What people are saying about "Gun Rotom is Evolving"
Gun Rotom is Evolving
Comments have been closed for this comic.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_60071]@Person[/url] You mean just like every other Pokemon female protagonist?
over 13 years ago
First.. Starcraft 2 came.

Then.. Duke Nukem Forever came.

THEN.. Half life: Episode 3 came.

And you are right, after that, what will happen is the second coming of christ.

Anyways, she doesn't look like shes ten.
She looks like shes like 15
Mr. Al
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59847]@StarPilot[/url] Since you seems to be in such a flaming need of correction: I'm Swedish. Pokemon came out alot later in Scandinavia than the rest of EU and the US, when it was still a "new" franchise. If I remmeber correctly, Pokemon in sweden was at it's height roughly before gen. 2 was to be released
over 13 years ago
Wait is Rotom evolving into Big O?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59897]@Caan[/url]: What blasphemy is this?? TF2/Tetris will be AWESOME!! :D
over 13 years ago
I shall quote our good friend, the Heavy Weapons Guy (who was also quoted pretty far down, for those who haven't read):


...seriously. Oh-em-eff-GEE, a comic writer is doing something I hate! WAAAAAAH~

Entire comments is babies.

over 13 years ago
I love Rotom <3
over 13 years ago
A 10-year old minor playing with pets that can result in blood, flesh and organs all flying around? WE CANNOT ALLOW THIS!!!!
over 13 years ago
@everyone quitting
Au revoir, Adeus, Прощай, Adiós, Auf Wiedersehen, La revedere, さようなら, до свидания, αντίο, bye. You'll not be missed.

Personally, i'm not amused with the crossover, but i think it could be worse... I don't know, like TF2/Tetris...
A Bag of Opinions
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59891]@OrangeBottle[/url]: Because of them, I mean 'us', I believe he no longer bothers to...
over 13 years ago
What's with all the ragers and quitters NOW? Did they not realize that this was a Pokemon themed arc from the hints? "Red and Blue"? "10 years old", "don't let her have a pet"? "A wild Demoman appears"? The Pokeball-paint on the box, "Who is that Pokemon?" cut short? Come on people.
over 13 years ago
Also, I wonder if Josué ever reads the photo notes. Goddamn you claimers are annoying.
over 13 years ago
First time commenter! Also, pokemon/tf2 crossover gogogo!
over 13 years ago
I guess people forget that if it exists there will be a tf2 version of it, which is a cousin of the touhou version. Like comic http://nerfnow.com/comic/181 and http://nerfnow.com/comic/186 and that is just a few examples.
over 13 years ago
@another quitter
Ohnos!! The universe is getting destroyed to show that it cares about you quitting... oh wait...

(btw, not defending Jo here, as I don't really like Pokemon. I'm only just highlighting and showcasing internet stupidity and rage...)
over 13 years ago
Q-bert in a box?
over 13 years ago
Don't jo reference what's going to be in the arc in the title? Shoot this is like complaining about the pyrobot ending in revengineer 2 when jo threw in a flaming 2.0 in it. Meh so will we see Saxton hale riding Arceus?
over 13 years ago
He asks us to troll - so I troll:
Pokemon is the gayest gayness of all gays.
Only little boys & girls are allowed to play Pokemon.
Extended exposure to Pokemon can evolve gayness in these kids although.

(No I am not against gays - hey, the more gay the more girls for me :P)
Steak Sandvich
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59806]@AckAckAck[/url]: Actually, I got to beta-test DNF a few weeks ago, and I can confirm that the poo-flinging is indeed a real feature.
over 13 years ago
first i ablsolutely loved the nope reference, second you just crossed one of my favorite comics with a crappy series of games that has just been repeating it's self and in my mind becoming less and less creative. I played pokemon all the way up to ruby until I realised I was not having fun anymore
over 13 years ago
hmm a pokemon fan forced to play TF2. then turns a sentry into a pokemon o3o?
over 13 years ago
I like Pokemon. I like Nerf Now.

Apparently combining the two doesn't work.
another quitter
over 13 years ago
I will also remember your fanbase for their ability to cope with everything you draw and repeat jokes for years at an end in photo notes.
another quitter
over 13 years ago
R.I.P. Jo Pereira.
I will remember you as you were.
Rarely funny, Grammatically challenged, and deep into horrible arcs.
over 13 years ago
What sick engineer sends hard-hat to nope me ?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59848]@Vulpis[/url]: imokaywiththis.jpg
over 13 years ago
I have a feeling that the girl is a young Engi-tan.
over 13 years ago
I like this comic. The only trollish and very minor insignificant gripe I have, is that I think a Bianca look for her would have been a bit better since Bianca's father didn't want her to go on a journey. But since Talcon pointed out what numbered comic this is I understand the reason now.
over 13 years ago
Yeah but there are 649 now
over 13 years ago
Heh. 493rd comic. Pokemon. I get it.
over 13 years ago
Pokemon and TF2?

over 13 years ago
so thats why she couldn't have a pet
over 13 years ago
Well, this I did not really expect. I won't complain, though. This may turn out quite interesting.
over 13 years ago
*reads comments* Yeesh, what a sad lot of whiners. I'm kinda amused by the crossover. Hey, Jo--can we have a TF2/MLP cross next? (Granted, I've already seen some art of the ponies as TF2 characters on the Interwebs...)
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59844]@BAIL[/url]: Are you sure you want to release Anon into the wild? Yes No Item Run
over 13 years ago
TF2/Pokemon crossover?

I'm ok with this.
over 13 years ago
Welp, I'm outta here.
over 13 years ago
TF2/Pokemon crossover?

Lawl, neat.
Cyclone Duke
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59837]@Scout[/url]: This has been a pokemon arc since the first one. It's not like Jo just decides what to draw for today on the fly mid-arc.
over 13 years ago
@Mr. Al: "19"
Son, I am disappoint. You probably don't even remember playing Red/Blue, do you? I just hate the fact that the internal battery on my Gold version is dead, and therefore makes it impossible to save. At least I still have the metal pins for ordering Silver through Nintendo Power.
Keep them coming!
over 13 years ago
Those who didn't like the crossover never got to know what Missingno is... Poor souls...
over 13 years ago
WHAT? You only made this comic due to the last one being full of Pokemon quotes! Damn it people stop spamming the photo notes and let him make an ACTUAL story arc.
over 13 years ago
@Mr. Al: I play Pokemon. Im willing to bet Im older than you and have played Pokemon longer. And I hate this arc already. I was expecting something better than a Pokemon crossover. Thats just rediculous.
over 13 years ago
say "nope"

You know
over 13 years ago
I'm surprised that no one caught that all three of the hate comments made after a rebuttal to the first one all occurred within an hour of each other... i.e. nope, no., ragequit, and that other one... were likely the same troller. Wanting to see everyone jump to defend Jo.
Mr. Al
over 13 years ago
Also, I think I know what will be revealed next: Since we all know Rotom loves to haunt electrical equipment like some sort of modern-pokemonish poltergeist, I bet it merged with a Mini-Sentry (or at least took posession of one) :3
Mr. Al
over 13 years ago
Hah, I bet 99.9% of all the haters here have played Pokemon at least once in their lives, just that they thin kthey will all look like "Big Boys" by doing the Whining denial-act. It only proves you're still mentally immature :3
I'm 19 ffs, grew up with pokemon and I STILL play it!
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59806]@AckAckAck[/url] nah, they showed in on April 1st, but there were previews both online and in magazines that mentioned it months before. The part in the football stadium was a joke, but you really can pick up and throw shit in the game.
over 13 years ago
Haters need to let go of their raging manhoods and have a little faith.
 Platypus
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59788]@nope[/url], aaaww.... I wanted to see Team Rocket(Jumper) :(
Miguel Young
over 13 years ago
Porra, brother, eu to curtindo esse arco, não sei o que tanto reclamam. Fora que o traço ta com uma personalidade cada vez mais pronunciada. PNC dos filisteus :D

- Young
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59788]@nope[/url], no., Ragequit, etc. Knowing Valve, this is probably the next big update. Gotta catch 'em all! TF2!
over 13 years ago
The Duke Nukem poo flinging act is just an April Fool joke, you should have know that Jo.
over 13 years ago
Some what worrying people are raging about something meant to be funny, and acting like they own the comic huh?
over 13 years ago
Haters gonna hate.

I for one love seeing Jo daring to go where no one dared to before.
Cyclone Duke
over 13 years ago
lol @ twats in comments angry for no voiced reason at the fact that a comic is being made about pokemon

You guys not been around the internet long or ever owned a gameboy? Or perhaps... u mad?
over 13 years ago
Dont worry Jo, the feces video was added on april first so its probably just an april fools joke.

btw, please no pokemon in my tf2 lol.
Oh dear...
over 13 years ago
It appears that this revelation has made quite a mess. Personally, I think that this has potential, so I'm willing to wait it out. If nothing else, it'll be amusing to see all the rage that people are making regarding this. I mean, it's not like this was hinted at as of two comics ago.
over 13 years ago
Ohnos! A PC game and Console game crossover!! That's surely one of the signs of the Apocalypse!!
Well, the next sign is Half Life 2: Episode 3 coming out, so we're safe for the moment...
over 13 years ago
I am amused by entire itty-bitty barrage of rage comments! POW!
over 13 years ago
Just no Jo.
Y u do dis?
I had such high hopes for this arc too.
over 13 years ago
End your life Jo. This is just pathetic.
over 13 years ago
no combining TF2 with Pokemon. stop now. kthx
over 13 years ago
Yay, pokemon+TF2!!
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59777]@wasd[/url]: Cry some more :V
over 13 years ago
"What's more after that? Half Life 3 and the 2nd coming of Christ?"

Yes, though perhaps not in that order.
over 13 years ago
don't fucking tell me you're doing a pokemon/tf2 crossover
you just fucking crossed the line jo
over 13 years ago
So she was a Pokemon trainer all along? O_o

Also forget HL3, I want HL2:Ep. 3
over 13 years ago
I think we'll have to wait for episode 3 before HL3... my guess, still another 5 years or so.
over 13 years ago
how about WoW 2?
over 13 years ago
I have a feeling this will also explain why Engie-Tan's sentries have eyes on them...

Wait, doesn't that mean the sentries both Engie-Tans have are ALIVE?
over 13 years ago
the grammar in this comic is quite frustrating.
over 13 years ago
Am I the only one here that is just going "Oh hey, it's a Tamagotchi."
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59749]@Macampos[/url]: More Gun Rotom?
over 13 years ago
So... what is the original pokemon supposed to be?
over 13 years ago
Half-Life 3 is actually coming out soon., and is slated for late 2011/early 2012 at this point.

Also, first disaproving parent didn't occur until B&W with Bianca's dad. Every other parent for both the player and the rival were like "You're going on a long journey all over the world? Have fun!"
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59736]@Paper[/url]: Hell yeah.
over 13 years ago
okay. That explains the breasts on a ten year old. Pokemon explains it. :D
over 13 years ago
Yes. Yes it is a Pokemon/TF2 crossover.
over 13 years ago
Don't worry, the vaporware void will be filled by Half Life 2: Episode 3...