What people are saying about "Back and Forth"
Back and Forth
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about 1 year ago
Saw this coming. No, not the Twitch thing, funny as that was. Rather you making a strip out of this actually. Though I figured you use Anne-Marie for it, so way to dash...I mean subvert my expectations.
about 1 year ago
Nexus mods use to have an issue where every few months they would be swarmed with persons posting porn in the image selection. They got around it by making the adult image content section. Somewhere you could post Artistic Nudes and Porn. How ever you had to be a supporter to view/post there.
about 1 year ago
it's weird to me that THIS is the most explicit content out of this whole webcomic
about 1 year ago
I think a big part was just... a terrible mistake all around. They wanted to give an inch, and some people tried to take a mile, others tried to take back that inch and then some, and it was all just a mess.
Demana Fakename
about 1 year ago
They don't even need to ban AI. Just ban realisitic images.
about 1 year ago
It’s because Twitch forgot to ban AI art, which would mean someone could start posting art that looks very similar to real people.
about 1 year ago
Eh, the bans came from mass reporting, not from higher ups. You forget that a *lot* of people are anti-porn. But that's another point of discussion.

Personally, I blame the furries.
Freakin' Magic
about 1 year ago
even worse is that they instantly banned the people during that time.
it just shows that those in charge are irresponsible and shouldn't be trusted with anything.
tally hoe
about 1 year ago
This isn't even being hoist by their own petard, this is actively building the gallows, shouting about it, putting the noose around their own neck, and then jumping while expecting enough people to catch them rather than push.
tally hoe
about 1 year ago
Because second doing this has drawn attention from those payment processors to what already goes on in some Twitch channels, the ones that get memed about being NSFW already. Meaning several countries are now likely going to come down hard on Twitch for letting this happen for so long.
tally hoe
about 1 year ago
First how utterly lacking Twitch can be in preventing minors from seeing certain content making the plan to go NSFW set off a massive red flag to the payment processors linked to Twitch.

This would be bad enough alone but instead of just rolling the changes back Twitch needs to do more. Why?
tally hoe
about 1 year ago
The sudden change of heart is because they fucked up something big. The announcement to be more pro-NSFW caught the attention of various payment processors who were alerted to two things.
Beast Wolf
about 1 year ago
Yep. What happened was to be expected, especially considering what they still allow.
So why didn't they expect it? Why were they so vague?

Im gonna guess Money. Sex sells and they wanted to have their cake and eat it too. But the guy pushing it underestimated people's brinksmanship.