What people are saying about "Cupcake"
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9 months ago
I think its a case of the wrong people being in the right place. They wiggle their way into positions of power and either directly or indirectly push the company to do stupid stuff like that. But because they've greased the right wheels and made the right friends they're basically untouchable.
9 months ago
Good luck. I'd go with almond flower for those health nuts. That way you can also get a product for the people who are allergic to flour.
9 months ago
The whole Unity thing is a common ploy used by many corporations. Introduce a horrable new strategy by making it as bad as you can imagine. Let the customers rage. Apologize and 'rework' the idea by cutting back to make the bad idea less bad. Now people think you're reasonable, when it still isn't.
9 months ago
But yeah, board of directors or CEOs, people with too much power and too little attachment to the market is a recipe for disaster.
9 months ago
The problem with the recent shenanigans with Unity is that it seems the decision wasn't made by the CEO, it was made by the board of directors as a whole. John Riccitello just took the fall for them (and had sold his stock in the company because he knew this would happen).
Andreas Larsson
9 months ago
One of your best ones, Jo. XD
Spencer Joseph Felix (Satu James Tokage)
9 months ago
To be honest this is true. When CEOs have so much power sometimes their decision making skills...fall short. Like bell pepper cupcakes? I mean Mexican style cornbread exists(and that has bell peppers in it) still maybe could work. but maybe make normal cupcakes(or products 1st to see if that works)
Brandon Madigan
9 months ago
This reminds me of series end of the show "Dinosaurs" with the animatronic dinosaurs that aired on American television like 30 years ago - The giant "WeSaySo" corp destroyed the dinosaurs by causing super volcano to erupt.Ash would block out the sun. They get increased profits from heating.
9 months ago
this can apply to any company who wants to please a noisy minority, while forget what the great majority really wants.
9 months ago
...Do you really think your readers are that dumb that you needed to put that "the cupcake is a metaphor" panel there?
9 months ago
9 months ago
You're talking about video game companies appealing to insufferable pricks who aren't even interested in the video games?
9 months ago
I was going to talk about nitch markets and specialized products vs general goods but then this isn't about cupcakes. It is about offering all your customers something 80% of them won't eat because you're chasing a trend. Even the remaining 20% most of them won't eat it twice. Dumb decisions.