What people are saying about "#1 Fan"
#1 Fan
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almost 14 years ago
graphic sucks lol, auto-aiming is a dumb mechanic, sega can't do anything right they should quit.
almost 14 years ago
personanly, i love all sonic games, just hate the werewolf or w/e it is lvls in sonic unleashed.
almost 14 years ago
Personally I think the Genesis games are the absolute limit of what Sonic can be. They could just stop making new games, but then where's the money in that?
almost 14 years ago
Comic number 400
almost 14 years ago
Before it was released I thought the complaining about physics was an exaggeration, but Sonic stops rolling downhill by himself as if he was in a level surface. Since rolling is one of the three main things that Sonic do (the others being running and jumping), it doesn't seem right.
almost 14 years ago
@SigmaSilver Exactly. The fans seem to be happy with Sonic Fan Remix, so it isn't quite as Jo says. Sonic 4 should've been more like it. Of course, a it shouldn't just copy older games, but it should use similar physics, mechanics and level design. I think homing attacks are a good addition, though.
almost 14 years ago

then again... this is pritty good.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_46087]@SpikeWT[/url]: Yeah, that's the main issue I have with the game when I tried the demo. As for graphics, I think they captured the 16-bit era look well since they do have to make them look alright in "HD".
about 14 years ago
Old game mechanics don't just get old and ugly, that's just stupid. The problem is that for some reason people think every modern game needs to use the modern technology to be good. High-end-3D-graphics, motion captured animations, surround sound and so on - this thinking is so wrong and sad...
about 14 years ago
One of the biggest problems with Sonic 4's physics is you need to hold left or right to keep momentum. There are some other huge glaring issues but that has to do partly with level design.
about 14 years ago
psh, I still like side scrolling games.

And if the newer generation doesn't like them, why did New Super Mario Bros Wii do so well?
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_46080]@Shrug[/url]: I hated megaman 9. It's just another generic megaman 2 rom hack. 8 is far superior.
Sigma Silver
about 14 years ago
What do you do Sonic? Here's what, trust the fans

about 14 years ago

I disagree, mega man 9 showed it can work wonders if done right.
about 14 years ago
@~X~: I don't know who max force is, and I'm 26.
about 14 years ago
Mario: Master troll.

Honestly though, I think the reason why Sonic fans are always so hostile is because the games they want to like are deemed some of the worst ever made. Sonic 4 is so far decent, but it doesn't make up for the years of crap.

Also, Sonic Fan Remix.
about 14 years ago
I'm no Sonic fan (having never played any of the "real" Sonics), but I think it's more that they're not good games. I don't have any nostalgia-tinted glasses, but when I finally watched a Let's Play of Sonic 3 I was completely blown away.

Also, the homing attack is genius, double-jumps aside.
about 14 years ago
That mario is a spy.
about 14 years ago
Sadly, Unleashed got it half-right--from what I've seen, the Day missions are the closest to classic style in the 3D-based Sonics I've yet seen.
about 14 years ago
Maybe if Sega actually *did* release a game designed like the classic Genesis ones the fans wouldn't be complaining. Instead they release a game with controls that handle like molasses and 'homing attack' on the same blasted button as Jump, which screws up those of us who have learned to double-jump
about 14 years ago
The Sonic franchise is dead. You can tell because of Sonic Colors. It's essentially an admission by SEGA that the people who have any remaining nostalgia for Sonic are no longer buying their BS and they need to sell to kids.
about 14 years ago
Only official sonic games suck nowadays.
May I direct your attention at the following:
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_46058]@Matthius[/url]: Trine is the very definition of niche.
about 14 years ago
People don't outgrow Genres that easily, it is more that these dimwits don't get that Sequels CAN'T bring their childhood back. It's not the games fault that one did have more fun with stuff as a kid.
about 14 years ago
Ahh the new sonic game is the game I was waiting for a long time >.< they are finally doing a game like the old ones and without any weird thing in the game like escalibur or turning him in a werewolf or something else >.<

Sonic 4 FTW!!
about 14 years ago
Younger generations can go and hung themselves or learn to play real games, 2D plataformers FTW!!
about 14 years ago
Recent side-scrolling's game ?
Trine ? <3
about 14 years ago
Also: http://www.captainsnes.com/2003/03/01/288-marios-drug-related-past-revealed-2/

(If you don't know who Max Force is, you're probably too young to be reading Nerf Now anyways)
about 14 years ago
Heh heh heh heh: http://neko.crowdedstreet.net/stuff/lol.png
about 14 years ago
...and Sonic has addiction to rings.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_46046]@anonymous[/url] what? do you mean he's a mafioso? I mean, Mario is a mushroom user, while Sonic prefer speed
Doc Lithius
about 14 years ago
Let's see... How shall I put this?

Sonic 4 = Sonic Rush with "enhancements".
There's other problems, but I'm sure other people'll get to those in due time.

@Brian - I'd like to point out both of those games were sold as fully-packaged commercial games, not "downloadable" games.
about 14 years ago
Will they ever get it right? Or is Sonic just outta gas?
about 14 years ago
well he is italian
about 14 years ago
And this is why the sonic cycle exists.
about 14 years ago

Mario = RED
Sonic = BLU
about 14 years ago
My biggest complaint about Sonic 4 is that it's RIDICULOUSLY OVERPRICED.


about 14 years ago
Pay back for the blackmailing photos.

Either way sega lost sonic fans due to the guys who made the last 'good' one didn't leave a blue print for future developers to copy and paste like the mario guys.
about 14 years ago
Mario a hater, I knew it!
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_46025]@Griff[/url]: I'll join you in that. Sonic 4 just strikes me as "off", like... the physics is wrong. Sonic Colours just feels right, looking at it. Hooray for the Sonic Cycle and our perpetuation of it.
about 14 years ago
Take a look at NEW Super Mario Bros for DS and Wii and tell me that 2D platformers can't be popular and highly-rated anymore. Both sold extremely well.
That's what happens when a company and game evolve WITH their audience. NSMB kept the core Mario gameplay and wonky physics while improving too.
Rzeczpospolita Polska
about 14 years ago
Hey, were you on the ChHa server today?
about 14 years ago
herpasaurus your right bout that.
about 14 years ago
Honestly I wasn't looking forward to sonic 4, played demo, and hated it.
I think sonic colors might be good though.
about 14 years ago
I think that there are a lot of Sonic fans who are happy to have a new game, even though probably no one is entirely and completely satisfied by it (the way that, for example, HL2 is basically universally loved).

However, these fans are drowned out by all the whiners, sadly.
about 14 years ago
That's Mario's evil doppelganger, right?
about 14 years ago
@The Lawlmeister: Well, there is always the 500th one right?
The Lawlmeister
about 14 years ago
It''s your 400'th comic man, and you're not even gonna commemorate it? WHAT THE FU-