What people are saying about "Formal"
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over 12 years ago
Fuck croc-o-style kit, use the machina and bodyshot the motherfucker. Alternatively, headshot him twice. It only blocks one headshot. The person has to go get another (IIRC). But definitely nothing survives a Machina fully powered hit.
about 13 years ago
congratulations, you are now am official member of the 501st Strike Witches Squadron

P.s. I dare ya to make a comic about strike witches
almost 14 years ago
Trolololoooo!Trololopantieslololo. I only wrote this cuz of the button
almost 14 years ago
How to counter a croc-o-style sniper being healed by a medic?
Saharan Spy Or a good pyro with the degreaser and axe extinguisher
almost 14 years ago
switch to spy and stab then both
almost 14 years ago
Only way is to take out the Medic first
Mr. Am/Pm
almost 14 years ago
a reference to Strike Witches?
almost 14 years ago
jesus christ were you having an aneurysm when you wrote that second panel?
almost 14 years ago
Oh damn. I see the strike witches reference in the third part.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45162]@Will[/url]: Fireflywater is right, search for "Strike Witches" and find out
I got it
almost 14 years ago
Get Sydney sleeper, charge up a, shoot medic, dead, hide, charge up, shoot snipah, if necessary shoot once moar, dead

I win. Give me Monah naouw
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45154]@Fireflywater[/url]: This is a street fighter reference lmao!
almost 14 years ago
I really want to say that this image is a Strike Witches reference. Also regarding TF2. The SS got nerfed if I remember correctly.
3rd panel
almost 14 years ago
Unexpected Womb level!
almost 14 years ago
@an-on-a-moose: I meant "were," not "weren't."

Gee, that makes me look stupid now, does it.
almost 14 years ago
Sure, Sydney Sleeper can't oneshot Heavies, but Jarate is still a death sentence when there's a handful of enemies in sight.
IMO it's still a bad unlock though. Needs noscope jarate and variable duration based on charge, or a bleed effect.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45143]@Mordicaii[/url] People are saying the pantsless outfit of hers resemble that of the strike witches. What[url=#user_comment_45128] @Project_mars[/url] was referring to in his photo note was this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YygV1xZcjGM Keke
almost 14 years ago
Simple. You don't. This is exactly the sort of thing that was made to avoid the perpetual sniper war plague in TF2. What you do is you go demoman, demojump, smack him in the face, or soldier-rocket him to death, or scout and bat him to death, etc etc.
almost 14 years ago
Um... why were the comments about the lousy English shown in this one comic removed?

I mean, they were factually correct, weren't they not?
almost 14 years ago
Simple... use your mic and coordinate with another sniper to hit him with 2 full charged shots at the same time. I do this vs lvl 3 sentries all the time and it works great.
almost 14 years ago
If Medic is healing sniper, they aren't doing their job right.
almost 14 years ago
Is that a strike witches reference?
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45128]@Project_mars[/url] haha I know that reference, good work dude.
almost 14 years ago
It really all depends if the sniper is scoped in and charged then go around and find another angle on him if possible take out the medic run like hell and body shot the sniper. A fully charged bodyshot wont kill a over healed sniper but it should scare him enough for you to get a second fatal shot.
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
I forgot to say they have no panties, but I wasn't able to post inb the morning when this came out for some reason :(
almost 14 years ago

Which for those that don't know, are little girls running (and flying with weird propeller legs) for 24 minutes and fighting some sort of aliens while doing that.
Sakamoto Mio
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
Simple. I team up with another sniper and take him out with two shots if his medic is safe in cover. Else, I shoot the medic first, change positions and bodyshot the sucker.
almost 14 years ago
"Now a question for you TF2 sniper players. If a croc-o-style find a pocket medic to heal him, how you counter-sniper him?"

Buy a 30$ hat that grants 100% crits on targets immune to headshots.
almost 14 years ago
Sydney Sleeper means he can't kill a heavy. Switch classes and go smash some babies.
almost 14 years ago
As OMGWTFBBQ said, a headshot followed by a quick bodyshot is enough to kill the croc
Their "immunity" is "not dying" but they still lose a heck lotta life and go to 1 HP
I'm just saying that theoretically, though, I suck at sniper
Frank West
almost 14 years ago
I wouldn't mind covering THAT war. Heheheh, I love me.
almost 14 years ago
sniper rush agains him !!
almost 14 years ago
shaved thighs need no protection against cold winds!
almost 14 years ago
I've taken to using the Sydney Sleeper, which is a pretty decent counter. You're not getting headshots anyway, so you just use the Jarate effect to your advantage.

Then again, I've only played the Sniper class for about three hours total, so you might not want to take my word for it. >_>
Sniper Dave
almost 14 years ago
Croc-o-style's are really easy to kill if they have a medic with them, but on my server it's usually me and another sniper on offense face raping the other team. So 2 snipers can take him out in 2 shots even overhealed
almost 14 years ago
If a medic is constantly healing a crocosniper, laugh at the incredible uselessness of that medic and shoot everyone else.
almost 14 years ago
*pain if on the enemy team
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45084]@Dave[/url]: no there are actually some medics healing snipers ( they're actually a real pain if on the enemy them but a blessing from your's, at least that's how a sniper sees it. anyone elso would hate them)
almost 14 years ago
Yeah.. glad I'm not the only one who first thought of Strike Witches xD

On that note:
I support the war on aliens, and pants.
almost 14 years ago
Not much you can do if I'm interpreting this right :
So you are in your sniper area and you spot a croc-sniper across the map with a medic constantly healing him (note: medic is out of sight) like that well lets see:
Snapshot- No,Charged shot- No.
Get a buddy to help?
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45112]@SRG[/url]: that has*
almost 14 years ago
Some where there a group of elite brits cammy once/still work for has that type of uniform.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45110]@AckAckAck[/url]: Marching in high heels, how much of a woman's military service is dedicated to training that?
almost 14 years ago
Really, if those are real uniform code, I'll join the military, the closest we can get is Russian female soldiers short skirt


almost 14 years ago
Could be worse: pin through a leotard, accidentally hit nipple.
almost 14 years ago
Woah, Cammy joined the Witches? AWESOME!!
almost 14 years ago
@Oh Guile: Maybe she's a Strike Witch. I mean all the men in that anime pretty much don't care about their lack of pants.
Oh Guile
almost 14 years ago
I wonder if he's more put off by the fact she's not wearing pants, or that she apparently ripped the sleeves off her dress uniform's jacket.
almost 14 years ago
Actually the set prevents death from headshot by reducing the sniper's health to 1 instead of killing him. So just bodyshot him or SMG him before he takes cover.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45100]@Jeff[/url]: Go on...
Out Reach
almost 14 years ago
To counter sniper a full croc sniper with a pocket medic, use the flare gun.
almost 14 years ago
On should be in unless she's surfing on a leotard
almost 14 years ago
Why does this seriously remind me of Strike Witches? The lack of pants maybe?
almost 14 years ago
you just dont get the crit with a headshot if they wear the suit, doesnt make the sniper invincible... just body shoot him... in a way it makes it easier (bigger target). i guess aiming center mass becomes a fundamental again
almost 14 years ago
As with all other situations, Medics are always your first target. THEY don't have headshot protection, and a fully charged body shot can take care of them nicely.

Otherwise, there's not much a sniper-medic team can do against, say, a Heavy or a Pyro, as long as they can ambush them right.
Q. Fabius Maximus
almost 14 years ago
They're not panties so it's not emberassing
almost 14 years ago
the other option is to wait until Valve nerfs the croc set. in the mean time pick a class that can take care of the sniper. Besides its much more fun to play as a Spy/Heavy.
almost 14 years ago
Mostly, if they are experienced and have a good medic, your only option is to get a teammate to counter them. Croc-o-style was designed as a sniper counter, as it ignores headshots.
If their medic is poor, however, a fully-charged bodyshot makes quick work of him, as does any headshot.
almost 14 years ago
You can't take the sniper out with a fully-charged bodyshot (bodyshot < 185 health). If you shoot that headshot-protected sniper, he'll probably duck out of the way while the medic heals him. Best way to do it is to get a medic of your own to help out or coordinate with another sniper.
almost 14 years ago
A few quick hs will work on any class being medicked in my experience. If that's not a possibility though, you can always try to a) take out the medic or b) charge a body shot.
almost 14 years ago
A. Fully-charged Body shot? Also, what medic? Who the heck sits there healing snipers. Best you'd get is a Lv3 Dispenser.
Wing commander Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke
almost 14 years ago
I demand more Strike Witches comments.

Ah, particularly ones featuring myself and Mio...please?
Liro Raeriyo
almost 14 years ago
now a question for all of you, what sniper primary would you rather be kritzkrieged with.
Liro Raeriyo
almost 14 years ago
My way: Bean ball until he gives up

Credit to team way: Keep him busy, if hes looking at you then hes NOT looking at your team.

Smart way: Go spy and stab him

Retarded way: go heavy and minigun him from long distance to fuck his aim up.
almost 14 years ago
At that point, countersniping him isn't so important. As long as you keep him busy, you're keeping the medic tied up as well. Credit to team.
almost 14 years ago
Shoot the medic.
Many Tanks!
almost 14 years ago
There is more then one way to quickly kill a sniper. I just like to go soldier with gunboats and rocket jump towards the left or right of the sniper never directly towards the sniper since then he might see you. The element of surprise it very valuable.
TF2 Player
almost 14 years ago
Bodyshot him.
almost 14 years ago
Aha, that's a nice :3 she's got going there.
almost 14 years ago
The solution for a Croc Sniper with a pocket medic is the same as for anybody with a pocket medic.

Casual TF2 Sniper
almost 14 years ago
Get better angle, take out medic first. If all else fails, leave the job to a good spy and snipe everybody else. It's TEAM Fortress 2 for a reason. Everybody has their job to do.
almost 14 years ago
Hate to break it to you guys,but the "winter uniform"? That's not camo paint,that's frostbite setting in. That girl hates pants.
almost 14 years ago
Don't play sniper. Get a rocket launcher...and gib the sunuva dingo bitch.
almost 14 years ago
Lol Strike Witches reference ftw
almost 14 years ago
Headshot then railgun, same thing if they're overhealed. Besides it's not like they can take you out either unless you're letting them hit you with a fully charged body shot :/
almost 14 years ago
Call in your Spy buddy to take out the medic.
almost 14 years ago
Slightly charged headshot + no-scope.
almost 14 years ago
So Cammy is a Strike Witch?
Obvious Solution
almost 14 years ago
Shoot the medic first.
almost 14 years ago
I think it would have been better to be in her leotard
almost 14 years ago
u need to close range snipe him, in the back, with a knife.

(serious answer) full charge huntsman then shoot an extra 1 quickly? (incase)
almost 14 years ago
i appretiate the strike witches cameo of francheska lucchini.....'s underpants ;]
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45046]@Photon[/url]: Aww, you beat me to it.
almost 14 years ago
Charge up a shot, headshot, and noscope him fast. Not great, but It can work.
almost 14 years ago
jarate and bushwacka? :O
almost 14 years ago

Also with the full set you cant headshot people and people cant headshot you soooo its not entirely that effective, not too mention if a medic is spending time healing a croc-o-sniper then hes not spending time healing the other players.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45039]@j[/url] but what if its a smart pocket who is out of sniper range? (behind a wall) u get a spy to 1hit the sniper with ER, then get the medic. thats how. no other way is possable.
almost 14 years ago
Actually, just body-shot the medic. Less time spent aiming, more time spent killing.
almost 14 years ago
just give her some magic engine legs and a rifle
almost 14 years ago
Aim for the face of the medic. Then, body-shot the fucker.
almost 14 years ago