What people are saying about "Best"
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Teddy Roosebelt
almost 13 years ago
Actly.... Halo and Halo 2 where releaced for PC..... YOUR ARGUEMENT IS INVALD
over 13 years ago
Best FPS... that would have to be Pokemon Snap!
over 13 years ago
tf2 for the win. BEST FPS EVAR
over 13 years ago
Halo is as generic as they come. Goldeneye 64 and Starseige: Tribes are the best FPS' ever.
that guy by your fridge eating your last dounut
over 13 years ago
me:she is pc so that must mean tf2 is the.....
mac:and im mac
over 13 years ago
Also, the Crysis2 leak was a dev beta build, which means it's more likely an employee leaked it than someone hacked in. I believe there was even some highly sensitive encryption keys included which has me leaning even more towards an employee leaking it.
over 13 years ago
I was just saying that too many makers are quick to blame piracy for bad sales than to see why it sold bad. I know piracy exists, but it isn't the sole reason when games don't sell. Take MW2 again, sold like crazy and pirated just as much.

feh text limit...
over 13 years ago
Crysis 2 just got a leak. You can see torrent everywhere.

Score one for piracy.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55168]@Trogdoor[/url] I am not question your 'legal' status. It's just evident such as those 'Game such so they don't sell well', 'PC is fading market so game on PC don't sell well' statements are just BS. Piracy is one big issue on PC but it seems everyone is trying to deny the truth.
over 13 years ago
Wow... I really screwed up my typing to Doom...
Just remove the "like made" bit, dunno how that got in...

Also, waffles
over 13 years ago
Speaking of MW2, PC got a major shafting. At least 2 patches before it ran decently on systems that had more than enough power to run it and just about everything that was common to PC removed or gimped out of it
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55044]@Doomleika[/url]: What? So I pirate like made because I don't subscribe to the idea that low sales is solely due to piracy? I have 61 games in Steam and another 14 boxes sitting on my desk (to be continued due to text limit)
over 13 years ago
Pyro mask would had been a better posterboy for that one.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55044]@Doomleika[/url] There's also a _lot_ of homebrew you seem oblivious too that's free as in freedom and free as in beer.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55044]@Doomleika[/url] What's the issue with Crysis 2? Are you that concerned Crytek isn't going to compile it properly for PC, and your CPU will be loaded excessively versus the GPU ala how a console works? That gameplay will be dumbed down? The less Sandbox trend will continue as it has sine Far Cry?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55044]@Doomleika[/url] The leaks are usualy traced to company employees, not magically uber script kiddies, so what are you on about? DRM isn't about pirates. It's about increasing revenue through forcing multiple purchases.
over 13 years ago
PC gaming, thy name is dead.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55018]@anony[/url] PC game isn't dying, however it changed to a thing most of us 'old gamer' won't appreciate. People pirate it, then they made game unpirateble. So now you see MMO, you see Free to Play, you see facebook. And you don't see good old retail PC game anymore.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55018]@anony[/url] back to Crysis1 they made it PC exclusive. now the 2 has a 360 port, see the problem? Steam is not just good for valve? really, years agoe Gearbox(Borderlands) pointed out steam isn't 'that good' Valve claim to be.
over 13 years ago

It's not about 'game suck', it's about how difficult/impossible to pirate or not.
over 13 years ago
And its quite evident on CoD4's case.

Look at free to play game. On quality/gameplay those game don't even compete with second grade standalone game we have on PC. And they have good profit with those 'lame' games.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54960]@Trogdoor[/url] THIS GAME SUKZ SO I AM RIGHT TO PIRATE. Really if the game suck you won't play it. Funny that's the typical excuse for pirate. The fact is same single game their sale come with dramatic different in platform, if the game suck it would be poor at all platform.
over 13 years ago
I've always thought that the platform wars were a strange game, so I just choose not to play.
over 13 years ago
If Engi-tan says Halo, she gets raped. If she says Killzone, she gets raped. If she says any other game, she gets raped.
over 13 years ago
So other then the FUD coming from consoles since the 1980s about the "Death of PC Gaming" hasn't ceased, where's the problem?
over 13 years ago
Steam is not just good for Valve. Recettear in under five months sold over 100,000 copies from release as a small start up.

The new STALKER and ArmA II represent the market for hardware pushing sandbox FPS games designed for PC, like Crysis, is alive and kicking as well.
over 13 years ago
The PCGA puts 2009 PC software revenue at 13.1 billion, and points out digital download services and subscriptions are dominating. The IDC numbers are well known to ignore these venues.
Gen. Price
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54928]@PC[/url]: If this were the case, there wouldn't be any console exclusives either.
over 13 years ago
This is what PC gamers actually believe.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54928]@PC[/url] That is some crazy shit brah :D Good try, but my guess is they produce for the consoles, because the piracy margin is way, waaaaaay lower, and they can sell their games at a higher price :) Sounds a bit more logical then your loco trollin cuuuu!
over 13 years ago
I agree with Gen. Price, I can't think of any tripleA FPS'es that didn't have a multiplatform release :P [url=#user_comment_54928] @PC[/url] Where do you get you stories? Oh boy, whatever your smoking pass it on xD Developers port shooters to consoles, becaus users complain?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54957]@Doomleika[/url]: Percieved piracy. Game doesn't sell well, it's the fault of pirates. It's never that the game was bad, ran horribly, absurd DRM, etc, etc.
over 13 years ago
@Liam Riordan: The original Unreal Tournament is still being played 12 years after its initial release. Even UT2004 still has a good chunk of life in it [url=#user_comment_54928] @PC[/url]: Gar Half-Life! [url=#user_comment_54834] @Serathis[/url]: Not to mention one of the few games that had a working mirror
over 13 years ago
sorry lad, the biggest winner of steam is valve, not game developer.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54926]@anony[/url] And that is, as the developers say, A legal pirate. They can buy used games from Gamestop and Disc Replay without repercussions, except for the fact that the developers don't get paid. Its practically the same thing. And for that, anony, You get a prize!
over 13 years ago
Given the current emphasis on DRM schemes Consoles have worse then pirates, they have a used game market.
over 13 years ago
Descent should really have been mentioned given Doom got brought up.

Computer game sales aren't profitable? I suppose if one ignores things like Steam: http://pc.gamespy.com/articles/113/1136646p1.html and the usual avenues for buying PC games these days.
Alex Munro
over 13 years ago
This describes me and my buddies perfectly. My 2 friends are always arguing about which FPS is better, and then they look at me. I game on a PC, and I always get that look on my face. Now all I need is to find the PC hat.
over 13 years ago
You're overlooking the fact that, just like any other gaming platform, for every great game the PC receives, there's one horrible one out there to accompany it.
over 13 years ago
Me thinks that Pong was the great-grandmother of all FPS's and TPS's alike.

As for greatest console, it's a tie between the N64 and the PS2.
over 13 years ago
I hate consoles now.
I want PC :C
Dr. Edwick
over 13 years ago
Silly Mr West, Dead Rising is an MMO
over 13 years ago
Bad Company 2 and TF 2 :P
Frank West
over 13 years ago
You know what the best FPS is? Dead Rising. Also my pick for best RPG and best RTS.
over 13 years ago
Console user: Aww, why do they get battlefield? :<
Developer: Fine, here ya go
CU: Aww, why do they get Duke Nuken
Developer: Fine, here ya go.
CU: Aww, why do they get Deus EX
Developer: You know what, F**k it, we'll just port them, happy. ಠ_ಠ
over 13 years ago
@Gen. Price
Mainly because Console gamers complain when we get the good games, therefore the developers have to develop them for consoles as well. Here we were enjoying THE DUKE!! when you guys complained and they had to put it on to xbox arcade ಠ_ಠ true story
Gen. Price
over 13 years ago
Not true. I can't think of any AAA titles that have been on PC that haven't been on console.
over 13 years ago
Fps favorite is that neither ass, each one has its own
Elevator Doors
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54903]@Roderick[/url] Thank you for correcting me. Other than that pc started everything hell games cant be made without the damn computer so i dont know why people get pissy about pcs.
over 13 years ago
@Elevator Doors
If Doom's the father, Wolfeinten 3D is the grandfather.
And I'm sure someone will point me a greatgrandfather...
over 13 years ago
TF2 is the best FPS I've played, and the Killzone 3 Beta is pretty cool, and despite being anti-360 I did think that Halo Reach was fun (still not enough games I'd want that are 360 exclusives that would make me want one though).
over 13 years ago
Best FPS ever would have to be Ace Attorney.
Elevator Doors
over 13 years ago
Was gonna say Doom cause yeah its the father of first person shooters.
over 13 years ago
Ok, I lol'd, that's a funny trolling. [url=#user_comment_54869] @Foxy[/url]: ............ .............. ................ *sigh*
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54869]@Foxy[/url] P.S. If you play Killzone, Halo, AND TF2 on the same night, how does that work out for you? Do you rage and go to the other one and just keep going around and around until you find a group your good against only to realize that they just feel bad for ya?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54869]@Foxy[/url] I've done my job http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnhF1QAEZjU
over 13 years ago
Btw i fail at spelling :P
over 13 years ago
Can't choose cause then i would get flamed
and even this comment would get a war started :L

if its pc the i would choose HL2
and i didn't choose tf2 cause well dose it have a story line? it don't remember :S
over 13 years ago
Engie-tan knows. And knowing is half the battle.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54823]@AckAckAck[/url]: Hmmm... I'll take it. Close enough. He seems to fit the bill as a variation.
over 13 years ago

Developers need to survive. There you go, the gaming industry today 2011. Play for free, pay to win.
over 13 years ago
It's not like PC is fading market, look at Facebook, look at free-to-play OLGs, people are willing to pay, unfortunately they choose to buy hats(TF2 is now considered one, with price like 5$), unfair advantages for real money on a shitty games rather than a buy a really quality games with no string
over 13 years ago
Derp at the tag about Mass Effect 2 being a FPS. WTF is wrong with you...
over 13 years ago
The correct answer is "Doom."
Too true
over 13 years ago
Console FPS is bad fps.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54870]@starpilot[/url] that one metroid game for the ds around launch? yea that was awesome.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54716]@Lol[/url] internet: This is what happens when we game at the intersections between the PC and Console campgrounds. Meanwhile, what about the subject of handheld FPS games? Yes people, they exist.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54862]@Pc[/url] console focused due to the prevalence of piracy, witch is a problem on consoles, but not near as bad as it is on pc, so some PC games are knock offs of console games. end point. I am going to go play Nazi zombies now. because TreArch >infinity ward, but that's a whole nother can of worms.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54862]@PC[/url] also, do not insult my inteligence with your quotation marks, i'm speaking as a man who plays TF2,Killzone, and Halo all in the same night on a regular basis.you can't say "all games are cheap knockoffs of pc games" because alot of them are not. infact, alot of develepors are becoming more
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54862]@pc[/url] your hacker? your hacker is that heavy running faster than a scout followed by a medic with infinite ubercharge. I'll admit that dedicated servers are better. You've got us on that one. and name one map that was not a cluterfuck of random gernades on 64 player cod4?
Lol internet
over 13 years ago
things like this always degrade into the "PC gaming is the master race" bullshit, why can't I play my 360 and my PC and like them both?
over 13 years ago
CoD 4 is another, AKA the best last game from activision. 64 players on PC, 16 to 18 players on 360.
We even have the best of the technology called 'Dedicated servers' don't know what it is? Well, do you see that hacker over there on the 360. I don't here on the PC, Guess why, go on. ಠ_ಠ
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54850]@Foxy[/url] Good point, but how many were cheap knockoffs of said PC game? Here is example Battlefield 2 - Was remade to xbox and 360 as Modern Combat. BF2 had 64 players and WILL ALWAYS hold 64 players, with large maps, better controls, more modes, Mods, and features overall
Mad Cow Milk
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54842]@Doomleika[/url]: Targets market does not want to spend the time learning to aim properly with those horrible controls. So the auto-aim function is well needed and makes the game work.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54850]@Foxy[/url]: quoted for truth
over 13 years ago
Eye think the best FPS is...uh...
Tanks for the Atari. Yeah.
over 13 years ago
best fps i've played so for for my pc would have to be a free one called a.v.a (aliance of valiant arms)
over 13 years ago
i used to like playstation before moving to pc games, and if you ignore outdated graphics theres some brilliant games in pcs history. Killzone was 'meh' to me, and halo 1-3 was only fun for about a day each and seemed really badly balanced in multiplayer (reach was ok, but still a bit boring)
over 13 years ago
Kens Labyrinth
over 13 years ago
yea, pc has tons of AAA shooters.

now how many of them are pc exlusive.

over 13 years ago
I personally don't like most FPS games, but I do admit that of the few I've actually played on PC, they were well-made. As opposed to console FPS games. Mouse-aiming is rather important. You know, being able to instantly turn around 180 degrees is nice.
over 13 years ago
"PC gaming is expensive" is complete and pure bullshit. If you own a $200-300 computer and a $300 gaming console, then you're in NO position to bitch about how expensive PC gaming is. You could've bought a graphics card, a power supply, and maybe some memory with that $300 you spent on your XBox 360
Emo Panda
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54837]@Shazbot[/url]: TRU DAT SON! Man '98 was a awesome time for PC shooters!
over 13 years ago
Blasphemy! The original GoldenEye is the best FPS ever...
over 13 years ago
And piracy is way more serious issue on PC rather on console, it's evident on CoD4's case. It can run on shitty aged laptop. and it sill sales poorl
over 13 years ago
And I doubt that 'Graphic cards are too expensive'. I see countless people who spent tons of $$ and they don't even pay a penny for cheap games like magicka. 'Cause they can pirate.
over 13 years ago
Except SC2 I know, which has only 3000k sales, for AAA+ and super hyped title like SC this number is abysmal. Games like CoD sales like 10000k total each.(in 2 years interval they have 2 games: CoD4:MW and CoD:MW2, SC2 took like 10 years)

over 13 years ago
@Mad Cow Milk
I think that's the ironic part, even with 'shitty control' console FPS still outsale PCs by miles. Heck even Keyboard/Mouse centered RTS now can see console part.
over 13 years ago
Starsiege: Tribes

There is nothing greater.
over 13 years ago
Also, Heroes of Stalingrad 2 is the best.
over 13 years ago
I a brazilian ( must know Br, but i not a Born retarded).
And I have a blog about WOW!
I see yours blog a six mounths ou more, and i think you are a THE BEST!
Because yours jobs, talk in the point! All time i copy and post in my blog "Paladino do Cerrado". And this day i say: i can post?
over 13 years ago
Although FPS arnt my forte, I do own quite a few on multiple platforms. That said I think the one I have plowed the most hours into over my gaming life would have to be Goldeneye on N64 (I know its aged, but at the time it was great and accessable to so many)
over 13 years ago
Even as PS3-fan and -owner ... Killzone is bad. Not kidding.
over 13 years ago
Even as a PS3 owner, I haven't heard too many people clamoring for Killzone as the best FPS ever.

Now Call of Duty vs Halo, thats another story
over 13 years ago
Unreal Tournament, anyone?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54710]@Anonymous[/url] Coward The Wii's is a FPS-heavy console and the motion control's been polished over the years. Wii fans are midway between the console and PC shooter camps. Tons of choice, no favourites and barely any teen raeg.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54796]@Davtwan[/url] This is my last guess, this usually used when a debate just went weird/wrong/strange. http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/6821/umno.jpg
Anonymous Coward
over 13 years ago
Wheres the Wii fan?
over 13 years ago
@Jaded Cynic

Team Fortress was a Quake mod before it was a half life mod. Team Fortress Classic was a total remake of the original mod.
over 13 years ago
reminds we of this 1up user who commented on how the ps3 version of mass effect 2 had inferior graphics
To me all I saw was the PS3: Lighter not as dark. XBOX: Darker. Shadows are deeper.
Course he used "sonydouches" and "tard version" Credivility. LOST.
over 13 years ago
PC is obviously the best.
Black Dragon
over 13 years ago
+1 if you came here from HBO :D
over 13 years ago
@Mad Cow Milk: Don't get me started on auto-aim. I turn that off whenever I have the chance. I know what my target is, the game does not. If I'm aiming for that Medic, and a Scout runs in front of my crosshair, I don't want the game to magnetize to the Scout, I want to shoot the goddamn Medic.
over 13 years ago
The best FPS is obviously Touhou. Yes, I know this isn't an FPS but this is just to awesome. (Okay I get it * go back to Extra stage of EoSD *)

(No need to say that I'm stupid, I know it .D)
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54761]@AckAckAck[/url]: Hmmm... nah. What I do remember about this pose is that it's used in the exact same scenario as this. Two guys have a debate, they ask a third guy, and the third guy adopts that pose before he says something. Where... where have I seen that...?
Jaded Cynic
over 13 years ago
...sorry about that, comment-max'ed:

...Far Cry,
Call of Duty,
...and more that I've forgotten...

Honorable mentions to 'hybrids' like Deus Ex and The Elder Scrolls games.

You two have fun with a single series each, optimized specifically for your consoles...
Jaded Cynic
over 13 years ago
Gee...where to start?
(and I'm just gonna list *franchises* - sequels go under the original)
The first FPS's: Ken' Labryinth and Wolf3D,
Doom, Duke3D, Quake,
Unreal, Unreal Tournament,
Riven, Hexen,
Half-Life (with Counter Strike & Teamfortress originally mods off of HL),
Serious Sam,...
over 13 years ago
Yeah, the PS3 mags barely even covered HALO, and the XBox outlets never even heard of Killzone. It's like they're two opposing console exclusives or something. :D
over 13 years ago
3: Call of Duty- I wasn't talking influential. I was talking about great games. Call of Duty is the WoW of FPS, they didn't do anything different except polish the genre. Smart AI, Weapon Design, Missions, Capt. Price, etc. They made you feel your part of something big instead of a lone gunner.
over 13 years ago
2: Piracy is also on the consoles, hell your about to see the PS3 get hit by the Piracy Torpedo now that its been cracked, and 360 is not far behind. My philosophy "The more popular something is, the more pirates that will flock to it." Have fun with that.
over 13 years ago
PC Back again.
1: Reason I didn't mention Deus Ex is cause I call that the 'Hybrid Genre' The genre where there are 2 or more genre's in a single game. DX was the first to do that right and revolutionized it, Hell I play it to this day (On the PC With NO LOADS might I add)
Mad Cow Milk
over 13 years ago
I would also like to add, that from one who plays both PC and console games, the best game-play is on the PCs for FPS. In Halo you can see the game cheating for you with auto targeting. It makes for a really easy game once you get the hang of it, plus it makes how obvious the console controls suck
Mad Cow Milk
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54774]@Doomleika[/url]: From someone in the gaming field, you are correct. The PC gaming market just isn't that big any more. Graphics cards have gotten too expensive for the average person to logically spend, and that makes for a limited small market. Counsels just sell better on top of that.
over 13 years ago
You can say CS. You can say HL. You can recall all the glory PC had all day long, but it doesn't change the fact we don't have 'first class' treatment since 2007.

Gaming industry is about money folks. No income, no game.
over 13 years ago
I feel sad for this comic. PC is the best FPS platform? no, it was. Thanks to piracy. Today many game company treat PC as second class citizen.

What makes the issue sadder is that I can't blame them knowing that even quality game like CoD4 has less that 20% of total sale.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54749]@Twiggy[/url]: People still play CS because its cheap, and because every 90's computer runs that piece of $$$$... I got a XBox360 and a PS3, and both Halo and Killzone's franchises are good, very good in fact. I prefer Killzone though... i'm not much of a rabbit kind of game...
over 13 years ago
I actually did QA on Killzone. I thought it was typical, mediocre, and bland. Then I saw the previews for it, I had to wonder if they were playing the same game I was. Then again, I don't understand the Halo worship either.
Gimme Deus Ex instead.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54741]@PC[/url] Oh god, I remember Red Faction 1 on PS2. Had an all-nighter with my best bud on that pixelly piece of junk. For some reason, even with a bunch of friends I'd never had that much fun with a shooter on a PC. That was pretty much it for me when it came to console-designed shooters.
over 13 years ago
The answer is simple. Duke Nukem 3d.
Where else can you give money to hookers, take a piss, curbstomp pig cops, and rip the head off of an alien overlord and shit down their necks. Also you can switch lights on and off, thats something not many other games bothered to do.
over 13 years ago
Honestly, as PC-player, best console-FPS? Halo, no doubts. As much as I hate the XBox, Halo did more for console-FPS-gaming than any other game.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54758]@Splognosticus[/url]: yes. Yes they should :I
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54760]@Davtwan[/url] This? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=um0Zls_7Y8E
over 13 years ago
Engie-Tan's pose reminds me of something. I know that pose was commonly used in various media. Where do I remember it from...?
over 13 years ago
Eight hours, twenty-three notes, forty-one comments and still no mention of System Shock? You all should be ashamed.
over 13 years ago
Theres alot of great PC games,but i find multiplayer on a lot of these great games dead (Bioshock 2)
Some guy
over 13 years ago
Hell, I played Halo 1 on PC and it was still good. Killzone never came to PC, so it loses by default.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54751]@Danda[/url]: For FPS and RTS, I agree. However, I would argue that for arcade style games, as well as flight games, platformers, and racing games, analog is superior. This is of course, assuming the player is using stock equipment and not extra peripherals like joysticks or steering wheels.
over 13 years ago
PC gaming has been, and always will be superior to any platform gaming.
over 13 years ago
Counterstrike is the best. The fan base that STILL continues to play it is massive.
herp derp
over 13 years ago
@Mr.Lucksman no Jo is a tentacle rape machine.
over 13 years ago
Lol call of duty
Player base of that game love munching cocks and they are a cancer to the gaming community.
over 13 years ago
Halo obviously since the PS3 has no games.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54741]@PC[/url]: We're talking best. Not most influential, or revolutionary, or any of that other stuff. When you get past the haze of overhype and nostalgia, the later Call of Duties are much improved over the older ones.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54738]@Legion[/url] ಠ_ಠ You shall never speak of CoD in a discussion about the greatest FPS's of all times unless your talking about the first or second one...EVER!!! ಠ_ಠ
over 13 years ago
I don't know about Best FPS, but I do know that TF2 is the best War-Themed Hat Simulator around! :P
over 13 years ago
Arrgh, this is a tough one 4 me. I've always been a Halo fan but Killzone is just epic...

....But I'm a PC player that likes TF2 as well

I'm almost surprised CoD wasn't brought into this
Mr. Lucksman
over 13 years ago
Is Redhead Engie-tan like you in female version Jo?
over 13 years ago
I'll give you a hint, the best one contains hats.
over 13 years ago
Battlefield games that aren't Bad Company > Console plebian garbage
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54725]@Hhmmm[/url] Sorry, ran out of room I couldn't forget about the greatest game of all time!! Thanks for reminding me :D Duke Nukem 3D, the greatest BADASS without the Bad, plus multiplayer and still popular today disagree? ಠ_ಠ I don't think so
over 13 years ago
Hi, PC Here again with more lists of FPS's that YOU, my friend should try.
Feeling Nostalgic: Wolfenstein 3D, the first FPS, or maybe DOOM, the GREATEST FPS.
Want to blow S**t up?: Red Faction 1, cause its fun blowing the S**T Out of walls
Care to disagree? ಠ_ಠ
over 13 years ago
Quake obviously.
over 13 years ago
Best in their perspective consoles
halo is completely different to Killzone and the only similarity is that they both require shooting
Matt Hudson
over 13 years ago
I have no doubt that they are both great FPSs...on a console. From a PC gaming perspective, they aren't anything brilliant, or even great.
lol addendum
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
Definetly Wolfestein 3D :D
over 13 years ago
u mad?
over 13 years ago
shup up
over 13 years ago
How come no one's mention Red Faction (the first one)?
That had some awesome gameplay both in singleplayer and multiplayer. Tunneling has never been more fun.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54705]@bbbbv[/url]: Minecraft
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54701]@StarPilot[/url] You may have Battlefield 1943 *tear* and the Bad Company series, you can have that series. But we have, get this, Battlefield 1942, 2, 2142, the BC 2, and the upcoming Battlefield 3 :D. Trolling Done. I do love 1943, especially the destructible environment
over 13 years ago
Well, what triple-A FPS came out in last 2-3 years on PC that wasn't avaible on either one of consoles?
over 13 years ago
Its obvious that TF2s the winner~
over 13 years ago
Well at least consoles have Battlefield 1943, even though it only has 3 maps (Coral Sea doesn't count). We keeping this strictly to FPS, or are we branching out to TPS too? I loves me some Monday Night Combat and Gears of War.
over 13 years ago
Hi, I'm a PC and if you want good, even GREAT, FPS games. Then you need to play them on me.
Story Driven games? We have Half-Life 2
Multiplayer games? TF2 and Counter-Strike. Whats that? You have TF2 on 360? Does it have extra weapons, hats, mods, features? No! Then your SoL.
over 13 years ago
Of course exclusive games are going to be touted as the second coming of jesus on their respective sites.

I'd say good things about a product too if they sent me free shit all the time.
over 13 years ago
I almost gave up on FPS in consoles because of its controllers, but then I found FragFX, then everything is fine and dandy.
over 13 years ago
Heh, I used to be a Sony fanboy, and even I thought that Killzone was bad-to-mediocre. In fact, I thought that was the general consensus.

I guess not!
over 13 years ago
The difference is that the games more story driven. They have to release new games to keep up with the people who pay attention to the story, and it's actually a good chunk of people. Not much difference in terms of gameplay in the multiplayer department though, Sans Modern Warfare's reimaging.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54687]@gatherto[/url]: But TF2 actually still plays well. And they update it instead of releasing a sequel every six months.
Liam Riordan
over 13 years ago
PC will tend to be more 'conservative' with its FPS titles, while consoles will perform a parade about them.

TF2 is still pretty high up after near 3/4 years? But Killzones and Halos, hell even Call of Duty's, only last months before the next come along.

Stay out of it girl!!
over 13 years ago
completely accurate

tho PC has its own TF2 fanboys (this is said, knowingly, AS a tf2 fanboy)
over 13 years ago
Sorry Always wanted to do that. Best FPS though? multi player TF2. Sands down. Single player... I have to chose? One? Really? Ok ok Fear. There happy? I picked.
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago