What people are saying about "Face Reveal"
Face Reveal
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4 months ago
*remembers the two strips Jo actually did draw himself*
4 months ago
The real you is too realistic. You'd get accosted by fans when you go out and you just don't wanna deal with that. Imposing works for me, but maybe with some tweaks so people don't connect it to Baldur's Gate.
4 months ago
Cute girl has my vote~ Surely nothing unwholesome would happen to her~
Bharda Sullivan
4 months ago
The rejected JJBA villain of the week isn’t great, and I think you’re overlooking the obvious solution.
Split the differences between cutie & illithid, for something like Sucker For Live.

Lorenzo Lotto
4 months ago
We all know Jo's face reveal should display the truth we all know: Jo is a huge tentacle with tentacles of his own, and what we see is the comic is really one of his smaller tentacles
4 months ago
Aaah, come on...

Froggo Jo is cute too.
Luriant Urs Karbalis Endorian
4 months ago
The most complex Jo, the harder to draw. I like the Day of Tentacle reference, even if too old for current gamers. We don’t need a Handsome Squidward-chan.
I like the current behavior “make a strip about the current popular game”, this will attract other gamers from different communities.
Shatari Ishatar
4 months ago
Damn, man. Real you has a chin so chiseled that you could cut diamonds with it. And that hat just completes it.
4 months ago
As a super nerd, I say embrace your inner Illithid.
Ovis Militaris
4 months ago
Cute Jo is best. Waifu are supreme. Jo as a waifu is peak degeneracy. Would also answer where the tentacles come from.
Benjamin Lee
4 months ago
Your tentacle avatar does have a face! It has two eyes, and the last panel even implies it has eyebrows. Maybe add some suckers or something as a mouthline?
4 months ago
For my two cents, I like #2
Marco Robin (Chiog)
4 months ago
I kinda wanna see the other girls react to this forms
4 months ago
you should embrance your imposing side! it definitely defines you better than current form!
just kidding, but could be nice see you represent yourself in such a form for a couple of strips
4 months ago
I actually like the frogge one.
4 months ago
Illithid!! Illithid!! Mind-flayer!!
It's cute and I like it a lot
4 months ago
I say go with a combination of Imposing and Real. Just be purple Handsom Squidward with tentacles on your chin.
4 months ago
Plot twist: Tentajo always have been a cute monstergirl, all this time she have been trying to appeal to foot fetishists so she used her foot as avatar.
4 months ago
Cute Jo: Have girl-on-girl tentacle action!
4 months ago
Le Chad Jo
Freakin' Magic
4 months ago
you could do something similar to that inkling persona of yours just for the facial expressions
4 months ago
Protoss-Mind Flayer Jo would be more on-character. Also, Zone-tan would approve.
4 months ago
Classic version is best version... Though the fact algorithm lady failed to pick the cute version shows how flawed she is... And the fact she also failed to pick the real version is an utter crime!
4 months ago
If that is Just OK Joe, what would Handsome Joe look like?

Maybe Lorgar?