What people are saying about "Lewdpunk"
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over 1 year ago
@Morgan thatsracist.gif
over 1 year ago
Sorry Morgan, but Carbon Pink is of Western origin. It's got anime influences, sure, but it's a D&D conversion that was created by a westerner.
over 1 year ago
over 1 year ago
By the standards of the second half of the Kill la Kill - that's a downright prudish outfit. So, yeah, probably Japan.
over 1 year ago
I dare say Lewdpunk was invented outside of Japan. It was then adopted and raised there, before experimenting and finding itself during collage. Then getting a job doing model work for Fanservice anime.
over 1 year ago
Ah, it's nice to see the girls engaging in consensual fanservice again lol Feels like it's been a minute.
over 1 year ago
well, kinda look like ghost in the shell