What people are saying about "Forbbiden Magic"
Forbbiden Magic
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over 1 year ago
Only the mentally deficient can't see how giving money to people who want to murder other people, is a bad, and controversial thing to do.

The fact you're calling vulnerable groups "mentally ill" shows you'd prefer them dead anyway though so whatever.
over 1 year ago
"Look, only the mentally ill think this book, location, or political party can hurt them, we have LAWS against ILLEGAL things like MURDER. So stop shaming me for reading Mein Kamf, paying for the building of Ashuists, and supporting the National Socialist German Worker's party!"
over 1 year ago
I think her name's Maggie, not "mute orphan".
over 1 year ago
I keep forgetting mute orphan is even in this comic.
over 1 year ago
@Gratua Cuun
Even calling the game itself "controversial" is a misnomer.
There's nothing controversial about it, the controversy comes from the mentally ill people believing a VIDEO GAME is capable of threatening their lives, so they should preemptively threaten the lives of anyone who plays it...
over 1 year ago
Despite all the controversy - it's just another bland open world with crafting and collectibles. Bit hard to get all that much material out of it