What people are saying about "Fanboyism"
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about 13 years ago
well the differnce bein that one was never a real threat, and the other was.
over 13 years ago
It's the fact that the developers of Homefront try to pass off their plot as realistic that makes so many people pan it so badly.
The very idea of North Korea annexing South Korea, Japan, AND China without problems is patently ridiculous, whereas a Russian invasion of the US isn't.
over 13 years ago
That is, if they wanted to be, Russia would be a plausible threat. Not so likely nowadays.
over 13 years ago
See, the difference here is that, while the games are both shit, Russia is a plausible threat, despite being even more broke than us, and North Korea is Nelson Muntz.
over 13 years ago
Everyone laughed at Homefront because the idea of North Korea using its rusty 50 year old tanks and planes to conquer South Korea (much less China/America/everyone) is freakin hysterical.
over 13 years ago
The reason HF is silly is because the US got butt-hurt over the fact that you could play as a so called "terrorist" (Afghan) in MoH3 but don't care at all that you can play as a terrorist in HF, because the Terrorist in this case is American rather than Afghan/Iraqi. Oh, the irony.
over 13 years ago
I don't care for any of them, they are both silly. Russia don't give a fuck about the US anymore, because unlike US citizens, they are sufficiently up to date to realize the cold war ended decades ago. That is why MW2 is silly.
over 13 years ago
I bought homefront. What a piece of SHIT. Their dedicated servers are screwed up, you can literally spray with sniper rifles and barely take recoil, and best yet, there's a bug HUNDREDS are reporting for Xbox/PS3 that freezes your system before main menu. This affected me for 11 n counting days.
over 13 years ago
I don't really think that that is favoritism, but much rather that most Americans (no angry messages, I'm a citizen of the U.S. 2) prefer the idea that in the future, American will have a bright future as shown in MW2, as opposed to HF. 90% sure that in Russia and North Korea HF is preferred.
over 13 years ago
It's hilarious how Europeans try to think up some laughable excuse for their ass being kicked each time they team up on Russia.
Undersea Hippo
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56609]@Mac[/url]: The German Tanks.
Undersea Hippo
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56609]@Mac[/url]: The masses of Russian personnel and armor. A similar thing happened on the western and African front in terms of tank battles, the M1 Sherman tanks used by the allies were inferior to the German Panzer and Tiger tanks, but the ferocity of the US assault and the mass produced numbers destroyed
Undersea Hippo
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56609]@Mac[/url]: I do believe you are forgetting that while in some parts of the German assault, especially in the north, were stalled by the winter, many other battles (see Stalingrad), and the entirety of the Russian counterattack were won by sheer numbers alone. The well equipped Germans couldn't counter
Some fag
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
@Undersea Hippo

"overestimation of its own capabilities."
over 13 years ago
@Undersea Hippo

You'll also note that prior to winter, the Germans crushed the Red Army easily due to a combination of excellent leadership, technology, and "a plan to kill everyone you meet". The Red Army had inexperienced, weak leadership, tanks that broke down constantly, and an
over 13 years ago
@Undersea Hippo

For the fact that variables outside of technology vs quantity were involved. That is, the main reasons why the Germans lost:
1) Arrogance,
2) Not preparing soldiers for winter weather due to said arrogance,
3) Disregarding warnings of winter's effect on thinly spread troops.
over 13 years ago
@Undersea Hippo


Note its similarity to a certain other country's attempt: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleon%27s_invasion_of_Russia

If we are arguing quality vs quantity of military, Germany vs Russia is not a good argument-
over 13 years ago
Fanboys should just learn to accept their fanboyism.

They're a fan of Call of Duty, or of Battlefield, or of Medal of Honor, and so they should just play those games instead of bashing everything else just because it's not exactly like call of honor: medal of duty on the battlefield's killzone.
over 13 years ago
Seriously this shit about , Korea , Japan , China and especially Russia are getting seriously old . Nothing original .
over 13 years ago
(cont)...way of life to a certain extent. (See China and Hong Kong)
NOTE: I consider MW2 et al fantasy shooters with stories just as preposterous. Seriously: HOW DID THEY NOT DIE ON THAT AIRFIELD IN NAM?! HOW?! EXPLAIN!
I kept thinking about HL2's Combine when looking at the soldiers in this game.
over 13 years ago
2. Who are their allies? If China is still with them, then I fully understand how it happened.
3. Do they have renewable power? If yes and US=no, then that makes sense too.
One would think that if the two Koreas reunited, the one with the worse way of life would assimilate the better's....
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56486]@Anon[/url] When writing fiction about real places and countries set in the future, one needs to consider real life. We're talking about a country who's got problems with keeping everyone fed. What I want to know is this: 1. How did they become the controlling end of unification? (cont...)
over 13 years ago
You fucks are just as retarded on here as you were when this was brought up on /v/ a month ago. Jo raises a valid point. The game is a work of fiction. Look it up you autistic dipshits.
Undersea Hippo
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56407]@Mac[/url]: Also according to Homefronts trailer North Korea had annexed South Korea and its pretty substantial military forces.
Undersea Hippo
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56407]@Mac[/url]: 1. The national guard currently has had over 15,000 soldier serve in operation Iraqi Freedom and operation Enduring Freedom, so they are hardly just for disaster relief 2. As history should show you sheer numbers tend to win (Russia in WW2) 3. NK hasn't always sucked (korean war)
over 13 years ago
(cont)..WORKING WITHOUT COMPUTERS? Hand guns rather; missiles require guidance systems (w/ perhaps with the exception of some old Russian systems; they relied on vacuum tubes a lot, which are EMP proof) so invasion=possible. I mostly hate the game because they toted product placement as a "feature".
over 13 years ago
Time for a science troll to go to work.
North Korean EMPing the US is bullshit. Ok, let's assume they do obtain an EMP bomb. BIG FREAKING WHOOP. Ever heard of hardened circuits? Guess who has 'em? THE US MILITARY. Sure, they don't make all of their EM proof, but WHAT KINDS OF (real) GUNS STOP...
over 13 years ago
Modern Warfare 2 now... That's old hat. Russia's been a traditional enemy in FPS's for as long as anyone can remember. People dislike change.
over 13 years ago
"Unable to support each other,"?
Face it. North Korea is *shit*. In fact, it's always been *shit*, their government is a joke, their dictator is a DICK without being able to dictate, and what makes Homefront great fiction is the fact that all of this is humorously ridiculous.
over 13 years ago
"are obsolete and the force's pilots conduct little flight training."
Now then, assuming that North Korea's ground force is at least sub-par adequate, how the FUCK are they going move any of that across the sea into Japan if their air force is shit, and their divided Navy
over 13 years ago
Furthermore, while North Korea may have have "OVER 9 MILLION" forces (8 million of which are on reserve), it should be especially noted that underneath the entries for NAVY and AIR FORCE, the following statements sticks out like sore dicks: "most of its equipment is obsolete,"
over 13 years ago
>>Implying that it's the size that counts, not how you use it.
>>Implying that the National Guard, which is a militia, consists entirely of reservists, and whose most important task in recent years has been disaster damage control has anything to do with this conversation.
over 13 years ago
Nobody seem to like MW2 plot, and for reason.
Russia as an archenemy is offending on one hand, but on other it is a kind of respect - worthy enemy and stuff. And you can kill yankies as russian in MP in MW2.
over 13 years ago
Expecting a game about Libya soon...
Undersea Hippo
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56303]@Mac[/url]: ...So our National Guard is twice the size of ALL of the Japanese Military. So if we pulled out of Japan I'm pretty sure they couldn't hold back the 9,000,000+ strong army of North Korea, never mind a combine Korea Republic. Citation:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Korean_Army
Undersea Hippo
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56303]@Mac[/url]: Total number of people serving in JSDF=297,329 (active + reserves) Citation:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSDF#Military_units Total number of people serving in US Army+Air Nat. Guard and Coast Guard: 426,542 Citation:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Guard_of_the_United_States
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56269]@M[/url] And so I did... props for catching that, M.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56269]@M[/url]: Exactly 3000 years. No more, no less. The Koreans are little balls of kegoge-filled rage.
over 13 years ago
Hey what about Martians?"Mars, everyone knows there is no life there, yet those green plastic looking aliens remains the favorite invaders when it comes to earth, the reason? No one complains if you kill things that don't look human!"
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
I will buy for steam.Who will buy to?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56232]@Phantom[/url]: Uh 3000 years? I must have missed the memo. Try 35 years. And being a tributary nation to China during the dynastic period is definitely not the same as occupation. By that logic, almost all of Asia, the UK, Italy, the Netherlands and Russia were under Chinese occupation.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56259]@Mac[/url]: Uh, you missed a decimal point there. 4.74 trillion yen = 57.69 billion dollars.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56250]@Sam[/url] HATERS GONNA HATE.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56250]@Sam[/url]: Citation needed.
over 13 years ago
hehe...strip details my exact thoughts on the "Lol Homefront is like so unrealistic and shiz" It's like mofo did you even look at the backstory or just decided to be retarded today?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56250]@Sam[/url]: US actually has one of the if not then the strongest economy in the world. We still have the highest GDP, and though the US's standard of living is dropping, we're far from the worst. Just because you're jealous doesn't mean you have to make stuff up.
over 13 years ago
@Nigga that might be trippin: Try this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9lquok4Pdk
It's a video that shows where every documented nuclear detonation or test has taken place between 1945 and 1998, and it keeps a count for each country.
Liro Raeriyo
over 13 years ago
Havent played homefront, dont need to, Havent played MW2, dont want to play such a sinful disgrace to games,
i have played bulletstorm, Hard to put it in words but, Everything you can do, valve fanboys believe valve does it better, get the idea?
Nigga that might be trippin
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56249]@Tzeentch[/url]: You may or may not be correct, good sir; at the same time you sir, may or may not be trippin as well. Proof of this would be highly appretiated as to prove who is or is not, in fact, trippin in this matter.
over 13 years ago
FACT: The US has the most powerful military in the world
FACT: The US's economy is the worst of all developed nations
FACT: The standard of living in the US is the worst of all developed nations
FACT: The healthcare of the US is the worst of all developed nations.
over 13 years ago
@Niggas be trippin: Technically no, America is second in nuclear power. Russia is first. In power plants and weaponry
over 13 years ago
I dunno, Id rather wait for Star Wars Battlefront 3 then eitehr of these.
over 13 years ago
need for five separate armies, five separate naval divisions, and three air forces. If you read further, it appears Japan is even developing their own Ballistic Missle Defense, similar to America's AEGIS defense system. In other words, they'll soon be able to shoot missles like the rest of us.
over 13 years ago
@Undersea Hippo

You be trollin?

4.74 trillion yen = 5,768,529,019 billion dollars.


"Police force" is defined rather loosely, and ever since North Korea tested ICBM's over their country, it's become even looser. Notice this "police force"'s
Duke Kingston
over 13 years ago
@Niggas be trippin: I read that in this monotone white guy voice and it was awesome
Niggas be trippin
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56173]@2033[/url]: Sir or madam, please refer to my title, for I believe you to be trippin, mah nigga. The United States military, my nigga, has more nuclear devices than any other country. The United States has enough nuclear devices to blow up the entire planet more then 100x over. You, sir, be a trippin nig.
Black Guy
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56195]@MartyMcFly[/url]: U sound mad nigga. U mad nigga? I think u mad nigga.
over 13 years ago
Ok, so, true that, the Russia enemy of the people is getting old, actualy, it is already old! There are Thousans of games were there are russians as the bad guys, most recently the MW2, BF:BC2, COD:BO. So, is nice to see, for a change, some enemy that don't speak russian!
Active Reader, First Time Commentor
over 13 years ago
A little funfact about Homefront: The enemies were originally going to be Chinese until THQ reminded of all the horrible backlash that could happen.
Trolling Nerd
over 13 years ago
Heavy, why are you insulting your own country by calling it tiny?
over 13 years ago
I guess 3000 years of systematic occupation can piss any indigenous people off enough to invade the other side of the planet.
Frank West
over 13 years ago
Actually, both plots are pretty believable. I would know, I've covered wars....

You know?
over 13 years ago
@Undersea Hippo: In theory that's true, but did you ever look at the ship register of their "Maritime Self Defense Force"? Japan's naval power is actually top tier in East Asia, somewhat troubling but okay....
577 Cells
over 13 years ago
@Undersea Hippo: true... unless they are secretly building giant robots and doing mad experiments underground! o.O
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56199]@Kargathia[/url]: Killzone 3 o.O
Undersea Hippo
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56167]@Mac[/url]: Japan has an incredibly weak military. In fact, they don't even have one. According to the treaties that ended WW2 (which are still in effect) Japan can not have any military force past a police force and national guard, the US supplies the rest. And 1trillion isn't much, 1yen=1cent.
Dr. Billy
over 13 years ago
Real-time lighting effects!
over 13 years ago
More like how Patriotism works, imho
over 13 years ago
I do enjoy games with "What If" Scenarios.
over 13 years ago
I watched the commercial for Homefront and thought they were releasing a new Modern Warfare....
over 13 years ago
Operation Falshpoint: Cold War Crisis.
- Play as an American, Soviet or Resistance soldier.
- If you don't die with one shot, you're lucky.
- As hardcore as it can get, or enough at least to sell it to many armed forces as a training tool.
over 13 years ago
I prefer Counter Strike: Source
Don't even need a story, just some terrorists plantin' bombs and counter-terrorists stealin' hostages. One life, make it count.
If you want good story and good online, try Red Faction 1 or Half life 1; you'd be surprised how many still play the older games.
Some guy
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56199]@Kargathia[/url] - Dude, you know that a game about the Salvation Army taking on Greenpeace would be amazing. I want that now.
over 13 years ago
Homefront has given us the ability to dress our Xbox avatars like Kim Jong Ill. It is clearly the superior game.
over 13 years ago
Regardless of the ridiculous plot there is one thing that MF2 has that other games do not... The ability to play out our hidden fantasy of being Patrick Swayze in Red Dawn...

Not a Fanboy
over 13 years ago
MW2 is a good game. However it has it's flaws and strongpoints like any other game. I hate it at times, and times when I love it. So really, nothing to make it special from any other game. Except that some games just downright suck.
over 13 years ago
I'll say what I've said every time this comes up: it is not the premise itself that irks me. It is the effort they are putting into selling the game as true events. It's like alarmist propaganda. On the other hand, I view MW2's story as parody, so whatevs.
over 13 years ago
Both plots are stupid as shit.

But nice strawman...COMRADE KIM.
over 13 years ago
I thought MW2's plot was trite and rife with exectutive meddling, but most importatnly was partially ripped off from Red Dawn (a moronic movie). Homefront's plot was written by one of the writers from Red Dawn, who ripped off his own movie because he's had no new ideas.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56200]@garsedj[/url] Most countries have patriotism. Some just as much as the Americans. Americans are just ignorant douche bags for liking *their* own country.
over 13 years ago
we NEED to make a game where USA is evil !
all that patriotism look evil, don't you think ?
over 13 years ago
Wait, wait.... what? Somebody actually CARES about story in a FPS?
Sheesh man, just gimme something to shoot at, and good gameplay, and for all I care the salvation army is duking it out with Greenpeace.
Defiant Wolf
over 13 years ago
It's nice to see a game where it's not "let's go kick some ass oorah" bullshit. I am sick of fighting on simulated foreign soil, it's going to be nice to fight on simulated home ground.
over 13 years ago
So true
over 13 years ago
It's about as realistic as being attacked by zombies...
over 13 years ago
If you want new story arcs with "relative" possible reality you have to use smaller countries - Arab/Iran/Israel war, Pakistan/India war, anything in Africa or Southamerica or "little" conflicts like UK/Argentina.
What is the problem? Oh no US in there...yeah I see.
over 13 years ago
The joke is that the economies of all bigger powers are so intermingled with each other that nobody would want to go to war - everybody would loose.
Face it - these "stories" or videogames are on a one-way road to nowhere.
over 13 years ago
Oh and from where has the US the stealthtech and the jet propulsion - PROTOTYPES of good old Nazi germany. And from whom did the Germans steal/copy it or "get the inspiration"? Just the circle of life.
over 13 years ago
More like 20+ years from a military view when you check key equipment like tanks/jets.
But they are catching up faster the last decade.
Pvt. Jackass
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56188]@jasdero[/url]: Really now? Singleplayer story affecting multiplayer?
over 13 years ago
and the only real question I have is did homefront have a decent online play mode because lets be honest no one plays CoD anymore for the piss poor story its just killing people in the online mode.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56181]@kshade[/url]: Congratulations. You just described Command and Conquer: Red Alert 1.
over 13 years ago
fun fact, if current south and north Korea's armies were to be merged (and given they don't kill each other in the process) it would be 300K men bigger than the whole US armed force. (1.5M vs 1.8M)

Small country? yeah right!
Mr. Al
over 13 years ago
I agree on how EXTREMELY ridiculous the idea of Korea easily taking over all of Asia, or even "unite" back into one country in the first place, especially without the US whining about it. The only thing here which I already see as reality is the US' fucked up economy, which is a goof thing...
over 13 years ago
Feh, they both stink. Here's a better plot: Albert Einstein traveled back in time to eliminate Hitler and prevent WW2. This led to the cold war being earlier and not cold at all, but the allies win and install a new puppet government in the USSR. But the premier is not /their/ puppet...
over 13 years ago
In todays world basically any country with An significant army is capable of conquering any other country. The only country that is not conquerable is swiss, all other countries can never hold their borders.
over 13 years ago
@some loser
yeah but who needs tech when you have numbers. 5 years isn't too much, and considering how much bigger there army is, we'd have a clear winner. This is before considering the fact that since China does make a lot of our stuff in general, they could always just stop. That'd be bad too.
over 13 years ago
The premise of both games are stupid and ridiculous.

And MW2 sucked.
over 13 years ago
Most powerfull army of the world? I tend to disagree.
#1 Theyre overhyped. Intimidate the opponent, so he doesnt even think of attacking
#2 when the chinese start to rally, you run. no 'but'.
some loser
over 13 years ago
@ Mac
yea but luckily China's technology is about 5 years behind America's. And then you have to consider that China's always stealing technology from other contries espically America. Yeah America rocks!
over 13 years ago
But it does make great fiction, which is all video games ever are.
over 13 years ago
This is to say nothing of China, which blatantly has the largest military in all of asia. Even counting that the Korean Republic has nukes, the sheer man power, technology, and money that these two major asian countries have makes it highly unlikely that a unified Korea could simply annex them.
over 13 years ago
Now, you already see here a number of clearly fictional situations. Japan, which spends nearly 4.74 trillion Yen on defense, not only hates the Koreans as a people (and vice versa) but would most likely not surrender to them for the fact that they have a significantly sized/equipped military. This
over 13 years ago
as SURRENDERING due to duress to the Koreans) until literally half of the entire world is controlled by Korea, and instead of a republic, it becomes more of a Korean Empire. Then, they EMP the states.
over 13 years ago
to suffer from economic collapse, is shown withdrawing all of their military forces back to the home country in an attempt to deal with mass rioting and the possibility of a civil war. Seeing this, the "Korean Republic" begins annexing nearby countries (ironically beginning with Japan, who is shown)
over 13 years ago
If you guys watch the trailer for Homefront, you'll notice that the North Koreans, after unifying the country (which is already turning into fiction, seeing as the South absolutely LOATHES the North) turn not just into a super power, but gain an imperialistic mindset. The United States, continuing
over 13 years ago
Homefront has everything that MW2 doesn't, and now, if you excuse me. I have to say this(Even though its not Russia):

A Bag of Opinions
over 13 years ago
So we all LIKE Call of Duty, right?

But that doesn't mean we LOVE it...right?
over 13 years ago
in CoD MW2 Russia invades and loses. in homefront Korea already invaded and won. i find that hard to believe. on the other had i would believe it if china was the one that invaded and won. besides if anyone actually invaded us we would unleash nuclear hell on them.
over 13 years ago
both of them were blatant war propaganda thinly disguised as a video game but at least Russia still has enough strategic bombers and nukes to do something similar to the US as is shown in COD
over 13 years ago
i dislike both games.
modern warfare because well, it sucks.
homefront more because the way they depict it makes it seem like Americans are the good old two-shoes trying to survive from the EVIL KOREANS!!!!!111!! RAWR
over 13 years ago
Is THAT what the premise of Homefront is? I don't know, I haven't been following it in the slightest. Doesn't seem that ridiculous for a video game plot.
over 13 years ago
Btw, I'll wait for Battlefield 3, here the ingame footage:


over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56138]@HeliaXDemoN[/url] photonote: What the point of putting the same youtube link in two different photonotes, one is enough.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56125]@phanboi[/url] True, need 1 or 2 more chin(s)
over 13 years ago
Only CoDs I've played were 2 and 4, which is enough for me.

Also, you can blame YouTube and Google merging their login system for me having something to login to now.
Serene Walrus
over 13 years ago
I thought that the USSR was still united in MW2?
over 13 years ago
I know that they were trying to keep things within the realms of reality, but the gameplay just looks...dull. I'm guessing that this game will basically be MW2 but with a better story. Duke Nukem and Bulletstorm for me, really.
over 13 years ago
not fat enough to be accurate
over 13 years ago
He kinda looks like Heavy...
Cyclone Duke
over 13 years ago