What people are saying about "The Weaponmaster"
The Weaponmaster
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3 months ago
@Samuel Measa
Maybe they meant the P90?
It IS a sexy SMG.
3 months ago
@Crass Spektakel
Never really thought of Amanda Tapping as Sexy. Teryl Rothery and Alexandra Doig where more my type.
3 months ago
Could have been worse. I was expecting that retcon ink to turn her into an Ink machine monster.
3 months ago
"Imagine if I had a real weapom".
3 months ago
@Passerby I miss the time of the old comic annotations. The 'mine's, 'POW!'s, the 'Slap my hand!'s... Good times.
3 months ago
Wait, so Victoire is a southpaw?
3 months ago
Dante and Deadpool would be proud.
3 months ago
Stargate SG-1 Samantha demonstrates the P90


3 months ago
Pow!!! Ha ha!!!
3 months ago
Worth mentioning that the samurai were pretty enthusiastic about firearms and were quick to adopt it. The tanegashima, a Japanese arquebus, saw pretty wide use during the internal wars in Japan.
3 months ago
Victorie history wasn't erased. It isn't shrouded in darkness. Her experience has become so thick that it appears to be a forest. Nobody can see the trees.

Victorie has just gained a Batman level of backstorie and skills.