What people are saying about "Voice of the Internet"
Voice of the Internet
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7 months ago
I'm pretty certain the word slay was made up as a weak disguise of the word lay in the first place. Probably because people were laying the giants instead of killing them.
Ho-Hyong Yoo
8 months ago
I mean basically yes
8 months ago
8 months ago
I don't think the "Voice of Horny" would enjoy this. To quote a certain writer, "You don't have fetishes before you've had real-world sex, it's unfettered horniness that expresses itself in all sorts of confusing ways that you mistake as a fetish." I think the devs would use that against the player.
8 months ago
If the Voice of Horni was in this game, the poor princess would be in for...quite an experience. Well, the player character won't be any safer for it, but he would certainly be happier.
8 months ago
BBeG: "I'm actually a monster pretending to be human"
Internet: "EVEN BETTER"
8 months ago
You can’t have “SLAY THE PRINCESS” without “LAY THE PRINCESS”
8 months ago
Looking at "Slay the Princess" on steam and I found the other side, "Sucker for Love: First Date". A game where you are given the chance to date a large breasted, Pink haired, Hour glass figured, Cthulhu...
Knew I should have stayed on Dead or Alive (insert latest volley ball game title here).
8 months ago
Last time I followed what the narrator told me to do. I wound up in a room keeping a baby from fire while trying to also save a puppy.
Curse you Stanly Parable!!!
8 months ago
This is a game that understands its fanbase really well.

*horrifying monstrosity emerges*

Voice of the [redacted]: Behold! The perfect woman!
Ardonell Moonshadow
8 months ago
@Elyseon I didn't know about the Slay the Princess game and the premise in the strip (with narrator and stuff) looks like Minthara intro (at least to me): Here is someone evil you may want to kill or she might do bad things but a subset of the playerbase instead chooses to romance her. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
James Sorenson
8 months ago
As an example, Roach Milk on Steam had this review: "Whatever happens to her is probably a reflection of your fetishes, you sick freak."
8 months ago
What does Minthara have to do with this?
8 months ago
The whole premise looks like "mindfuck bait".
Ardonell Moonshadow
8 months ago
And here I thought this was a subtle Minthara-fandom roast.
8 months ago
@Kraken Slay the Princess. No idea what it is like, but its available on Steam. Was getting pushed hard for a while.
8 months ago
Which game is that?
Tory Pellerin
8 months ago
This game is well worth it to play. Keep it spoiler-free, and go in blind; let the twists hit you full force. Its the good stuff, refreshingly so. And, even better, doesn't ask for heaps of time from you. I wish I could say more without spoilers, but I can't. Just do yourself the favor. Play it.