What people are saying about "RO"
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about 13 years ago
I have a very similar problem.

My brain will always read MW2 as MechWarrior 2.
about 13 years ago
Engy-tan is Nazi!
Wait... that MIGHT be a russkie uniform....

Better shoot it just to be safe.

Regardless of which side you're on, it's practically guaranteed to be a teamkill.
about 13 years ago
red orchestra is pretty grindy also
Teddy Roosebelt
about 13 years ago
Below me There BOTH engie-tan i think.
about 13 years ago
But... wait. I thought the one with the short red hair was Engie-tan? D:
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_75145]@Julian[/url]: rule34.paheal.net
about 13 years ago
@>_<: So a grind fest game where all you do is grind and grind and grind, then start over at level one to grind again is better than anything. Kay?
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_75092]@Deviant[/url]: No nude pics there either I MEAN "OTHER" ART.
about 13 years ago
I restarted RO like 3 years ago when they introduced 3rd Classes, went into a /v/ server that died after 6 months. Ended up in a small Private server because the Official servers are full to the brim with bots.
about 13 years ago

Arguably, the same can be said for RO. Farming endgame MVPs for equipment, yeah?

The only difference is the path you take to get there; WoW has quests, RO has the literal grind.
about 13 years ago
I like the hats
but I don't really
wanna bother getting
the game... for once
about 13 years ago
RO will forever be Ragnarok Online to me.
about 13 years ago
oh wow, being a former RO player myself, this really brings back memories. My brother's fond of pointing out that RO and TF2 would be a hat combo that can't be beat given how big hats are in RO as well.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_75064]@Julian[/url] Deviantart?
about 13 years ago
RO is still one of the best MMOs I've ever played, none other has the mechanics, classes and dynamic of RO. Even WoW while being "the top MMO" is still a buttlicking piece of geargrindy sheepfood.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_75060]@Serveral[/url] I do not know about you but i check nerfnow twice a day. For the Comics => cauz they be awesome
Elia Moroes
about 13 years ago
Two female friends of mine got me in RO some years ago, on a private server
I've enjoyed it till I was able to
I still consider it a great MMORPG: I loved the class system and the art direction
I was a Creator :3
about 13 years ago
Nice, the two engies!!
And, I still love RO. (Ragnarok Online! :P) Grindy and all.
about 13 years ago
Make a website for all your "other" art.
about 13 years ago
@ Serveral

Far more than you are comfortable with.
about 13 years ago
Jesus Christ... I don't really know how many faggots here actually keep reloading this site every minute and wait until the next comic is posted just to place a fucking "Mine" photo note.
Sniper Dave
about 13 years ago
I demand a desktop featuring both engies in those getups
about 13 years ago
i can haz cosplayed lesbian pr0n? :3
female engies action
about 13 years ago
FFS go have sex together NOW !
about 13 years ago
Whatever did happen to Ragnarok Online?

I remember liking the class systems but not he combat grinding.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_74947]@PaulPower[/url]: How could you forget Star Control. :O
Guy That Laughed
about 13 years ago
Hoho, I get joke! Very funny, good sir.

-former High Priest
about 13 years ago
That's pretty funny; I had the exact same conversation just yesterday.
about 13 years ago
Can we get more orange hair engie?
about 13 years ago
I wonder why it was not Tentacle Jo that was inviting Engie Tan(1) for a game?
about 13 years ago
Mmm Mmmm

Look at all dat FANSERVICE
about 13 years ago
Somehow I've got it in my head that Red and Engie are playing out some strange sexual roleplay.

Play "RO" indeed. XD
about 13 years ago
Thank god we got the unnecessary lacey-black-underpants shot.

The comic was almost on a respectable streak!!!
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_74989]@Ninkul[/url]: Haha, I almost forgot that they can't. Maybe a reskinned super novice/GM in disguise then?
about 13 years ago
Thief can't dual wield! >:( the innacuracy of this comic makes me rrraaage!!!
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_74915]@Twilight[/url]: That you're just like me.
about 13 years ago
I'm beginning to like orange-haired engie-tan. She has my tastes!
about 13 years ago
well...theres a nice idea for costumes
Mr. Am/Pm
about 13 years ago
Now I'm waitng only for Girl on Girl hot action!!
about 13 years ago
RO is a bit less grindy now also you can play on custom servers that have exp rates and drop rates increased
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_74944]@Brigitte[/url]: I claim through a meta-criticism! Also Jo, when are you going to do more Deviant pieces?
Those eyes.
about 13 years ago
I am disappoint.
about 13 years ago
Saying mine is getting old...
Adam Jensen
about 13 years ago
I never did not ask for this.
Sigma SIlver
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_74946]@CyricZ[/url]: Exactly, Red Engie and Blu Engie. Nice inside joke, or the creator just forgot? You decide
about 13 years ago
Haha, I thought the same thing in this context. RO for the win, whichever it is.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_74946]@CyricZ[/url]: Maybe the red-haired engie now gets an actual name?
about 13 years ago
Could be worse, could be SC

That is to say, SimCity, StarCraft, Soul Calibur, Supreme Commander, Splinter Cell, Shadow Complex, Sonic Colours...
about 13 years ago
See here's my problem.

They're both named Engie. o_O
about 13 years ago
My first reaction to seeing the comic titled "RO" was to think Ragnarok Online as well, despite how I've never really played it and preordered Red Orchestra. :-(
about 13 years ago
Lol @ guy posting detailed criticism on a webcomic

protip: photo notes are for claiming body parts of characters drawn by a man.

Also, xkcd.
random guy from the internet
about 13 years ago
purple tentacle monster
about 13 years ago
poriiiiing !

must loot that. T_T

but thief in Ro can't use dual dagger. only sin.
about 13 years ago
I didn't know what RO was until the end when I saw orange engie-tan in a WWII outfit. However, I didn't know what the other RO was until I read the description.
about 13 years ago
Now i want some ragnarok online hat in TF2.

Like poring hat and angel wing ears for misc.
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
Perhaps you could enable a script that bans when anyone types the word MINE on a photocomment.
about 13 years ago
Yay, I am really starting to like these more frequent updates. Keep up the great work
Tentacle Inspector
about 13 years ago
Moar tentacles plz. Engie(1) turns out to be tentacle Jo in disguise. This I approve of.
about 13 years ago
Ragnarok Online ftw ! ;D
about 13 years ago
Someone needs to disarm those MINEfields, so they'll be free for everyone >_<
about 13 years ago
yay! more engie and engie(1)!! moar plz!!! XD
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_74878]@OpenRK[/url] Well RO is F2P now and much less grindy. Everyone on the RO train!
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
Ro 2 is great. Also if anyone here can mod UE 3 and feel like making something awesome come true then:

Red Orkestra 40k: Heroes of Armageddon is looking for modders!
I'm a bird
about 13 years ago
That is indeed a epic mistake, i would trade it all for a poring hat though.
about 13 years ago
What does it say about me that I knew what Ragnarok Online was without a second thought and have never heard of this Red Orchestra thing until now?
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_74902]@Caspian[/url]: It is a proven fact that 99.546435% of percentages between 96.73 and 99.543 are made up and statistically invalid
about 13 years ago
This problem seems to crop up a bit. CoH, MW2...
about 13 years ago
I remember playing RO, everything start merrily, then my account got hacked and I raged and raged and then I quit.
about 13 years ago
plop plop goes the God-poing
about 13 years ago
It has been estimated that 96.8% of all women who favor black underwear, are closet whores.
It has been estimated that 97.3% of all women who favor black underwear, are closet whores.
It has been estimated that 99.10% of all women who favor black underwear, are closet whores.
Do you know that 105
about 13 years ago
Poporing~ :3

I'm sure a lot of us didn't know the darn thing is an enemy you're not supposed to touch until lv 30-ish (earlier if you're some class like mage) and poked it for fun

And then you get teabagged by something that look like a green tea jelly .- .

about 13 years ago
Ahhh ya RO2
PC Gamer
about 13 years ago
If you play Red Orchestra, what is your Steam Account name :D We'll play some time together :P
PC Gamer
about 13 years ago
I remember Ragnarok, played it alot and was called a 'n00b' god knows how many times.

As For Red Orchestra, I felt as though I belonged in that game and, the worst part was, I ran into god knows how many people who didn't know how to play and it was then that the n00b became the master :O
true story
about 13 years ago
This confusion happens way too often.
about 13 years ago
I remember playing RO. I had some fond memories of it...


...Yep, that's just about all of 'em.
about 13 years ago
I get this with FF- most people think I mean Final Fantasy when I mean Fatal Fury.
"Not" Robin Walker
about 13 years ago
CONFIRMED: Poporing hat for RO2 promo
about 13 years ago
girl on the right is hotter in the last panel, in my oppinion.
about 13 years ago
Meh, my knight could survive against thieves.

Monks on another hand...

Fuck them and their asura strike! I only have so much hp!
about 13 years ago
Swear to god if I see another mine on here... *checks*
about 13 years ago
That thief outfit brings me back. Must resist resubbing to iRO for my FS priest ><
about 13 years ago
Gotta love the Poporing on her head. Staring out into space, thinking "Must...grab...loot."
about 13 years ago
I want a poring hat too :3
about 13 years ago
In after mines and firsts.
Fan Service
about 13 years ago
In b4 Mines and firsts.