What people are saying about "Random"
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Adam Grima (Stormwolf)
3 months ago
Puff-puff is a Japanese thing, it is when a woman uses her "chest" to bracket a person's head. I think in these games it was from behind with the character sitting on a chair. But I'm sure it would also count from the front and be more like a "motorboating"
3 months ago
FFXIV had some Puff Puff in the crossover event too https://youtu.be/A9pc8PjPOZk
3 months ago
Where is the rest of the party?
3 months ago
Morgan needs a training arc where she learns to enjoy being sexy.
The only reason I am suggesting this is because I'm down bad for her and I will not pretend otherwise.
3 months ago
Yep, Metal Slimes. Tough enemies to kill, but boy howdy if you can.
3 months ago
Showing that Morgan did not do enough home work before choosing her class.
Maybe she can find some sheep to help her. Or those twins from that one version. What where their names?
3 months ago
@Ovis Militaris look for yourself,
Ovis Militaris
3 months ago
So what exactly is Puff-Puff? Is it Snu-snu?