What people are saying about "Jerk"
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almost 13 years ago
And you can't have a word about this Jo, you quitter.

Im sure i can be your Pimp even in TF2. (nevah played)
almost 13 years ago
So... Some men has the frail of being harassed at the beggining...

That's why DOTA likes can get frustating: people does not hold their horses.

To play you must train, and you must learn from every defeat. That's mine LoL.
about 13 years ago
In short: It's all about the e-peen.
about 13 years ago
lol is good... maybe is not dota.. but cmon... xD
about 13 years ago
I don't know about you guys, but I automatically inserted the DENIED voice from DENYING a tower in HoN. Never played DOTA so idk what it sounded like.

Seemed appropriate.
Liro Raeriyo
about 13 years ago
i hate WC3 because of DotA, let the hate spam commence
about 13 years ago
just for the record Dota isnt made by blizzard. Actually blizzard has nothing to do with it. Icefroog made DotA.
Andrew Hall
about 13 years ago
But hey, why am I complaining?

Please by all means, you guys enjoy DOTA/LOL and the artifice and the most bitter, hostile player base in all of gaming. If that floats your boat, set sail. I'm glad someone out there likes it. I just prefer my recreation time to be LESS stressful than reality.
Andrew Hall
about 13 years ago
...all I'm really saying is that in any other type of combat, you don't suddenly forget everything you learned in a skirmish by having your kill ganked. This isn't capture the flag, it's a freaking COMBAT ZONE. The way DOTA/LOL works is an arbitrary legacy mechanic from the way WC3 works.
Andrew Hall
about 13 years ago
To all those who have reminded me about sabotaging one's one supply trains so the enemy can't get them : this is not new to me.

Let us recall however that in DotA-likes you cannot blow up your own towers so they can't be captured by the enemy.

about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73857]@silver[/url] That's easily debatable, denying makes it so that players who successfully deny don't actually use strategy to build their own strength, but use a cheap oversight to keep their opponent from gaining any ability to fight back
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73672]@sx[/url] Denying is a valid and important mechanic to the genre. Creeps are resources. Denying the enemy to resources/an advantage embodies the spirit of player vs. player games. Denying is as poisonous as ramp blocking or killing the enemy's workers in starcraft. It's not "poisonous"" at all.
about 13 years ago
@Not well... I said burning it down, which implies they're outside of it and safe from any debris if it falls over.
bad analogy
about 13 years ago
it would be more accurate if the cupcake was on a shelf or something then as you went to grab it you other guy grabs it first, maybe says something after like i dont even like these cupcakes, then proceeds to eat a different colored cupcake from the shelf.
Not well...
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73838]@Geary[/url] Actually, it does if there are bad guys still inside. :P
about 13 years ago



about 13 years ago
@Well... They are actually troops though, and it doesn't make sense that you delivering the killing blow on them would somehow prevent your opponent from gaining any experience. It would be like an army burning down your capital, and you decide to blow up the supports of the capital, makes no sense.
about 13 years ago
@Andrew Hall (continued)
To put it simply:
When Napoleon invaded Russia, the Russians burned their own farmland to prevent the invading French from gaining any sources to feed Napoleon's troops. Though subtle at first, this had a major impact when winter came and food rations dwindled.
Elia Moroes
about 13 years ago
Your avatar never looked SO DAMN GOOD
about 13 years ago
@Andrew Hall: Actually that is a real strategy, though in reality it is not your own men being killed, it's your own stationary resources. Not often used, but it has been done in the past with great success.
about 13 years ago
Oh engie-tan i'd totally allow you to feed off me anytime you wanted~
about 13 years ago
Andrew Hall
about 13 years ago
Oh, also, I was bad at DotA for one main reason : I never mastered the "deny kill" mechanic.

This is because I found it to be artificial and silly. Where else in the universe do commanders kill their own troops to prevent the other side from getting stronger?
Andrew Hall
about 13 years ago
DotA - the game with 106 heroes, each with several abilities, most of which are different from Warcraft 3.

Can't learn it in a day, and yet if you don't jump in fully complete, like Athena from Zeus's head, you will be spit at and told to quit.

Love Blizzard games. Just hate the players.
about 13 years ago
and that why I play LoL
Just wondering...
about 13 years ago
...do you know/play Spiral Knights? (well, okay you have a Steam account so normally you should know about it)

Would be cool to see some comics of it! (Only if you want, else just continue with what you want to draw)
about 13 years ago
@Sion, the undead Champion

"..and to hear the lamentation of Noooooooobs!"

HAHAHAHA much better indeed!



about 13 years ago
@AUTHOR: Well its always hard to balance each hero to fight one on one in any moba game. That is why both LOL & DOTA have teams. If you are ganked by an enemy get your team to support you. its just like real life when something becomes too hard to manage you ask for help.
about 13 years ago
Jo, if you want the Hate and Nerd rage to reach critical mass, do a pony + Dota comics, blood will run for sure
about 13 years ago
Your newspost is basically the entire reason I left LoL, and never got into DotA in the first place. I've been turned off a few games by bad snowballing resulting in matches being decided in the first 5 minutes, then you're effectively forced to play the rest of the loss...
John Galt
about 13 years ago
There's something terribly wrong if your enemy is more than one level ahead of you.
about 13 years ago

This reminded me of Nerf Now. :D
about 13 years ago
hue hue hue
es #1 in brasil
about 13 years ago
I wish you wouldnt use generic Engi-Tan for everyone these days Jo. Dont get me wrong, I like her, but I also liked seeing everything you could draw as opposed to the same red headed girl for like 100 comics in a row.
Sion, the undead Champion
about 13 years ago
more like:
What is best in death? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of Noooooooobs!
about 13 years ago
jso, ur mom does


kiki teh monkeh
about 13 years ago
dota doesn't sound like any fun at all
about 13 years ago
DOTA PLAYERS! What is best in life?
"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their women."

about 13 years ago
More or less. For me at least, the point of no return is when someone throws up a surrender. At that point you have either soundly crushed their spirit, and when you crush someone's spirit it is not easily reinvigorated. Denies, ganks, 1v1's can be a bit of a nuisance, but you work past it.
about 13 years ago
and that thing about blocking the path...
you know in lol its harder to die against a gank if your teammates say ss or you set up some wards... and the thing about blocking.. who cares? every1 has flash anyway just run and flash...
about 13 years ago
@ geary
you cant dive at lvl in HoN or Lol either(well if you have the right heros and the enemys the wrong and the enemys are really stupid then i might be possible) but normally it isnt possible. furthermore you dont die that fast in HoN compared to lol so you can kite at the tower.
 Platypus
about 13 years ago
Again I'll say no more then one month after launch with the way the tournament build was presented, DOTA2 will be a graveyard full of assholes, elite pricks, and clueless n00bs. Everyone else will have gotten their achievement TF2 hats and left. I guess that's good, they'll stop trolling TF2.
 Platypus
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73702]@hueaheuaehauehuea[/url], A game does not have to be built in a way that encourages asshole tendencies. By keeping and even boldy announcing "DENIED!" it legitimizes unsportsmanlike addituteds. TF2 gets bad enough sometimes but the core mechanics are ones of teamwork, not pissing all over newbs.
about 13 years ago
can heroes like troll warlord or the voiddude still perma bash you to death in dota 2?
about 13 years ago
Jo why do you still suck so hard at drawing. The last panel is clearly missing pieces of table flying into the air. How many years has it been now?
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
72 comments? Nice shitstorm! If this comic stayed the same amount of time in the homepage as the last pony comic it would end having more comments than that!
about 13 years ago
FFS, stop doing 10hit combos at comments.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73731]@Geary[/url] I've reported most assholes I play against in LoL games.. and there are always a ton more. But that's true of Dota/Hon/Lol
about 13 years ago
Though being utterly destroyed does in fact happen in Dota, it doesn't mean it's as easy as "Enemy got one kill now he can kill me whenever he wants"

Also: Summoner spells in LoL basically make up for flaws/poor choices of other characters/players... It's just a poor design choice.
about 13 years ago
cut them off from their towers by standing between the quickest path to the tower and them, forcing them to take a long route to escape or risk dieing to you.
about 13 years ago
What I was referring to about the towers was that you couldn't jump a full-HP champ at level one before the minions spawn and succeed in killing him while avoiding death yourself. You CAN, however, gank them while they're attacking your tower, gank them when they're far away from any of theirs, and
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73721]@Sukudo[/url]: If you find an asshole in LoL, then report him/her. Otherwise you're just bitching about a problem without trying to fix it. To your second point, the area outside of towers is large enough that you have PLENTY of breathing room when ganking, and you can still get low-HP champs on the tower
about 13 years ago
First post here, lurked for about a year. Love your artistry.

I'm an avid HoN player (1800 MMR 2,000 or so games between it and DOTA). This is the reason that the game is such a good adrenaline rush. Lots of emotion relies on your every move and a lot of risk is involved in everything you do.
about 13 years ago
Revenge For the Cupcakes!
about 13 years ago
its really funny to hear lol people talking bad about HoN or Dota and praising lol... Most of the time they dont get both games. The reasons of your summoner spells are crap too... If you dont have the something like a slow and you need you then you simply picked the wrong hero.
about 13 years ago
"Because, let's face it, it isn't very fair if all somebody needs to do to escape your gank is walk away. "
"In HoN and DotA, the towers were so weak that tower diving was second nature and generally resulted in the tower having negligible effect"

you destroy your own arguments
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73712]@Geary[/url] youre talking crap. First of all Lol has many assholes too. For example last time i played we ended up 3 vs 5 cause 2 people refused to play.
about 13 years ago
To crush your enemies, to see them driven to their towers, and hear the lamentation of their trash mobs.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73710]@scutts[/url]: There's actually a very good reason for last hitting in LoL, it's to allow the minions to push so the enemy champs move forward enough that they can't escape easily when you're beating them in fights. All in all, it's more strategy and less reckless abandon.
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73708]@Geary[/url]: "Because, let's face it, it isn't very fair if all somebody needs to do to escape your gank is walk away." You mean like walking/flashing to your tower in LoL?
about 13 years ago
And lastly, the towers: In HoN and DotA, the towers were so weak that tower diving was second nature and generally resulted in the tower having negligible effect. In LoL, the towers give the defending team an advantage in teamfights, and ensure that you can't just gank people on their tower at Lv. 1
about 13 years ago
Because, let's face it, it isn't very fair if all somebody needs to do to escape your gank is walk away. Further more, abilities like Flash allow people to get out of crowd ganks or avoid otherwise-lethal attacks.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73702]@hueaheuaehauehuea[/url] LoL doesn't have that many assholes, because they have the Judgement Center implemented. Additionally, summoner spells even the playing field. Let's say you champion has lots of damage and support spells, but no slows/stuns/knock-ups/suppresses, then you can take Exhaust
about 13 years ago
A possible new meme in the works.
about 13 years ago
And just what are those tools? A chatbox? That's all people need to be assholes, the game can't do anything about that. In fact people on the internet are just assholes in general. If that's you're reason to not play then you shouldn't play anything online(or at least anything with teams)
about 13 years ago
Oh Archer-tan, that's why you eat your cuppencake first!
 Platypus
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73679]@hueaheuaehauehuea[/url]: However you don't need to give them tools to conduct their 'assholeness' on a silver platter. It's not just "denying", it's the whole "hate" culture that goes with it. If Valve didn't clean at least that up it doesn't bode well for the game as whole.
about 13 years ago
Not your average demon, he's Doom Bringer. The hero that all other heroes hate. Oh and Engie-tan(1) was Windrunner
about 13 years ago
At first I thought it was the Arishok from DA2, but then I realised it's just a demon.
about 13 years ago
good read.
and nice comic.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73674]@gimmethegepgun[/url] Yup at first sight I thought she had three baguettes on her back! :)
about 13 years ago
@Charlie Sheen:
I herd u like ponies
Charlie Sheen
about 13 years ago
This type of despair,you feel in any multyplayer game.Do like i do,call everyone that wins a cheaterXD.If you are not whining it's probably cause you didin't take your Charlie Sheen medicine.
about 13 years ago
@So many vowels
I wouldn't really call it ranting, just putting out arguments before they start. Rather than go back and forth with somebody endlessly when I know the exact counter arguments they make it's just quicker to dump everything at once. Also most forums are pretty ass backwards nowadays.
about 13 years ago
Are you gonna eat? CHOMP!

Love the pony references.
Oh Noes!
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73674]@gimmethegepgun[/url]: That's pretty funny. Along the same lines: Why does she have 3 arrows in the first set of panels, but only 2 in the last panel? Also, what happened to the plate? Based on it's position in relation to the girl, it should be untouched or at least flying through the air...
So Many Vowels
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73671]@hueaheuaehauehuea[/url]: Quit being a childish hater! You and your pony faggotry should just shut up and enjoy the comic instead going all RAGE face! But in all seriousness, did you really need to rant THAT much? There's forums for that.
about 13 years ago
Could have SWORN those were sandwiches in her pack the first 3 panels.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73671]@hueaheuaehauehuea[/url]: Damn kid, you sure are mad.
about 13 years ago
I could go on and on about this shit in depth but this character limit is killing me. But basically, I don't care if you don't like DotA, but don't make up stupid or false shit about it to justify playing something else. That's just retarded.
about 13 years ago
Nobody ever gets fed enough in DotA to 1v5 unless there's a REALLY bad team comp and/or one team just really outplays the other. Meanwhile there's nothing to stop say a tryndamere from becoming a late game invincible lifestealing 2 shotting god.
about 13 years ago
That is unless they make the conscious decision to build an item that allows you to(mejai's and the like). In DotA however if somebody starts pulling ahead you can deny exp, if you gank them they lose their gold edge while giving you gold and other things.
about 13 years ago
Example- champions like katarina(inb4 masses of HURR SHE BAD CAUSE U CAN CC HER, CC can shut anybody down except maybe GP, that's kind of the point of CC) are meant to snowball like crazy from just one or two kills. And there's not a damn thing you can do to slow them down once they get started.
about 13 years ago
Also people complaining about getting fed in DotA as compared to LoL? Have you guys intimately played both games? Because I can tell you it's quite the opposite, yes in DotA you can get an extreme advantage, but you can also have that taken away from you. In LoL you can't.
about 13 years ago
That being said, Dominion isn't really all that new, there have been SEVERAL other mobas that tried similar things and weren't popular at all, bloodlines: champions for example was actually a pretty decent game but was a flop due to lack of popularity mixed with poor handling by the devs.
about 13 years ago
I like how making valid points suddenly makes me angry. Next I'll be called a child and a hater and every other generic half assed insult. And for what? Because I'm defending proper mechanics instead of jumping on the LoL bandwagon? Do you people realize you are no different than the ponyfags?
about 13 years ago
Hypercarries are what really kill DOTA for me. In LoL, there's carries, but they have a better early game, in compensation for not being able to 1vs5 the other team if they're fed. I think that's a lot more fun, because the TEAM matters, not just the guy you carried until he can carry you.
Azure Kite
about 13 years ago
Give Engy-tan the Twilight Bracelet so she can Data Drain that motherfucker! Go all Tri-Edge on his ass!
Windrunner Engie
about 13 years ago
I thought you hate ginger cupcakes?
about 13 years ago
I thought DOTA was invented by Basshunter?
Did valve get permission from him to make a game out of his song?
about 13 years ago
I like the Doombringer art there, it's actually a pretty good representation.
about 13 years ago
Its funny to see people who play it once or twice have no idea about DotA...
The game is bsaed on several facotr and "getting ahead" is the most important one yeah. BUT it isnt easy to get ahead and even behind ahead doesnt mean you win the game. One Teamfight can completly overturn the game.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73637]@hueaheuaehauehuea[/url]: So Much Anger... Counter-argument, LoL actually have the balls to move onwards and modify the MOBA format. Try Dominion toda... er... SOON!! *SOON is a trademark of Valve. Users of SOON are not responsible for rage, withdrawal or angry forum posts by affected parties...
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73645]@me[/url]: Well, should have mentioned DOTA/LOL/HON. Basically the genre. Great games, but just something I've never been able to enjoy.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73642]@Shader[/url]: So you mean that is is very hard to make a comeback once you've fallen behind? Harder that in LoL, were there seems to be no denying?
about 13 years ago
This is one of the reasons I've never been able to get into DOTA.

The 'I'm ahead, but being ahead means I have more advantage meaning I'm going to get more ahead, which means I'm getting even more advantages' just ruins the genre for me.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73637]@hueaheuaehauehuea[/url]: Summoner Spells strengehen Champions, giving them what they need most but don't naturally have. Masterys are mostly an earlygame advantage Metagames come though -at the current patch- best team comp. triple all Ap rations, 5xAP is new metagame, AD now UP as fuck.
about 13 years ago
The guy who outplayed you was an early ganker. While you are more of a late game carry. So all you need to do is avoid getting ganked by him and farm at your leisure with a lane pardner. You'll outplay him sooner and later
about 13 years ago
What DotA 2 needs: more Ignite/Flash and some 21-0-9 variant of bullshit.
about 13 years ago
Masteries are pretty much the same bullshit as summoner spells, all they do is encourage less active play and more METAGAME bullshit which basically means MAKE A FOTM BUILD OR WE'RE GOING TO FEED BECAUSE YOU'RE STUPID mentality out of retards.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73623]@Toddy[/url] Except those options before the game restrict your options IN the game. ALL the summoner spells in LoL are in the game as mechanics or items in DotA, adding depth to the game. Runes are just stupid as fuck and are nothing but a time sink to be marginally better.
about 13 years ago
Well now I don't know now if I want to get DoTA 2 now because of possibly the hardcore MOBA players.
about 13 years ago
ITT: People who thinks that what makes a good competitive game is complexity. Now I admire that your willingness to preserve the class in the e-sport scene. But get real, soccer is the worlds biggest sport because its accessible, not fun to watch or require skill.
about 13 years ago
For those concerned about DOTA2: Their main concern at launch is replicating the current gameplay conditions of WC3 DotA, while fixing meta-issues like matchups and servers and reconnections. I do not doubt that the gameplay itself will evolve and grow from that point, to remove 'poisonous' gameplay
about 13 years ago
I eat your cupcakes. I EAT EM' UP!!
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73622]@hueaheuaehauehuea[/url]: Oh yes! Let's streamline the builds. Summoner spells, masteries and runes have a huge (And good) impact in the game. IMO the downside of lol is the tanky dps meta that were on a while ago. They can wreck so hard on laning phase...
about 13 years ago
You don't fix stupid assholes with game mechanics. Attempting to discourage them only makes them worse, look at WoW.
 Platypus
about 13 years ago
If any Valve employe reads these comments, just give us a DOTA like game mode in TF2 with towers, lines, and bots. Make it more TF2y and be done with it.
 Platypus
about 13 years ago
I was hoping Valve would try to "fix" that ugly part of DOTA. I was unsold on the game after watching the championships. Unless there is something radically different in the full game it's just going to suck.. Everyone will play for one week to get a TF2 DOTA themed hat and then go back to TF2.
about 13 years ago
I think the cupcake is supposed to represent the "fun" more casual/less competitive DotA players enjoy which is taken from them by the aggressive/competitive/jerkass players, shown here as a big ugly demon.
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
@T Chicken The cupcake represent the deep of the mind of humanity... Fu** REally is JUST A Cupcake!
about 13 years ago
Also while we're on poisonous mechanics, lets have no penalty for death, retarded strong low level towers which encourage turtling, oh and most importantly, mechanics outside of the current match that affect the game. Summoner spells, masteries, and especially runes.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73604]@sx[/url] except the situation is even worse in LoL, and in fact that whole game is a joke that people take way too seriously. It's like the smash bros of MOBAs. Fun and easy to pick up and enjoy, then a bunch of assholes have to treat it like a comp game and distort everything.
T Chicken
about 13 years ago
First and What the cupcake represents?
about 13 years ago
The few HoN players left will move on to DOTA 2, while LoL still reigns supreme because it lacks the poisonous mechanics that embody DOTA like denying.