What people are saying about "Ancient History"
Ancient History
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8 months ago
If you were a fan of the Kunio-kun games, I can't recommend River City Girls enough.
Shatari Ishatar
8 months ago
Beat'em ups never went away, they just became the domain of indie companies. Which is a bit sad because indie games tend to be disappointingly short, but good because AAA games tend to lack any soul and have microtransactions shoved into every crevice.
8 months ago
The Golden Axe bit of the trailer showed a modern genericish 3D beat-em-up. Shinobi was 2D hand-drawn. Crazy Taxi had a Cop Chase mode.
Some games will be good, some will not.
Can we get Eternal Champions 3 please?
8 months ago
Many games today have leveling systems and grind making it so a veteran player and a new player have a wide gap in power while games like Golden Axe they just jump in and play together. You don’t need to grind for hours so you can unlock the fun gameplay parts.
8 months ago
modern games? The difference is that today feels like most games are either single player or online involving more people. The old 1-4 people advancing together to beat the game is pretty rare i think. The other thing I miss are games with no leveling/customizing skills/etc.
8 months ago
As someone who loved these games I have to say that this kind of game still is around. From games from old IPs making a comeback like Streets of Rage 4 and the ninja turtles game or more modern games like Dragon’s Crown. After all games where you go around beating a bunch of enemies the base of many
8 months ago
Mark my words: Sega WILL fuck this up!
8 months ago
Anyone that has the IP for either of those games could release a "classic" style game that matches the genre the series is known for, or they could try to do a modern reinterpretation of the game. Both of these could easily be turned into 3D versions of the same game, or a different genre.