What people are saying about "Evolution Of Romance"
Evolution Of Romance
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about 13 years ago
Romance scenes or sex scenes? There's a very clear distinction.
over 13 years ago
Singapore..fooled by Fox News Mass Effect Alien Sex!
(banned temporarily)!
P.S- I am not in those countries!
The Sturk
over 13 years ago
@KA-derb: I kind of agree with this.
over 13 years ago
I think Kotaku put it best when they described video game sex scenes as "two mailboxes clanging against each other."
over 13 years ago
Kotor: implied kissing
Jade Empire: pre-rendered kissing
over 13 years ago
Its fucking RIDICULOUS.
They have no problems showing people being dismembered, blown up, decapitated in great detail, yet show a tad of vaginal vulva, and suddenly the WHOLE world gives a shit and 'RARARA THINK OF ZE CHILDREBN!'
Fucking Christfags
over 13 years ago
N1 Idea to have CS with Legion
That would totally take the cake, after the foursome in DA:O now a 1,185-some with Legion,Shepherd and EDI
Mass Effect 3
over 13 years ago
Applebees in SPACE.
over 13 years ago
i dont know why but dragon age 2 is best out of these also when you going back to tf2?
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_57708]@AckAckAck[/url]: The reporter in question failed to properly research the sex scene or even the game at all. While I generally give FOX News slack as they are decent for most issues. I will say they should be smacked with a lemon wrapped around a large gold brick on this one.
over 13 years ago
So far the red-haired chick of NERF NOW!! had played this roles:
1.RED Engineer
2.BLU Engineer
3.Commander Shepherd
4.Just your average gamer

How many other roles she can play? Do you think she can be Hawke?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_57626]@pong[/url] Then cut most dialogues and let them do it naturally.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_57706]@Slaanesh[/url] Fox News, when sex scene with a blue alien is considered realistic, I don't know how realistic people in Fox office, maye they all aliens?
over 13 years ago
I remember Mass Effect being said to have the most realistic sex scene ever seen in video games by fox news.

Guess they've never been to Japan.
over 13 years ago
Bioware: Making your games sexier with each new version: You're DOING IT WRONG!
over 13 years ago
I love you, Frank West xD
over 13 years ago
Just played through ME2 again, to make my import character for ME3. After playing it so many times, my favorite part of the game is going to the citadel and getting all the endorsement discounts at once. It's funny that the paragon choice is whoring shep out.
over 13 years ago
Mass effect 3 going to have Shepard stabbing garrus in the face with her bee wang? So all this going back to the final part in the first game where you talk him into blowing his brains out.
Scandal Shepard
over 13 years ago
Best way to avoid stupid people claiming anything. I should've stuck a label on that ass sooner!
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
@El Lupe: Wayne Rooney's smarter than you!
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
I'm Commander Shepard, and these are my favorite whores on the internet!
over 13 years ago
I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite flower on Nerfnow.
over 13 years ago
Even Tali got her mask off!
El Lupe
over 13 years ago
Don't you ever get tired of complaining?
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
@Cruel Armpit: Alistair is doofus. He stumbles through the romance like cat trying to rein in a hummingbird. But it's still a cute relationship and he plays the awkward suitor fairly well. I still prefer Leliana as a romance partner, being pretty and talented and someone I'd actually romance.
over 13 years ago
I got some sexy time with Morrigan even though I did the morally correct thing on my opinion and she most of the time agreed with it.

Just because I'm against mage slavery and against spreading your religion through force leliana hated the shit out of me.
Cruel Armpit
over 13 years ago
Guys, try playing the first DA as a female. Don't flirt with Alistair (but don't be a dick, or, well, cunt to him either) and just wait for him to make his move (pre-Landsmeet-ish). His pick-up dialogue was one of the best flirts I have seen in my entire life, the guy should write a frikkin guide.
over 13 years ago
Would be good to have some small cut-scenes based on your renegade/paragon levels. Love interest walks past shep, if renegade is high enough shep pinches them (keepin' it PG so it doesn't get binned by bioware right away :P)
over 13 years ago
I have a feeling the backlash from ME1s romance scene is what caused all these lackluster scenes thereafter in Bioware games. Because I don't think any of Biowares games have had more "exposure" than your average scene in any movie really..
over 13 years ago
Reminded me of Conker Bad Fur Day
Not (sure if) Safe for Work
over 13 years ago
I miss the boobies...
over 13 years ago
That's right, pollinate that flower!
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_57632]@Verbatim[/url]: Oh get on with it, Plod!
over 13 years ago
@Dead Herald

And who do you think you are? Bleedin' Action Man?
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
@Liro Raeriyo: Ugh, and you never even got to Fleshpounds. Sounds like the people you're playing with are pathetic, like a bunch of bloody Millwall fans.
Liro Raeriyo
over 13 years ago
Killing Floor in a nutshell
First wave select class, kill end
buy stuff
second wave kill stuff end
buy stuff
3rd wave kill stuff end
buy stuff
4th wave kill stuff end
buy stuff
5th wave kill stuff end
buy stuff
6th wave someone pisses off a scrake and everyone dies
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_57613]@AckAckAck[/url] In their defense, it is hard to make sensual dialogue feel organic when there is a long pause for you to decide your response.
over 13 years ago
"Also, random sex scene out of nowhere = romance."

Don't forget that after sex they have one set of dialogue with you afterward for the rest of the game.
over 13 years ago
Look on the bright side, it will never reach JRPG's never of chasity which is terrifying.
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_57599]@Foxy[/url]: She'll tool you up just right.
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_57615]@newbonomicon[/url]: Somehow I just can't see Captain Sir Richard Wiggins sporting a huge set of knockers. Ok, I'll be honest, I drew a girl in KF with a rocket launcher once, but only because it was an actual girl playing KF, with a rocket launcher.
over 13 years ago
I'm more concerned with the fact that DA2 isn't very good.

Also, random sex scene out of nowhere = romance.
Devil Dan
over 13 years ago
They do have parents watching over their shoulder. Not theirs but everyone elses it seems.
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
@dead herald: And team fortress 2 is just swarming with female characters, eh?
over 13 years ago
Hell, if you try hard enough with proper camera-angling you can still see through the clothing of morrigan and see her topless.

Either way.. I'm not sure why it's bioware that gets the flak when there were other EA games that showed topless women without so much of a word from the haters.
over 13 years ago
small talks, and then they doing it, slowly of course, started with some kissing, fondling and so on and so on.

Oh and I saw the DA2 demo pic, big boobs for everygirls!
over 13 years ago
I remember one of the early previews or interviews for DA:O mentioned there would be full-blown nudity and, as far as I know, sex. Then there was the whole thing about beastiality being in DA:O because one of the "surprise me" options had a goat in a brothel as a joke that people took out of hand.
over 13 years ago
I saw the sex scene in ME in youtube, tbh, It doesn't even look that romantic, it's like:

[flat tone]Hi, I love you, I'm want to do it, let's fuck.[/flat tone]

[flat tone]Sure, let's go fuck[/flat tone]

Me: *not amused*

Why don't they make it romantic, y'know, sitting together, (contd')
you know...
over 13 years ago
i heard porn is used for that.
over 13 years ago
@dead herald

but i like the double entendres!

especially the big ones, don't you?
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_57561]@DiegoTan[/url]: Also the first thing every KF player gets sick of is The Trader's cheesy double entendres.
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_57561]@DiegoTan[/url]: Killing Floor you and five cockney wankers with guns against the hordes of scientific mishap. However KF would not work for this comic. Only 3 females, 2 are ugly as hell and the other is invisible.
over 13 years ago
All of this is just "mine" central.
over 13 years ago
Personally, found all the romance in Bioware games you mentioned very poor. Flat out strike me as a hook to get certain individuals to buy the game and nothing more. Why I avoid them and focus on the better quality things the games offer.
over 13 years ago
hey for the record your the in your comment is Tthe lol just wanted you to know
over 13 years ago
So when do we get to the "ew girls have cooties" phase?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_57569]@Killer[/url]: here's a good article about it from around when it happened, http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2008/01/fox-news-follows-mass-effect-bashing-with-some-of-its-own.ars
over 13 years ago
Can some one explain me about this "escandal"?
A Bag of Opinions
over 13 years ago
@Frank West: Wink!

Also, it's still nice to see Bioware doing their thang.
Anonymous Coward
over 13 years ago
Thats what happens when you get targeted by the media. Things gets dialed down for the sake of survival.
over 13 years ago
They can keep it that way for all I care.
The intimacy is all I need.
Frank West
over 13 years ago
Man, I would cover that Blue Alien Chick like some kinda war!

If you know what I mean.
over 13 years ago
Yay! Mass Effect strip, finnaly! I tottaly agree, someone should sent this to BioWare! Jo, you ever played Killing Floor? If not, you must! If you didn't, do it so!
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
Holy crap!! FIRS... Nah, I can't do it.
Remove Scandal! Nobody thinks of kids.