What people are saying about "BFF"
Comments have been closed for this comic.
almost 13 years ago
This is kind of amusing in hindsight since Sniper's voice actor ended up going to a con and doing a Sniper-voiced reading a "Sniper's Letter to Princes Celestia"
Teddy Roosebelt
almost 13 years ago
To bad. im a brony And my favorite class is Sniper ._.!
Who knows
almost 13 years ago
You look mad, haters.... Are you mad?
Teddy Roosebelt
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
It's okay to not like Ponies just don't be a dick about it. Myself I like'em I just wish the villains were a bit better.
about 13 years ago
All spy referen now be hidden pony references
One of us
about 13 years ago
@not a hater anymore: I did the exact same thing...
lol pony segregation
about 13 years ago
black people are more accepted into society than ponies
SF Legend
about 13 years ago
"I'm a blue pony cyclops!" http://mylittleponies.net/files/2011/05/23jCl.png
about 13 years ago
Hey guys what is going on in h-

Oh shi-
about 13 years ago
oh hi guys i'm back ... never mind I'll let myself out
about 13 years ago
Blue pony is a spy.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73309]@Concerned[/url]: Ok, imagine you have a friend. You spend a lot of time together. Now suddenly, he dislikes a show. So he talks about it. A lot. AND HE NEVER SHUTS UP. And he brings it into any conversation you have. Then he acts suprised when you get annoyed by it. Internet, this is you. Fixed.
about 13 years ago
Thing is...brony-ism is a bit of a meme now. The internet is made of memes. Every meme has fans and haters. What you gonna do about it?
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73309]@Concerned[/url]: I'd probably ruin his birthday party in such a way that would never be thought imaginable. Have your pony fun, that's okay with me, but don't push it in my face as if it's the second coming of Jesus (if Jesus was a pony).
about 13 years ago
@Oh you guys~
Ok, imagine you have a friend. You spend a lot of time together. Now suddenly, he likes a show. So he talks about it. A lot. AND HE NEVER SHUTS UP. And he brings it into any conversation you have. Then he acts suprised when you get annoyed by it.
Internet, this is you.
about 13 years ago
I find it pretty clever that Jo posted the pony comics at friday. This way it stay in the frontpage milking drama all weekend! You are a genious Jo!
troll more
about 13 years ago
U mad, pony ?

Problem, sniper ?
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73223]@cybercobra[/url] I don't get it, you said you watched dozens old and new kids shows and yet you're on a friggin crusade to hate MLP:FiM like they kill your parents or something. If you don't like it so much then why repeating it over and over? sounds like butthurt to me.
about 13 years ago
points obvious
about 13 years ago
easily over 100 comments when MLP is involved. Over 300 comments on the other one
lol rage
about 13 years ago
Cuz I mad too.
lol rage
about 13 years ago
You mad?
not a troll anymore
about 13 years ago
I got tired of MLP, bye.
That Other Guy
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73266]@Arb[/url] Amen man. I'm not huge on it like some people are, but I can recognize that they're actually capable of writing a coherent plot, and it amuses me to watch MLP when I'm bored and have nothing else to do.
That Other Guy
about 13 years ago
There is no escape. You will be assimilated.
not a hater anymore
about 13 years ago
Sweet mother of Jesus did I just watch the hole Mlp serie in one sitting !? Something is wrong with me.....Now I understand why more people are becoming bronies..sigh its good..
about 13 years ago
I don't care as long as it's funny. At least it's not Twilight, or Flapjack, or any number of popular things with no talent behind them whatsoever.
The United Federation of Bronies
about 13 years ago
Hey, don't hate on Friendship is Magic, if you haven't tried it. It's a good show, if you're not too stuck up to enjoy some great humor even if it looks childish. If you watch the first three or four episodes, trust me, you'll be a brony too. Or at least you'll understand us.
about 13 years ago
slippery slope down a very tall mountain of internet.
about 13 years ago
Oh my god you fucking ponyfags just won't quit
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73228]@Zacsi[/url] First of all, SWAT cats. Second of all, I have enjoyed a lot of cartoons, and I really like MOST of Faust's work, but MLP isn't THIS good. Is it a good show? yeah. Is it as good as people say it is? No. Should it be obsessed over like it is? No. Also the characters are REALLY cliched.
Sean Dominique
about 13 years ago
Is it too late to get some popcorn?

Seriously, last time around was hilarious. Though I suppose the most insanely extreme already left due to allergic reaction to ponies.
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73238]@LittleBigKid2000[/url]: Poor sniper... that's a double trap them?
about 13 years ago
Nerf NOW! is now 20% cooler
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73208]@Whyareall[/url]: No, the cyclops pony from Best Night Ever was a colt, not a filly.
about 13 years ago
@Oh you guys~: Because the button says "Troll NOW!!"

"It's like making an argument about what food I should eat over the internet" go militant vegan/PETA discussion!!!
Oh you guys~
about 13 years ago
Why get into such an big argument about this? There are people out there who like a show, OH THE HUMANITY! And there are also people who do not like a show,THE SCANDALS! It's like making an argument about what food I should eat over the internet, who cares what I eat,it does not effect you.Why care?
about 13 years ago
So, I guess you could say their friendship is... magic. /Yeeeeeah
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73223]@cybercobra[/url]: Not my point at all and the response wasnt even aimed at you. Anyway, could care less about your oppinion when its quite distracting and contradicting, if you really dont like the community of this show why are still here with walls of boring text.
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
Wtb pony fan service
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73217]@Zacsi[/url] oh give me a damn break, ive watcehd DOSENS of kids shows shows old and new and ive watched this show. i got alot fo the jokes yes they were funny but CMON PEOPLE, THIS SHOW WAS NOT FLIPPEN MADE BY JEBUS. scroll down a bit to see wh I think this way.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73209]@Trogz[/url]: Thats mainly because you don't get the HUGE references , social commentary and well though out character development. Ofcourse 12 year old shitheads who weren't involved in the 90's cartoons don't even know such things can exist so all they see is a normal show. /Lauren Faust <3/
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73155]@Alex[/url]: You make a very good point there. There's a lot of writing behind the actual show that most people don't realize. The jokes and slapstick are all original and funny and the lessons learned after each episode are very meaningful. No politically correct banter or toilet humor to be found.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73189]@Yaknow[/url]: I like your attitude, what else do ya hate?
about 13 years ago
Saw the whole show, every episode... and it does not deserve the amount of praise and obsession it does.
about 13 years ago
It's the cyclops pony from The Best Night Ever!
Jo, you win the universe. Everyone go home, it's over now.
about 13 years ago
Oh-oh... Another Troll hunting expedition.

Jo, I see what u did thar...
about 13 years ago
So the horse ate Demoman and took his form.
Clearly these multicolor beasts going to eat and take form of all the members of the fort until there just Action hank and Saxton hale left to fend them off.
I guess they picking off the those who not brainwashed.
about 13 years ago
and ironically, this is the only way sniper will ever get a friend.
PS: you go Jo.
at haters hating haters
about 13 years ago
WTF is wrong with you?! What part of "Troll Now!!" do you not understand? If they be trolling, then they be doing something right.
about 13 years ago
I do not think it is the extreme worship that you believe it to be. but people hating on it just makes them like it more. To troll. =)
about 13 years ago
@>_>: Well, the post button does say "Troll NOW!!"
about 13 years ago

Oh wait. No trolls.

Move along now.

How the heck does the spy mask work anyway?
about 13 years ago
I hate ponies!
about 13 years ago
well its kinda like a placibo, you brain FORCES you to like it so you can fit with the rest. the hype olso realy helps for this.

all in all the show just should not get this popular and olmost everyone ive met that is a fan of it is EXTREMELY pretentious.

thank you for your time.
about 13 years ago
THOSE are the ones that everyone says are the worst!
im sorry but NONE but absulutly NONE of the arguments hold up.
witch leads me to 2 conclusions.

1: they watch it for the ponies

2: they watch it becouse of the massive hype,and i know what your thinking. but i realy do ike the show.
about 13 years ago
it has a good plat, realy? there are thousends of movies games and series that have great plots. but its THIS that realy gets you people? the plots were sometimes kinda imaginetive yes. but still very standard and all very tame. the most interesting for me were the ones at the beggining and...
about 13 years ago
i saw nothing that actualy was good or outstanding enough for it to get THIS popular. it just doesnt deserve it, the animation is good yes but alot of other shows have realy good animation to, the caracters are fun. well even though this is true they are still MASSIVE steriotypes.
about 13 years ago
@intelligent person, yes i have actualy. watched teh enire first season, my conlusion: its a decent kids show, saw nothing wrong with it and was just all around decent but the animation is indeed very well done (as to be expected from the guys who made it).

but thats the thing. its just decent.
about 13 years ago
That filly's a spy!
about 13 years ago
Ahahahaha love the knee jerk reactions.

I bet they also regularly go to the coffee shops/sandwich shops but then vow to never return when they suddenly introduce a new food/drink that doesn't fit their taste.
about 13 years ago
Hahaha i laughed a little too much at this
about 13 years ago
Shits relevant yo'
about 13 years ago
Jo Pereira is a brony and draws ponies. I can live happy.
pony scout
about 13 years ago
They see me ponying, they trolling
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73169]@Hugh[/url]: I used to think like that too...
about 13 years ago
They see me ponyin...
about 13 years ago
I don't get the massive adult following for MLP, it isn't that great of a show.
about 13 years ago
ponies... i like ponies
about 13 years ago
I like The Show, not because it has ponies, simply cause it is a good cartoon, just like Elia said.
about 13 years ago
Shouldn't that pony be Rarity? People usually draw her as a spy.
about 13 years ago
@Elia Moroes: No, you got it wrong! People talk about it DESPITE it feature ponies!
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73155]@Alex[/url]: Usually they call themselves bronies after that...
Elia Moroes
about 13 years ago
The thing that most amazes me about MLP: Friendship is Magic is that the show is just ... a normal cartoon, with a solid plot, a nice sense of humor and a bunch of references. The people talk about it THAT much just because it features Ponies. Sheesh.
Neutral here
about 13 years ago
This made my day.
Funny to see there are people who actually hate the show, I don't see any reason to hate it, I don't find it interesting (watched 4 eps and got bored) but thats not a reason to hate it, just let em be.
about 13 years ago
@Call me Confused. : The whole point is that this pony cartoon is better than most kid cartoons nowadays. It's well animated, the characters are expressive and full of personality, it has lots of funny situations and throwbacks. It's kid-friendly without being too politically correct or stupid.
about 13 years ago
I hope Jo continue doing pony references in the future. I'm not one for trolling, but seeing the haters writhing is an extra layer of fun. This is just a reference, like all the others that make this comic.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73122]@Hater[/url] I suggest you to read Jo's notes again. He said that he wouldn't do two in a row, but wouldn't rule out ponies altogether either.
intelligent person
about 13 years ago
I wonder if the haterfags have even given the show a chance
about 13 years ago
Sniper's just in denial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxMxoG_6-Wo
Liro Raeriyo
about 13 years ago
now for the "everything i can get away with" jokes

"Pony is BLU!

"Demoman is PONY"

"Pony sapp'in mah comic!"

Now moving on, can we all just the fuck up and get along? i hate pony fans as much as the haters but at-least I'm not a bigot to hate the show and its ideals.
A Pink Poodle
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73138]@Me[/url]: And that is just a spy pony! Wait until you see a heavy pony!
about 13 years ago
That's one fucking HUGE pony O.o
about 13 years ago
This is what happens to most trolls, sooner or latter...
about 13 years ago
I indicate this largely because I know a number of people in one camp that hate the other, and vice-versa, never realizing how inanely similar to both they are.

Have a nice day. And stop propping your chin/cheek on your left hand, it's bad posture.
about 13 years ago
Pony fan that crams it down your throat / uses 'everypony' and similar terms / won't fucking shut up about ponies = WoW fan that carries factionism into reality / hates when people reference Leeroy Jenkins / won't fucking shut up about the game.
Just a note
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73026]@Errick[/url]: Note that both of them are sitting on the floor and Sniper isn't even sitting straight. I'm fairly sure humans possess longer legs than these ponies, so I think the Spy-Pony is actually about head at chest to Sniper.
Salen Stormwing
about 13 years ago
That Demoman can drink like a horse... or a pony.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73122]@Hater[/url]: /not sure if trolling or just really stupid/ He never said that. He did mention quite the opposite really. But who the hell cares your immune to logic anyway.
Gorgeous George
about 13 years ago
Fuck ponies, eh? Don't mind if I do! :D
about 13 years ago
DAMNIT, You promised NO MORE PONIES in your comics! D8<
about 13 years ago
Ponies gonna pone? eh?
about 13 years ago
Anon Lurks
about 13 years ago
Give it about 12 more hours before the haters show up and start bitching like school girls.
about 13 years ago
Man, more Team Fortress 2 comics? You see them EVERYWHERE, I'm getting TIRED OF 'EM and having TF2 STUFF SHOVED INTO MY FACE.
I shall now go and pretend that furries is the sole reason for r34 and complain about the TF2 porn that I would never really see or even know about unless I tried to find it
about 13 years ago
I don't understand the whole bronie movement, but it pisses everyone off so much that I have to like them.
Rainbow Dash
about 13 years ago
Its working!
about 13 years ago
"welp that went what 3 maybe 4 comics anyway turning back on adblock."

AdBlock: OFF.

There, now its even. Ante up?
about 13 years ago
@Call me Confused.
Go look up Lauren Faust and the other people working on this show. Seriusly they are like the A-team of western animation.
They might have something to do about DA MAGICS of this show.
about 13 years ago
Oh yeah one more thing:
If your into ponies AND podcasts go listen to the "Bronyville" or "Diamond Dogs" casts. Those are the best as of yet. Professional and easier to keep up with pony news stuff then browsing.
Call me Confused.
about 13 years ago
While trolling the trolls is admirable, I have to honestly ask, what is it with the ponies? I've had to stomach lots of kids shows due to work or family/friends crotch blossoms. This just reminds me of those kids who smoked more pot than conceivable in high school, and thought sponge bob was baller.
about 13 years ago
Yay ponies!
about 13 years ago
@Jebin "Toolbox" Zedalu:
I guess it evolved waaay past that after the "Coltbert" event in to the realms of pop-culture where the fans outweight the haters.
But then again its not hipster to like ponies anymore./jk
about 13 years ago
Not that big of a ragefest yet. Guess the trolls got bored and moved on. Just goes to show how not devoted they are and they hate eachother just as much as anything else.
Not being able to embrace your inner child is faith worse than death IMO.
U Kritzkast need to start listening to that after CP
Jebin "Toolbox" Zedalu
about 13 years ago
I'm not sure what's more adorable. The pony, or the people commenting here whining about ponies and saying it's just some "ironic meme".
Ze tubi4
about 13 years ago
One freandly backstab later
"Welcome to the heard!"
about 13 years ago
Confound these ponies, they're sappin' mah hatred!
about 13 years ago
Wait, wasn't he wearing Croc hat?
Random Internet Person #13242452
about 13 years ago
Oh no, the trolls are threatening to stop reading Nerfnow if Jo doesn't listen to them!

"The horror! The horror!"

But uh, seriously, it's a gaming comic, and there's a lot of crossovers between TF2 and, well, everything now.. so.. yeah.
about 13 years ago
Erecting a friendship.
Some kind of ignorant observer
about 13 years ago
More ponies. I'm shocked that there aren't more comments already.

Hee hee. Ponies.
pony scout
about 13 years ago
Where is cute engie-tan ?
about 13 years ago
Thank God the Sniper hates ponyfags. Don't think I'd have been able to use him anymore if he did.
about 13 years ago
To the pony haters:

I'm going to love and tolerate the SHIT outta you guys.
about 13 years ago
Gilda threat level: HIGH
Expect a lot of rage and hate.
about 13 years ago
What would happen if a certain sneaky infultrator investigating a zany medical practitioner's research into bio-regenerative particle waves was to cleverly disguise himself as one of the local fair-feathered inhabitants, and found himself inadvertantly encased within an unsuspecting medical subject?
about 13 years ago
wait, you on kritzkast?

oh and the next pony comic came faster than I expected let the ragers begin
about 13 years ago
welp that went what 3 maybe 4 comics anyway turning back on adblock.
French Fries
about 13 years ago

about 13 years ago
That demo's a pony!
@ Bob: You would be surprised. Lots of fan-made stuff being continually produced. Still, it's actually a good show so I would recommend trying it out. If it's not your thing it's not your thing, but don't go hating or I'm gonna have to love and tolerate you. :D
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
Honestly, who cares about ponies anymore?
All the meme forcers got bored and stopped spreading it a long time ago.
about 13 years ago
Does that pony have hooves shaped like daggers/knifes?..
Rarity Unicorn
about 13 years ago
Real funny comic by the way
Rarity Unicorn
about 13 years ago
@>_<: I would have phrased that differently but ran out space.
about 13 years ago
Unicorn into ponies? You dirty perv!
Rarity Unicorn
about 13 years ago
I've been a Nerf Now fan for two years now, and I never even played TF2. I kept coming back because Jo's stuff is awesome. Now he is starting to branch out to something I can relate to. If I can enjoy most comics being about a game I know nothing about, can't you at least tolerate a few pony ones.
about 13 years ago
Only 35 comments? Man that disguise sure is good!
Samuel L. Jackson
about 13 years ago
I want these Mutha Fuckin Ponies off my Mutha Fuckin Game!
But seriously, ponies are awesome.
Ever since 3D pony models got made for Garry's mod, there has been this huge surge of Garry's Mod comics being made throwing the Pony and TF2 characters together, so it makes sense to trickle into here
about 13 years ago
Ohhh crap, here we go again. inb4 fecaltempest
about 13 years ago
Come on guys, even if you don't like MLPT, this comic is freakin' hilarious. Especially if you do DemoMan's lines in DemoMan's voice.
about 13 years ago
Ok, I'd like to say one thing.
about 13 years ago
Here's a dick haters:


Start sucking.
about 13 years ago
Still not enough pony.

But it'll do. :D
A MLP: FiM cool dude
about 13 years ago
Its funny, when that Demo is achually a Pony in desguise.
about 13 years ago
Plz comic with pony
...and pyro
...on the oppsoite team
...spy checking pony
about 13 years ago
More pony comics.

You make me very happy.
beeeest frieeeend
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
For a moment I thought that this would be another pony comic... Relax guys! Just a plain TF2 comic here!
about 13 years ago
@ reilly Actually, furries just invade other fandoms. Ponies are no different. Within a month of the brony community taking off, furries had dug their way in and started ruining everything.
Pie Pants
about 13 years ago
Nope, no cancellation here. Second season of ponies is airing in the fall, third season is in the early stages.

Pony is credit to team.
about 13 years ago
Mwahahaha! They're clever, these ponies!
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
Ponies. The scourge of the internet. The natural evolution of furries.
about 13 years ago
I LOL'ed.
about 13 years ago
Spah sappin mah' pony!
about 13 years ago
I think your pony is way too large compared to the sniper, but then we've never seen ponies next to people officially so maybe they are horse-sized? I always figured 'em to be more like head at chest height or so though.
about 13 years ago
Fuck ponies.
Crimson Glitter
about 13 years ago
More pony comics!

Lauren Faust demands more fillies and colts.
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
For a second there, I thought he was going to have sex with a pony...
about 13 years ago
What I was saying is that friendships best atribute is that you always know it is near your. But you can never be sure how to deal with it.

Except of coarse... Fire do work on anything. But love is not what I came here to discuss.

And now of to sleep. Man Sweden is very tiresome to live in.
A Fan
about 13 years ago
So what you're saying is that friendship's natural predator is a mumbling abomination with a flamethrower?
about 13 years ago
True Friendship is like a spy. You don't know when it will strike but you know it is there somewhere.

And more often then not, ponies are related to the finding of friendship.
about 13 years ago
You hit the style of the ponies spot-on. Good job, mate. :)

And don't listen to the "don't make more pony strips" types, you draw what you like to draw, it's your webcomic. You decide and they can suck it! :D
about 13 years ago
Wait... It's been a half an hour and there hasn't been three consecutive flame wars consisting off the exact same comment being repeated ad nauseum?
about 13 years ago
Just gotta mention a few fixes.

"You are" in the first panel sounds really weird unless you say "you're".

It should be "missing", not "losing".

"Matey" is a pirate term, the Australian term would be "mate".
about 13 years ago
About "You are <losing> your girly show"
I think you meant "You are <missing> your girly show"
about 13 years ago
So you have been converted too Nerfnow ? Damn Lauren Faust for making us dependent :d
about 13 years ago
... Friendhip Is Pie! Oh wait.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_72997]@Urgh[/url]: What? I see no pony here! Just Sniper and Demo enjoying some good time together. :)
about 13 years ago
Please stop with the mlp=friendship fad, seeing mlp everywhere I go already is more enough.
about 13 years ago
Wait, are they canceling the show or something? WOO!