What people are saying about "Rebel"
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almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52316]@LaserShark[/url]: YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH
almost 14 years ago
Also heard FF XIV PS3 release date is pushed back to fix all the problems, and with lower expectations SquareEnix might make it ftp (to gain lost players) and I might try it (the fixed version).

Also, is rumours about FF XI going to be ftp soon is true? I think my old laptop can handle it.
almost 14 years ago
I don't know what is DPS mean and it's been a long time since I play WoW, so I'll talk another MMO stuff.

I'm planning on playing APB (if my computer can run it), I heard its problems are already fixed, it's ftp and I want to play a modern day MMO.

almost 14 years ago
"You ought to be a-shaman' for what you did, son!"
almost 14 years ago
It sounds like their kid...


...has gone Rogue.
almost 14 years ago
Man, when will kids learn that DPS isn't a verb or even a class description?
"I am a Damage Per Second"
"I want to Damage Per Second"
Another Damn Shaman
almost 14 years ago
Gah, he better be a rogue, an enhancement shaman with a dagger would be terrible.
almost 14 years ago
dps isnt bad, though if he has a dagger with an agility enchant and a crit gem...that means hes either a shaman or much more likely my arch nemisis, the ROGUE!
almost 14 years ago
Nothing wrong with DPS classes except for the fact that they are over played. Most new players to games choose them since they are easy to learn and harder than other rolls to not play well(many still do though).
almost 14 years ago
whats so bad about dps-ing? I mean, I favor dps archery with mini-aoe buffs. (however, I AM referring to guild wars, not sure if the same principles apply)
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52199]@Patroit[/url]: DPS = Damage Per Second. Their roll in a RPG group is to do as much damage as possible without taking the monster's attention away from the tank. Before you ask Tank = class that specializes in holding the attention of monsters while the rest of the PT kills them.
almost 14 years ago
Maybe he crafted it and intends to sell it in the auction house
Bruenor Battlehammer
almost 14 years ago
Bah! Ye kids an' yer fancy talk. Know what I say? Just take an ax to their skull. When ye feel the blade o' yer ax go into a goblin's head, ye'll never go back to those silly little daggers of yers. Or I'm a bearded gnome!
almost 14 years ago
I dont know, since i dont play WOW, but how do we know the kid didnt just enchant the dagger to give to his girlfriend who does DPS? it would make an epic arc plotline if you ask me.
Some Damn Shaman
almost 14 years ago
@The Anon known as Ivan: What DPS uses a rotation in Cataclysm? I thought it was all priority now.
almost 14 years ago
Could be worse, it could be unenchanted with an empty socket.
almost 14 years ago
Bah DPS, I go for healing. Plus Portal 2 WILL be an amazing game! (Hopefully another delay won't occur)
almost 14 years ago
I couldn't help but notice how they're not wearing hats.
Frank West
almost 14 years ago
These girly games and their strange stats. The only stats I need are inventory space, attack, health and running speed! That's all leveling up SHOULD be used for, killing zombies harder!

I know, because I've covered wars.
The Anon known as Ivan
almost 14 years ago
I think his dad is a Tank Warrior/Protection Paladin and his mother is a Holy/Disciplin Priest. But they do not want that their son wants do be a damage dealer (Every Idiot can deal much damage if they Focus on their rotation).

My Main is a Protection Paladin and my alt is a Restoration Shaman
almost 14 years ago
gears if war 1 is pretty cool
gears of war 2 is really sad, its one of those things with a huge anti-war message where it shows how horrible world ending wars can be. i cried when... well i dont wanna spoil it.
point is... i can not imagine the comic you would make out of something so tragic.
Hl fan
almost 14 years ago
If you wanna have loads of free games then get Hl 2 and the Episodes, with them u can download and play douzen of free HL mods and some of them are really awesome.
almost 14 years ago
clearly making linen bandages
almost 14 years ago
what is she doing?
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52206]@Pally[/url]: Actually, ret got the nerf bat for christmas. Holy Pally is where it's at!
A Bag of Opinions
almost 14 years ago
So...uh...yeah! How about that Team Fortress 2. Did you guys hear that the classes can now wear hats. I know! It sounds cool.
almost 14 years ago
Don't forget, there's a PC version of Gears of War, too :p
almost 14 years ago
2011 will have diablo 3 you should do some comics on that.
almost 14 years ago
Medieval Saxton Hale piss off that his failure of a sniper son gonna try to Dps, made sure his future bearers of his name will prevent any sniper getting good loot.
almost 14 years ago
its good to know portal 2 will come out after we all die in 2012
almost 14 years ago
Fight That Guy With This Toothpick
almost 14 years ago
I have... No idea what he said

P.S nice stache
almost 14 years ago
See, if Dad was Retribution and Mom was Shadow, perhaps Junior wouldn't feel the urge to branch out so much.
almost 14 years ago
Gears of War? It's Good i guess get a friend, its much more fun to play with a friend instead of a GOD DAMN IDIOTIC ******* *** *S**O** **CK*** SH**ITTING BOT
Ye olde point-out
almost 14 years ago
Better lock junior up as soon as possible, nobody likes the sight of an enhancement shaman wielding fast weapons, and god forbid, daggers.

Also, +crit gems are yellow.
almost 14 years ago
Bah. Kids these days and they're DPS. All you need is one big NUKE.
almost 14 years ago
Man, all these status effect, boosting, and terminology jokes are way out there.

I like it.
almost 14 years ago
Er, do you mean that you're a *PC* gamer? The note is confusing, heh
almost 14 years ago
screw wow shit to the ends of time.
almost 14 years ago
Don't know why pally dad doesn't like DPS, all paladins start off as Retribution (DPS specialization) while they're leveling.

Oh well, must be reading too far into it.
almost 14 years ago
I have something to tell you I'm............. a DPS!!!!
almost 14 years ago
i see spy
almost 14 years ago
(stupid word limit)

However, ROGUES (about as anti-paladin as you can get) ARE DPS-ers...
almost 14 years ago
Dps? I hate all these rpg terms.

almost 14 years ago
@ the "no idea" note guy
Agility - dodge saves, faster attacks
+Crit - better critical chances
Enchant/Gems - improve such stats by equipping weapon

DPS - slang for character with very high damage potential just by hitting a person with his weapon again and again.

Note: Paladins are NOT DPS
almost 14 years ago
i cannot wait for portal 2.
it's valve.

and MMORPG comic now?
almost 14 years ago
Classists. *Goes to murder things 15% faster than you can*
almost 14 years ago
Agility and crit!? Mine!
almost 14 years ago
That Priest is a bloodeh Rouge!
almost 14 years ago