What people are saying about "Black Diablos"
Black Diablos
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4 months ago
I think the "No regerts" is about the tattoo meme. More than one tattoo "No regrets" ended in an error lik" no regerts" or "no ragrets". Some are main on purpose for the joke.
4 months ago
@Peteman probably a reference to Postal 4: No Regerts
4 months ago
Nah, Pink Rathian is just pink. Its a genetic mutation rather than a temporary state unlike Black Diablos.
4 months ago
Isn't it the same with the Pink Rathian?
4 months ago
At least it's not in a jar.
4 months ago
Lorenzo Lotto
4 months ago
4 months ago
So Jo would like 1/3rd of Monster Hunter's arena-centric end-game. Avoid MH:Rise because it has that "hunt the bird powerups" thing for 15 min before you even think about fighting a monster.

Also apparently the key to beating Black Diablos is chocolate and Marvyn Gay. Never would of guessed.
4 months ago
I think you meant "In heat" Jo. Forget to ask Discord to double check it or did they miss it?
4 months ago
Monster Lewder.
4 months ago
Only one wing Jo?
4 months ago
Capcom also cannot into pause.