looked like headers and alternate logos for the comic.
we need more
over 13 years ago
need the bunny outfit for the second engie girl.
and some hot lesbians action.
over 13 years ago
The balls was wrong with this site?
over 13 years ago
I just did the MW3 single player in a single session, I personnaly preferred MW2's storyline but MW3 has its moments.
over 13 years ago
What happened on the 11th of august?
over 13 years ago
Anyone get some wierd text layout insted of the normal page.
over 13 years ago
I know engie-tan is fap-worthy and all that, but she's gets trippier and trippier each day...
Maybe I'm just being too rational, but that cat outfit is pretty damn random...
Love the comic nonetheless
cutie cute
over 13 years ago
fuck ponies but not furries
over 13 years ago
So anticipated it took down the server!
over 13 years ago
Just because a cat girl is not a furry does not mean she's any better.
Somebody Else
over 13 years ago
I am no friend of the furries, but I must note that there's a difference between a nekonomimi and a full -on beast-man (er, beast-person).
over 13 years ago
Is kitty!Engie wearing contacts?
over 13 years ago
Engie as a catgirl? That is hawt! Nyao don't you think? LOL! Funny strip here. Keep up the good work, Jo!
Think CoD gets more and more unbalanced with every new release.Team Fortress 2 was made after 10 eyars right? And beats CoD's ass anytime..yet TF2 still feels unblanaced sometimes..
Anyway think the catgirl was a ref to Khajits?
over 13 years ago
I remember when Halo: Reach came out they said the exact same thing. Right as StarCraft 2 was coming out (which easily was the most anticipated game in history).
over 13 years ago
Redhead catgirl? Hell yes. Now I can't wait until 11.8.11...
over 13 years ago
No, just no. CoD should stop right here right now. I'm sick to the stomach of that game.
over 13 years ago
Femshep gets looser every strip.
I wonder when she'll be posing in the nude for no reason?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_91436]@Mewt[/url]: Well that is why IW and Treyarch alternate on the releases. Each game takes about 2 years to develop, but Activision has 2 developers working on the IP so it can have an annual release. I do agree that it's getting over hyped. I only played CoD 2 and 4, and that was enough for me.
Bronze Knight
over 13 years ago
I think the date was supost to be 11/11/11....
over 13 years ago
Also furries.
over 13 years ago
Lol CoD MW3. Pre Modern Warfare CoD was the bomb.
Also I do cringe with that "in history" line. I mean...that's just stretching it.
I wish they would take longer for their game development. I mean..they just pop out a CoD every year.
over 13 years ago
I've said this to a lot of people, here's what I'll do about MW3: Rent it, play it for a week with no online, then put it away forever.
over 13 years ago
...nah, MW2's multiplayer is still really imbalanced.
over 13 years ago
MW3 = second coming of Christ. Nah, that game will be tame compared to the release of Skyrim. *shudder* What a week to be working in the video game industry...
@JackOat[/url]: El Shaddai really wasn't that bad. The only one who really gave it an unfair rating was IGN(norant).
hello my name is:
over 13 years ago
im hoping mw3 will make a comback after the grusome mw2, im also hoping the hit detection gets improved
anyway if it dosent make a comback this is going to be my last call of duty
over 13 years ago
Ever since El Shaddai got a ridiculous high score while giving Catherine a so so score, I have been very wary of game being down right bad and never trust a reviewer word. Since then I would look up the game first.
With MFW3? Dont need to considering MFW 2 and Blck Ops was the same.
over 13 years ago
It plays like a snail on top of peanut butter.
over 13 years ago
The campaign is comparable to a line drawn by a 3 year old, even a 12 year old could make a campaign like this. And the storyline is near nonexistent, cliche, and mediocre at best. It's the same release every year with no changes to the last. Additionally...
over 13 years ago
I agree with Steve. You can't trust anyone but Rent/stores when it comes to Judging games
over 13 years ago
Catgirl + Engie = infinite win.
over 13 years ago
Pretentious, I see what you did there.
Steven Linakis
over 13 years ago
Unfortunately, critics will definitely over-hype this, so the only way to know for certain how good this game is is to play it for yourself.
over 13 years ago
Fuck Call of Duty!
Radical Inquisitor
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
Why does everyone hate on Call of Duty? It's not that bad. I like the series, and think the campaign is interesting at least.
over 13 years ago
pffft we all know that call of duty modern warefare 3 will be pounded into the ground and nobody will even remember it came out because of skyrim.
Liro Raeriyo
over 13 years ago
i dont think ANYONE is actually interested in MW3, they just push mega hype into it so people will buy it so they can stay cool
over 13 years ago
I want Skyrim, not another fricken' war game. But yes I would like to see cat girls, please. :3
over 13 years ago
I don't know, but.... *drool*
over 13 years ago
They're re-releasing MechWarrior 3?! :OOOOO
over 13 years ago
They should just call the damn game Call of Duty XIII
over 13 years ago
I am pretty happy with this comic.
over 13 years ago
MW3? Mechwarrior 3 was out ages ago. MW4 kinda sucked.
over 13 years ago
The most anticipated game in history comes out tomorrow yeah HAPPY FEET 2!!!!!
over 13 years ago
Nahthe most awaited game in history... Final fantasy 7 reboot!!!
over 13 years ago
They see me trollin, they hatin
over 13 years ago
Soooo.....what's MW again?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_91318]@capnschecky[/url]: Speaking of blanket statements.
over 13 years ago
Hmm, dat boobs.
Sable Drakon
over 13 years ago
Nobody smart cares about MW3.
over 13 years ago
moar catgirls!
over 13 years ago
Catgirls ftw!
over 13 years ago
5 place to me, Nekomata engie is cute
over 13 years ago
If you're aroused you're furry, if you're not aroused, you're gay.