What people are saying about "Economy"
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over 13 years ago
For me this can be a greatest lesbian porn web page via the internet (nevertheless realsquirt is certainly close). All which is a downer in my situation is the females certainly not Communicate with one. As expected, because so many are and also the and don't speak out English language, that may be
over 13 years ago
For me this can be a greatest lesbian porn web page via the internet (nevertheless realsquirt is certainly close). All which is a downer in my situation is the females certainly not Communicate with one. As expected, because so many are and also the and don't speak out English language, that may be
over 13 years ago
For me this can be a greatest lesbian porn web page via the internet (nevertheless realsquirt is certainly close). All which is a downer in my situation is the females certainly not Communicate with one. As expected, because so many are and also the and don't speak out English language, that may be
over 13 years ago
I can't believe so many people are bitching about region locks yet fawning over remakes/ports we've seen years ago.
The Sturk
over 13 years ago
While I was hoping for for a slightly cheaper price (I was expecting $200), its not really too outrageous given its capabilities. This is the first that I heard of the battery thing though.
Matt Longin
over 13 years ago
I've read "Porn Star" Instead of "Star Pony"
Mr. Al
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53594]@Le_Myz[/url] I agree, I mean, I've used the man:co stores alot for items, and I'm still looking forward to 3DS. I mean, for the first time ever, the pokemons and battles in-game will be 100% animated. Finally found out that satoshi aint dead, just some idiot on twitter who mixed him up. gonna kill him
Mr. Al
over 13 years ago
Ehm, Jo, Ivory and Ebony are community made games for pc using the gen IV engine...
over 13 years ago

over 13 years ago
I'm sorry, 3DS.
over 13 years ago
Jo, I get that it's a comic, and you need to go for the humor value, but assuming the gamers who go nuts for digital frivolities are the same ones who shun the DS is a little far fetched. It makes it seem like you're taking cheap shots at the gamer community. I don't know, maybe it's just me...
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53503]@Dusk[/url]: I've heard and looked into it, it's just natural pessimism. That and the fact I follow most techie creeds, including "if it works, don't f-ck with it." in this case, Why should I get 3D when I can simply enjoy good old games with no problems. Or new games, for that matter.
over 13 years ago
I had hoped that Pokémon would eventually "grow up" alongside its original audience, but not a lot has changed in the basic design, it's been frustratingly iterative after Gold/Silver (okay, maybe RSE had a bit). There should be a console game and MMO by now, spice it up already Nintendo!
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53496]@Kyono[/url]: The way the 3DS does the 3D effect requires you to be very close to it (IIRC, the ideal range is about 6-10 inches away, much closer than you'd want to be to a big screen television). It works by creating two subtly different images, and sending one to each eye to create 3D.
That Guy
over 13 years ago
(cont.) Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo rereleased FR/LG on 3DS with just the new mons and the same old art assets, but maybe a new minigame where you blow into the mic and take a 3d photo of your hand (while waggling) to increase the success rate of a pokeball.
That Guy
over 13 years ago
People will buy the newest pokemon games because they will have ***raised sprites*** (OMG! SO REALISTIC!), and a few new pokemon in each version. Maybe they'll do some more remakes, and we'll end up with Magma Red/Sky Blue, Oyster Pearl and Bladder Silver.
over 13 years ago
I'll be waiting for the price drop or 3DS light or 3DSi. Only 1 of the launch titles looks interesting to me and the price is as much as the Wii was at launch for something a little better than N64 graphics.

3D illusions never worked for me anyway due to being born cross-eyed.
over 13 years ago
Personally, even with all the other issues, I still look at the idea of a 3DS, and just fail to see how it'll work. I see 3D TVs just coming out, and I can barely get them to work, even with the glasses. looking at these large flatscreen TVs and not seeing it work, I'm doubtful. It might work, but..
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53478]@Fascist[/url]: Thing is, I (being European) would never have gotten to play Etrian Odyssey 2 and 3 if the DS wasn't region free. If people hadn't imported Ouendan enough for the makers to realize there WAS a market, we would have never had EBA (which is exceedingly awesome). And so on.
Prof. Quirrel
over 13 years ago
Troll Bizkit
over 13 years ago
Team Fortress is not very inspired, Wow is like a bad version of EverQuest, and the 3DS isn't quite as ambitious as VR. So I see where they all fit together.

I'd still take the 3DS over the other two.
Troll Bizkit
over 13 years ago
3D is far from new. If you ask Nintendo, they practically invented everything. It makes me laugh. Still, I enjoy 3D stuff. This isn't even close the full VR that I experienced in the 90's, but it's less clunky, way cheaper, and the polygons are textured.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53481]@Jericu[/url]: Nope.
over 13 years ago
Haha! I don't buy that downloadable crap, so I am immune from your criticism! I can say the 3DS is expensive all I want!
over 13 years ago
Ethiopian black market? More like perfectly valid US market to Europe and perfectly valid Japan market to whomever the language isn't an issue. Also, I doubt not many criticizing the 3DS price point were the same people buying virtual goods. Just the same, the strip was amusing as always :D
over 13 years ago
You know, I honestly don't know what the problem is with the 3DS being region locked. The majority of the games worth playing will be getting international releases anyway.
over 13 years ago
wowfags, their brains are made of thought poison
over 13 years ago
Region locked? So you're telling me I can't buy DS games off the black market from Ethiopia and expect them to work? What a ripoff!
Harry Mason
over 13 years ago
Excuse me, but has anyone here seen a little girl? She has short, black hair. She just turned seven last month.
over 13 years ago
you'll save money once 3DS flashcarts emerge anyways
over 13 years ago
I like 3DS only for de games.

De 3d look nice, but few will make game I want with it.

Dodging boolet game.
over 13 years ago
I've got money to burn so price isn't an issue for me. I agree though that the 3D doesn't really attract my attention. As for a 3DS Lite or w/e you guys are waiting for, the 3DS is nearly the same size of the DS Lite, and is lighter to boot. Also I say the third installment of pokemon will be Beige!
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53443]@Bob[/url] & @ AckAckAck Thought no AC Adapter and only a cradle was just too stupid to be true. Battery life is still a problem considering it's touted as a portable system.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53443]@Bob[/url] Actually it already cleared, 3-5 hours with 3D on, and up to 8 hours with 3D turned off. http://kotaku.com/5738668/short-cords-long-friend-lists-and-other-burning-3ds-questions-answered
over 13 years ago
wowtards don't have time for other things, the first group and second group can thereby not be the same
over 13 years ago
I'll probably end up getting it when it comes out, for the sole reason of I have enough best buy gift cards lying arounds that the price suddenly isn't a big deal. But I do agree that if you do want to wait for the 3DS Lite or whatever the heck it'll be called, it's hardly a bad idea.
over 13 years ago
It's funny because the people who complain about the first 2 are the ones complaining about the price, but you make it seem like they're all the same people!
over 13 years ago
Never purchased anything from the TF2 store and never will, hell I even delete my crates as not to contribute. WoW is flat out double dipping.

The 3DS with its horrible battery life and lackluster launch list can wait for a price drop. It was bumped from day one purchase to "within the decade".
over 13 years ago
.........probably not pokemon...i never reallly like that game, people always call me a pokemon
over 13 years ago
Nice one Jo.When you compare these things like that, people look silly. [url=#user_comment_53440] @Altherix[/url] Battery life is yet to be determined,and it comes with an AC adapter. So region lock is really the only thing (the EURO price isn't exactly set yet) Also, I don't think 3D affects price that much
I'm on a Troll, baby IT'S GOING FAST, baby!
over 13 years ago
When they first announced the 3DS I was like :
Wait what? O_O

When they announced some awesome game titles for this console I was like :

Then, when they announced the price I was like :
Will I ever get it? :'(
over 13 years ago
Knowing myself, I will be getting it eventually unless it totally flops like Virtual Boy. But no way am I going to be an early adopter like I was with the Wii.
over 13 years ago
Region locked, low battery life, can't play while it's in the recharging cradle. That's for starters why it's a bad buy, nothing to do with price.
almost 14 years ago
3D?!?What Is This World Coming TO
almost 14 years ago
I'm buying it for Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright! Even though I'll never use 3D!
Cyclone Duke
almost 14 years ago
Perhaps people are simply afraid to spend a lot of money on something new, while smaller transactions for a game/service they already take part in is a safer option as you know exactly what you will get from it.
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
at first I was like :\

But then I saw Paper mario 3ds

Then I was like :)

then I saw Chain Chomp partnet.

Then I was like :-O :D
Liro Raeriyo
almost 14 years ago
The reality of this almost stings, if you know, i didn't just steal every fucking game off the internet and use an emulator anyway, play it, beat it, repeat with next game.

But I`m smart, trading 8 crates for a key is a great deal, you remove crap and get a random chance for an unusual hat.
almost 14 years ago
@BLU Soldier

You spoke to soon, look again, now the photo note is spah!
almost 14 years ago
@ Platypus

BD XL have 100-120 Gb capacity.
almost 14 years ago
Let me repeat that one more time,


almost 14 years ago
$250 3DS

NO, just no, maybe they raise the cartridge data size to 2 GB, but saying that 3D technology is a good reason for that kind of price is just a marketing bullshit, and on top of that, it was region locked!
almost 14 years ago
But I LOVE spending 200 dollars for an unusual hat that serves no purpose but to brag! :(
almost 14 years ago
@BLU Soldier
 Platypus
almost 14 years ago
My only question, like the PS3 for BluRay, does it price competitively with an actual 3D camera by specs? Not that I bought a PS3, I still think BluRay is a joke for video and I'll wait for Holographic Verstile Discs with 500 GB storage, k thx by :P
BLU Soldier
almost 14 years ago
A comic without a "spy here" photo note? Truely an abnormal piece.
almost 14 years ago
Also,I signed in so now I have an account and a fancy red underline under my name and now I posted my first photonote olololol I'm cool now
almost 14 years ago
I don't agree with the sparklehorse hate.In my opinion,it looks pretty cool.Also,it scales with your riding level so you never have to buy a mount again.
sad truth
almost 14 years ago
I don't play video games anymore, I just read the video game web-comics. : (
almost 14 years ago
With how I play games, I buy very few now. This naturally means that buying a brand new system has a high cost per game for me. I'm still rolling my Hot Rod Red DS Phat I got with Mario Kart DS. Personally I'm not interested in "3D" images, and I still play my GBA games, so I'm sticking with Phatty.
almost 14 years ago
3DS is too expensive for me. Ill wait for PSP2 and for the 3DS lite. Im fed up with Nintendo always doing the "lite" crap.
almost 14 years ago
Id hit it.
almost 14 years ago
Really excited for the 3DS, even with its price tag. The only thing putting me off is that I'm a lefty, and it doesn't seem very lefty-friendly with the "Circle Pad".
almost 14 years ago
I was joking.

...I'll go back to lurking now.
almost 14 years ago
It's a little much for a gimmick that will get annoying after every developer is forced to include it in their games.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53392]@aussiematt[/url] Okay, upon reflection, it is ludicrous. I was judging it by home console standards, not handheld. but 3d r t3h w1nz, s0 it r wirh $$$
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53387]@Oblivious[/url]: Screw that, what about MML3?
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53387]@oblivious[/url]: Yet if you purchase it in the UK, its the equivalent of $360USD. Sorry, but that is a horrendous price for a handheld! (and yes, I'm still happy to pay the odd $5 here and there to open virtual crates)
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53387]@Oblivious[/url]: Fifty bucks above original DS, no?
almost 14 years ago
Everyone knows only hipsters like hats.
almost 14 years ago
@Gamestop Employee

>implying Zelda OOT isn't worth $249.99

But seriously, that doesn't seem THAT ridiculous a figure.
John 117
almost 14 years ago
NerfNow, now with more outragous prices
Gamestop Employee
almost 14 years ago
249.99$ Comes in "Aqua Blue" or "Cosmos Black" and 3 fucking cameras, one facing you and two on the back to take 3D pictures, oh and btw.. Legend of Zelda OOT 3D is also coming out.
almost 14 years ago
Hold on... I must have missed when they announced the price. What is it, exactly?
almost 14 years ago
Of course I will pay good money virtual hats rather than a console witch you know ... is real!
almost 14 years ago
But see, that's how they get'cha. Microtransactions. But I lol'd at your point of virtual/real.
almost 14 years ago
Another first~!