What people are saying about "80023102"
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over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62463]@InsertWittyNameHere[/url]: Not much to do with console wars just PSN network is down and has benn down for 2 weeks now
over 13 years ago
Can someone explain the joke to a guy that doesn't have any part in the console wars? What's with this whole "80023102" thing?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62259]@CleverProfileName[/url]: Well, the land and the sky have been taken. That leaves two "zones" to choose from. And I don't really think it'd be the water palace. :V
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62246]@Redx475[/url]: Steam is awesome. The cloud is awesome. I'm just saying that the UI isn't all that great. No offline messages, cant have custom away messages, voip used to suck until just recently, no neat avatar system like XBL. Cant use it as a media hub either.
over 13 years ago
So whats Xbox if PS3 is earth and PC is heaven
over 13 years ago
Eh I like Xbox mostly for the fact that I can watch netflix on it, that and it's cheaper than PS3. Also, they've added Netflix to the Kinect hub so it's pretty much hands free now.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62064]@Muffalopadus[/url]: Steam is THAT good, but it is buggy at times (and slow sometimes). It was also the first of its kind, and still is the most popular. Also, would you rather valve had more people working on steam or the next HL?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62034]@AnonymousIsLegion[/url]: The best part of PC gaming - It isn't possible to bring down the whole network :D You would have to take down the internet. Now, taking down the steam master servers would be hellofannoying, but there are other online games (minecraft mp anyone?)
what about Nintendo
over 13 years ago
good luck the wii doesn't have this kind of problem except for your account on nintendo.com
over 13 years ago
I think that PS3 is for people with Hi-Def TVs and friends with PS3s. XBox is for people with friends with XBox and not enough money for a good computer. PC is for people who love to customize everything, and like to brag about having an awesome computer (you can't do that with XB or PS3, can you?).
over 13 years ago
I'm a PC gamer myself but only because I don't own any consoles yet. Personally I have no problem against any platform or game, every single platform has their fair share of obnoxious 12 year olds. Xbox has the Halo and CoD bunch, PCs have their Valve games and WoW, and the PS3 has...Idk :/
Veteran Consoler.
over 13 years ago
It makes me sad to see how today's youngsters have given us consolers a bad name, especially those whom have PlayStations. To be honest, I'm glad PSN is down, since it takes me back to the days where we didn't need to hear "OMG TROLOLO HAX" 24/7. That, and I can laugh at the "Console Crusaders".
over 13 years ago
Yet it's the PC Gamers who are supposed to be elitist for rightly pointing out they have more processing capacity, while the XBox or Playstation gamer try to lord over everyone how awesome their system is whether it's the better selling Nintendo systems or PCs with vastly more powerful hardware.
over 13 years ago
There have been people advocating PC Gaming was dying and consoles were taking over since at least 1985. The only new fold in this is console advocates in the recent generation have decided to pretend they have vastly more processing power then they do to antagonize PC Gamers.
Cyclone Duke
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62107]@Scout[/url]: Veiw may be an observation of the general populace's attitude, not the artist's personal veiw.
over 13 years ago
"I find console wars silly."
*Draw PC Master Race*

The Anon known as Ivan
over 13 years ago
@The Anon not known as Ivan

I know, but I see that Publisher cancel things for PC and add them in XBOX 360 and so.

On PC we get NOTHING for beating Dead Space 2 on Hardcore Mode (I was really Dissapoint that I got nothing) and the XBOX 360 Players get Achievments and the Bonus for beating it
over 13 years ago
A better comparison would be to have PSN being a HUEG castle. And PC being a FIELD of castles.
The Anon not known as Ivan
over 13 years ago
@The Anon known as Ivan:

PC Gaming will never go extinct. It's a better platform and it's cheaper to develop. Also, there are games which are hard to port for the console world, like MMO's and RTS. Also, FPS on controllers is shit. =p
over 13 years ago
I wasn't able to link my psn and steam before the psn outage due to needing sleep and having a job so the lack of pc portal 2 that's buggin me now.

There is always W40k:DOW2:Retribution an rts.
kim jo-el
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62080]@D4rkLigh7[/url]: Well, I guess you're just not in on this Master Race stuff. It's alright bud. Neither am I. I play quite a bit of X-Box. Also, my PC crashed and now I game on a Mac. I don't very much like Macs. D:
The Anon known as Ivan
over 13 years ago
And I hope PC-Gaming don´t extinct.

I don´t like Controllers, I have problems with them. (Except the Supernintendo Controller)
The Anon known as Ivan
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62077]@MartyMcFly[/url] I would not say like the elves from LotR, but more like the Dwarfs from LotR. The Dwarfs hate the faggoty little Elves. Also, did you ever see a Female Dwarf? Or a "real" female on Computer Games? Dwarfs are stubborn and won´t give up but they are slowly on the way to extinct.
over 13 years ago
Also, I already lost the card PSN had on file the week before the attack that resulted in the network shutdown, anyway.
over 13 years ago
Glad I have all three of the current consoles and a decent gaming PC.
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
I'd be more concerned by all the stolen credit cards that SCEA is "Sorry" about. The apology makes everything better.
over 13 years ago
If accusation of PC users being elitist are valid they go twice over for purchasers of Sony and Microsoft products who try to lord their "superior hardware" over the true console company that utterly dominates the Console market, Nintendo.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62077]@MartyMcFly[/url]: That is actually a very good analogy. I do not own a PS3 nor have I ever felt compelled to get one. I and primarily a PC gamer but I do have a 360 for some games that I play.
over 13 years ago
Yeaaah...so I am part of that PC Master Race.
But it has more the Lord of the Rings feeling attached to it. PC Master Race vanishing like the elves beside the fact that they are so much better - out of arrogance and the fact that the time of "mankind" (consoles) is at hand.
over 13 years ago
I just wish I could link my PSN to my steam account so I could play Portal 2 on the PC and play some damned multiplayer!
just a guy
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62071]@2033[/url]: i know its terrible D: get your stuffed checked and be careful D:>
over 13 years ago
WARNING! Sony admited that userdata has been stolen!!!
A Bag of Indecisice Pricks
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62031]@AckAckAck[/url]: Is cool mang, is cool. I know humor when I read it.
over 13 years ago
Games for windows live had almost nothing to do with PC gaming. Almost no games use it, and pretty much nobody likes that pile of crap. It isn't like you have to deal with it to play all your games like you do with each console to play online.
Mecha Jesus
over 13 years ago
Oh god what's wrong with their hair and skin!?
over 13 years ago
jo, dont forget the pestilent retardedness of games for windows live.
over 13 years ago
I'm convinced that Sony is the devil.

Even if XBL or PSN offered the best gaming experience tomorrow, I'd stick with Steam because I've sunk so much money into it. Also, I love Steam, even if its not actually THAT good.
over 13 years ago
I think Yahtzee had a bit of design influence on the gods here.
over 13 years ago
Glad I'm a PC gamer.

Sony really got what was coming to them; maybe a bit late, but considering how they've been digging themselves a hole with the PSP, and now the PS3 (removal of advertised functionality and throwing lawyers at anyone who doesn't agree) it was bound to happen sooner or later.
over 13 years ago
Why are there only disgruntled MEN in this comic? Are we forgetting the gamer girls yet again?
Lan EX
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62050]@Kajekillz[/url]: And one of the reasons for the higher console cost of the PS3 was for the free online service. Shouldn't really be happy about services which companies like Blizzard give away for free. They should be treated as Doorbusters.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62017]@AdamB15[/url]: Didn't know about it at the time. A friend told me afterwards...
over 13 years ago
And that is why us xboxers pay :p
over 13 years ago
im glad i dont use psn that much these days
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62033]@Sinez[/url]: Yeah, 80050403 is also popping out everytime I access the store. I REALLY need to download those DLCs, goddamnit...
over 13 years ago
So, who do we have to hack to bring down the PC online games network too?
over 13 years ago
This also happens for PsP, but its closer to 80050403 or something to that effect, its really, really annoying.
over 13 years ago
@A Bag of Opinions

No, you're not Hercules, you're just an indecisive prick.

Before you go all out berserker at me, I'm just mentioning another Yahtzee joke, chill man chill.
over 13 years ago
@Dead Herald

Dude, this Glorious PC Master Race joke is all over the internet, and Jo is giving it a parody and not stealing jokes.

Just go to any gaming news where a game is better at PC than consoles, sooner or later someone will post the related pic or mentioning it by name.
over 13 years ago
I hope this one will be featured in Kotaku later, the joy of watching PC, 360 and PS3 fanboys quarreling at each other is really entertaining, for me!

*Prepare popcorn and sofa*

Come on guys, start the fight! I need some entertainment dammit!
over 13 years ago
Hey, try out Age of Empires Online if you used to play RTSs and nowadays you play MMOs. I am sure you'll like it.
You can get free beta key on Curse.
It's FREE so I really didn't want to advertise anything.
over 13 years ago
Glorious PC Master Race. Hahaha
over 13 years ago
Sony probably could've handled this a lot better.
They really should just be honest with everyone, and actually, you know, make a non half assed apology.

Also, Yahtzee hasn't made an original joke since...well, he's never made an original joke. And PC online is better - just saying.
over 13 years ago
It's a reference, he's not borrowing the joke. If he was borrowing the joke, he would've labeled them as Glorious PC Master Race and Dirty Console Peasants.
over 13 years ago
Not saying that Woody made made the joke... just saying that yahtzee didnt =P
over 13 years ago
why does everyone tribute yahtzee to the joke... this joke has been around a lot longer, in fact im pretty sure somewhere in the 2002/03 archives for GU Comics you will find the same joke. I don't think there's anything wrong with borrowing humor. It's just where he's borrowing from. XP
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
@Has Every Console: Yahtzee made this joke 3 years ago in his "Witcher" video. Now, I'm not trying to insult Jo. I don't think there's anything wrong with borrowing humor. It's just where he's borrowing it from. XP
over 13 years ago
Dekichan, amazon had 99cent delivery day shipping. you didn't get that why?
Politically Correct
over 13 years ago
this explains the absolute lack of variety of games joked about here... and jokes.
Has Every Console
over 13 years ago
It's not bothered my gaming in the least.
Let Sony finish rebuilding the PSN security, glad my CCard details aren't on any of my devices.
DeadHerald... he may not be stealing you know¿ I had a conversation in real life that went down something like this on Saturday evening.
over 13 years ago
I find this humorous. My PS3 Portal 2 arrived today. I can't play multiplayer on PS3. And I can't download my free PC version since I have to verify my PS3 version first, which I can't since PSN is down! Thus I can't play my PC version due to all this. Alas, PS3 Portal is enough to tide me over. o_O
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
Oh dear, Jo. Don't steal jokes from Yahtzee, of all people...
over 13 years ago
don't have this problem with xbox live...
oh d*** it it ran out again
i have to go buy some more for 30 bucks
A Bag of Opinions
over 13 years ago
...wait, so does that make me Hercules?
For I belong to both sides, PC and Console.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_61985]@Anshrew[/url]: Yes, it is the PC master race.
over 13 years ago
Is the last panel supposed to be the "PC master race" or is it Xbox Live GOLD members?
over 13 years ago
There are three conflicting sides of the story here: Anonymous who claims no responsibility for it (though they say other anon groups might've done it, Sony who has yet to reveal if any personal account information has been taken, and the CFW community who may have used the "Rebug" firmware.
over 13 years ago
@Gamestop Guy
Sucks to be you, for real.
over 13 years ago
Jo , you should play Shogun 2 Total War.
Best RTS in these days so far.
Also PC master race
Gamestop Guy
over 13 years ago
Hmm.. 4 photo notes.. but no comments... Strange...


Darn Kids -Grumble grumble.-

Oh and.. First.