And them Jo make the "medic sisters" with a good range of ages to be able to use "minimedic" in past, present and future arcs like the Ayanami sisters from Evangelion@School
almost 14 years ago
Does engy look older than the previous pages?
@Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
Actually, there was an arc where Lil' Piro went to TF2 school and ended up playing with Mini-Medic. Is it an outright proclamation that she is just a kid, okay, no, but it's a very big dang hint that she is one.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_60503]@Caan[/url] That's called Troll diversion!
almost 14 years ago
So, people gave up in arguing about the new arc, and now are complaining about the age of fictional characters?
Well,it's an improvement, i guess....
Also, mini-medic is a midget.
almost 14 years ago
@An Evil Penguin: No, of course not. Because that doesn't involve PERVING ON A PRE-TEEN. D:<
Seriously, what's wrong with these guys?
HW Guy
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
Anyone else thought the mini Medic looks like Dawn slightly?
almost 14 years ago
Could be that she took a few years to get to uncles house, but that'd be a hell of a detour.
An Evil Penguin
almost 14 years ago
Can't we just say that she's standing on a crate and leave it at that?
almost 14 years ago
Guys you can specifically see on the previous page that she doesn't even come up to the other characters' waists. She's either jumping or standing on something in this comic. Based on her pose she's almost certainly in the middle of leaping forward.
Seriously this isn't hard.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_60438]@Protobender[/url]: 20 levels, to be exact.
almost 14 years ago
Women on average are shorter than men and usually a girl will grow most between 11 and 12 years old. Considering that she is 10 and doesn't have any organic disfunction she would be at most 1,50m
The Anon known as Ivan
almost 14 years ago
No, not really. If the Pokemon you use likes you, it will follow your orders.
And I think that Engy hittet the explosion button by accident.
almost 14 years ago
I'd also like to suggest the idea that she's jumping up for the sake of emphasis, a habit of 'energetic characters'.
Also, Pokemon is drawn in Japan, where everyone appears to hit average height before puberty, if anime is any indication.
almost 14 years ago
is disappointed
almost 14 years ago
Lol, the pokemon was too high a level for uncle to control with his 0 badges. ---> reference to the fact that every 10 levels or so, you needed another badge in pokemon
almost 14 years ago
@KA-derb: Brilliant!
almost 14 years ago
im waitin for mini-heavy nomming sandviches and apple juice
almost 14 years ago
I Win, ha ha !
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
@~X~: Mini-Medic's true age is not known to anyone but Jo. When she was debuted in the "Entire Team is Babies!" arc, her diminutive size and childish appearance was meant to emphasize that she was a noob playing her first TF2 game. It has never been stated she is actually a kid.
almost 14 years ago
It's not a huge stretch for a 10-year-old to be almost as tall as an adult. Uncle Engie could be shorter than average, and my 10-year-old brother is almost as tall as y mom, so... it's possible.
And Heavy and Soldier are clearly standing on their knees to make Chibi-Medic feed special.
almost 14 years ago
So, Mini-Engie's 10, and Mini medic's.... what, four? In months?
Explain how an 4-6 year old is 2 feet tall, but a 10 year old is almost as tall as her middle-aged uncle.
Or how said 4-6-year old is suddenly tall enough to draw equal with a Heavy's shoulder?
almost 14 years ago
Why would Rotom not listen and choose self-destruct? I mean Uncle Joe isn't that bad Rotom. Come baaack. D:
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_60386]@Meepmeep[/url]: Not enough character space to explain the refences here.
That and I don't want to spoil the jokes.
Yes, this was a pointless post by the way. :D
almost 14 years ago
So, can someone explain what happened? This and the last comic seem to be exercises in LOLRANDOM. Without the LOL.
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
Excuse me while I masturbate to 10,000 year old loli vampires.
almost 14 years ago
hopefully the shrapnel with impale the HWG and soldier killing them causing the medic(and engie) to lose the match.