What people are saying about "Forbidden Fruit"
Forbidden Fruit
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over 12 years ago
who is this?winry rockbell?
...i kid,i kid.
over 13 years ago

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almost 14 years ago
Not sure about this TF2 analogy.

Just bought a second account during Halloween, and playing on that weapon devoid account seems to be like 100x more fun than when playing on my original one. The Item management just detracts from TF2 IMO.
almost 14 years ago
Now we need a followup comic with the headcrab talking to a baby piranha plant or something saying '...and that's how I met your mother.' =P
almost 14 years ago
In response to your "any other MMO" comment, in Eve online he could have been handed a cheap ship with a warp scrambler and sent into pvp nullsec battle. Setup would have taken all of about 15 minutes to a few hours, depending on when the next fight/roam/defense fleet was.
almost 14 years ago
Am I the only one who it took a day to figure out the punchline?
almost 14 years ago
And thats how Lamarr was tamed.
almost 14 years ago
Jo! Quick! Make a post about this:

almost 14 years ago
Gah, scroll-bar failure. I see CoH has already been mentioned. I...take the walk of shame now... *sniff*
almost 14 years ago
Actually City of Heroes/Villains now allows any level to play together with it's Supersidekick system. Basically, when you join a team, you are automatically leveled up or down to the level of the team leader. Once a team task/mission is chosen, everyone shifts to that player's level.
Frank West
almost 14 years ago
Now, I may not be an expert in MMORPGs or whatever, but I've covered wars, so that makes my opinion pretty spot on. Honestly, I think MMOs need more Zombies. And more Frank West.

If there was an MMO where everyone was Frank West, and we all fought zombies and covered wars, it'd be the best. Ever.
almost 14 years ago
This is why EvE frustrates me so much. Because their lvling system is based on time, and not on skill, people who have been playing this game since launch have 2-3 times more xp than a guy whose already been playing 2 years; and there's never a way to catch up.
Jack Desert
almost 14 years ago
Re: Melon Humping
Reference to the movie American Pie where Stiffler I think takes a watermelon off screen for "safe sex"
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_46825] @sawblade[/url] However, Guild Wars has invisible "levels" Such as Lightbringer, Sunspear, EoTN title tracks, etc. There's 7 title tracks that effect the game in a very real way, much like the difference between a level 50 and a level 60. Primary way of obtaining these? Grind.
almost 14 years ago
That's why City of Heroes implemented sidekicking in the first place, and especially lately they've made it easier than ever for high level and low level characters to team up so friends can play together.
almost 14 years ago
Oh my god Jo made a MELONFUCK JOKE.
almost 14 years ago
Guild Wars does this.

I do agree that grinding is just about the worse thing.

Damned runescape mining.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_46817]@StarPilot[/url]: I don't need a first aid kit, and I just killed that headcra- OH LOOK! PEELZ!
almost 14 years ago
I think the leveling is all that MMORPGs are about

i Don't like endgame, i think it always sucks so...

once my character hits max, it's over.. time to make a new one

probably why i got so many damn characters on WoW and RO
almost 14 years ago
Jo, leveling in MMOs isn't about extending the game, it's about getting the player attached to their character by involving them in the character's (easily quantifiable) growth. You can always create alternate characters to play with your friends.
almost 14 years ago
In Guild Wars 2, the devs have said that you'll be able to be sidekicked up or down to match with your friends while grouped up. So as a level 60 you could get kicked down to 20 to play with your buddy. You'd still be more powerful than him, but you'll be scaled back to be appropriate to the content
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_46815]@Louis[/url]: FIRST AID KI- Oh never mind, a headcrab just used it.
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
typical wish for "less grinding, more fun", fully understandable. to spend half of the game grinding for lvls and gear, just to obtain higher lvls and gear can't be the deal. classical (P&P)RPGs minimize this, so where's the problem to transfer or implement systems like some already mentioned here?!
almost 14 years ago
You already have a comic named Forbidden Fruit!
Zombie Bill
almost 14 years ago
Goddamn-it Francis.
almost 14 years ago
I hate watermelons.
A Bag of Opinions
almost 14 years ago
*Gallagear appears with hammer and
smashes the watermelon and runs aways*
almost 14 years ago
And that's just hero side!
almost 14 years ago
All this (well deserved) praise for CoX? And nobody's even addressed the part about rats and mushrooms? C'mon, level one, you're fighting drug gangs, psionically powered clockwork robots, demon-possessed mages, gun-toting soldiers, and even technologically animated undead!
almost 14 years ago
Sidekick system. Both ways. Lower level can be invited to higher level parties for power leveling and higher level players can help out in lower level parties.
almost 14 years ago
I love how Samus is confident enough in her abilities that she can walk around without her helmet. Headcrabs? Headshots? Falling rocks? She don't need no stinkin' helmet, just good aim and a kick-ass cannon on her arm. :)
almost 14 years ago
I have to admit, the leveling aspect is why I stopped getting on MMORPGS. I loved growing with my little group together and it was the reason I kept playing. I was having a good time with friends. When I couldn't keep up anymore, I felt I was dragging them behind from the Holy Grail at the end.
almost 14 years ago
I like how you used TF2 in that example. It's one of the reasons I love the game so much. I still see people with vanilla sets that are good at what they do because they perform what the weapons are designed to do well.
almost 14 years ago
Quick! Copyright the idea before some company finds it!
almost 14 years ago
a watermelon is fine too
almost 14 years ago
Oh look samus turned into a watermelon
Random Guy with Opinion
almost 14 years ago
I disagree.
Levels are imporant part of any MMORPG or even RPG, because together with leveling you proceed on an epic journey with not only sence of progress as in story, but also of your character. Gear isn't really that much of a reward till there is no more leveing, skills and abilities are.
almost 14 years ago
Supprise headsecks!!!
Also I don't get it: I am not able to move the caption to where I want to place it, and now I can't do anything with/ see the photo notes at all. ?
almost 14 years ago
Let alone one that isn't full of douches. Yes, it's better if you play with friends rather than randoms, but it shouldn't be fun ONLY if you play with friends.
Also, I think I got started on a separate thought there after my second sentence O.o
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_46771]@Nick[/url]: Like hell it does. I love Guild Wars, but there is still that grind there. The difference between Guild Wars and WoW - for me, at least - is that in Guild Wars, I can find a party of people who aren't total douchebags in very little time, whereas in WoW, I'm lucky to find a party at all.
almost 14 years ago
MMOs without content-driven grind are kind of like unsharpened pencils...pointless.
almost 14 years ago
Dang it, people already beat me to mentioning City of Heroes.

Seriously. They even recently set it up so that all the team leader has to do is set the mission and everyone on the team is adjusted to about the same level (one level below min if you were lower level, and 5 higher max if higher.)
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_46772]@f[/url]: That'd be like dry-humping a suit of armor in public. All you get are strange looks, people pointing and laughing, and never being able to live it down despite the reassurances of your friends.
Midnight Tea
almost 14 years ago
MMORPGs have levels because part of the fun is watching your character evolve. The difference between a good MMO and one that needs work is whether the level divide keeps friends from playing together, or if the game is "fun" right from level 1.

(WoW nails the second one, still needs the first)
almost 14 years ago
you know, if she just wore protection, everyone would have walked away happy.
almost 14 years ago
Guild Wars is awesome and pretty much destroys any level grind whatsoever.
almost 14 years ago
Err, FFXI... FFXIV is another story...
almost 14 years ago
Also, FFXIV lets high level players scale down to join parties with lower lever players and still get XP.

Basically, the idea that you can't have substance and good gameplay when you're not max level is archaic. A well designed game can deal with level gaps between old and new players.
almost 14 years ago
I bet Dr.Kliner ends up keeping this headcrab and naming it Lamarr.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_46764]@blah[/url]: he's humping it, because Samus beat up the headcrab so he didn't have a chance to sex her. Notice the bandage on her rump? tl;dr he's masturbating
almost 14 years ago
I don't get it. Why is he sitting on a watermelon?
almost 14 years ago
As more than one person has mentioned, City of Heroes lets you team up with players of any level. We have to keep saying that until you all start playing CoX. Even hardcore fans acknowledge the noticeable dearth of players we currently suffer from (which is, of course, a Nemesis plot).
almost 14 years ago
Amongst other things, the "any MMO out there" bit in today's rant? Not true at all-- Check City of Heroes. If you have a friend show up who wants to play, you can just bump them up to your sidekick and go fight the things you normally do, with them-- No need to wait, and they level from it to boot.
almost 14 years ago

Adam "Samus your not authorize to kill that head crab!"
almost 14 years ago
Isn't samus the mr.burn's of nintendo?
She a walking bag of parasites throwing in headcrab spunk going to lead to instant mother to baby relationship when she walks up on a infant headcrab, and a stupid weakness she must slap on additional to her weakness to cold.
almost 14 years ago
What, no mention of City of Heroes? It's one of the few MMOs that tries to retain players not via grinding but rampant altitis.

{also, the level synching in STO? CoX did it first}
almost 14 years ago
Wait, so the metroid did that to him right?
almost 14 years ago
I'd facehug that.
great biotic wind
almost 14 years ago
4chan reference? no way
almost 14 years ago
I know of an MMO in closed beta that's doing away with that issue. Once it comes out, I'm sure it'll be a nice change of pace. :D
almost 14 years ago
shelled 1 or 2 dollars (minimum) we can earn it quickly.

and not just Asian MMOs that doing it, yes, I'm looking at you FarmVille and your kinds

almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_46743]@wkz[/url] Yeah, this become more prominent in countries with low dispensable income, some will do it right, some will just plain cruel and locking away some items that have to be unlocked by using a very specific item that is very very very rare in ingame world, but if you willing to (cotd')
almost 14 years ago
@Doc Lithius: The "buying" part only occurs because of the business model:

a) The game's FREE.
b) But the leveling is frustrating as all heck
c) There's a shortcut, it costs money...
d) ...

Most, if not all Korean MMOs uses this format, MMORPGs, MMOFPSs, MMORTSs, all of them.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_46727]@Lancars[/url]: Samus blew up an entire army of parasites before being infected by one... and even after infection she STILL blew up armies of parasites. The headcrab has good reason to be scared :D (and in the third panel, it seems much ass-kicking has already ensured)
almost 14 years ago
I'm playing Star Trek Online; that will scale you down (or your friend up) so that you're at the same level. That fixes the level-difference problem really well.
almost 14 years ago
There's also an investment of time that holds you to the game. If you spent 2000 hours reaching max level and getting the best gear, you're far less likely to jump over to another game.
Doc Lithius
almost 14 years ago
Clearly, you've never played any Korean MMOs. There are quite a few out there that let you buy better gear straight away. Granted, some of this gear does have level limits or stat limits, but for the most part? It's on-par, if not better than what you could get from levelling up.
almost 14 years ago
Fun though, I played it for 4 years. Still do, mostly. Nothing to do, however. Just helpin' friends and PvPing.
almost 14 years ago
The only real MMO out there with little to no leveling is Guild Wars, that I know of. It's a good game, especially if you like PvP, but it's a bit dated now... and less balanced.
almost 14 years ago
Weeeellll.... the reason *most* MMO's have levels is because without it there is very little content, or reason to make use of that content.
If you have a vast world to conquer, but you're already at max level, what's the point? Why do quests either, for that matter. No leveling = no PvE content.
almost 14 years ago
In b4 haters complaining about minespam.
almost 14 years ago
Ha thats funny..... tho headcrab samus would be scary XD
almost 14 years ago