What people are saying about "Lottery"
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over 14 years ago
hahaha hehehehe
over 14 years ago
I hate kissing Louis.
A Wandering Mage
over 14 years ago
Fucking brilliant!!!
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_28553]@Malkavian[/url] No, I just wanted to be sure. Some people have different definitions of minority. Just cause I consider gays as a minority, doesn't mean others do.
over 14 years ago
absolutely brilliant!!!
over 14 years ago
Panel 3 I mean
over 14 years ago
Why do Louise's sleeves get unraveled in panel 2 but are back to normal in panel 1
over 14 years ago
yaoi in my nerfnow...

it's more likely then you think.
over 14 years ago
For all those thinking the Pyro nerf only affected the W+M1 Pyros:
a) Is not a tactic
b) Is not effective against anyone with 2 brain cells
c) Every class does it
d) The Heavy is the new (and even somewhat effective) W+M1 class, hooray for you?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_28589]@Eleven[/url]: And the Pyros who ambush and strafe. Think before posting next time.
over 14 years ago
Homosexuality, yay!
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_28584]@Bugging[/url]: Huge Pyro nerf, lol. To non-W+M1 Pyros it's more like buff.
over 14 years ago
No comic on the 119 update or the huge Pyro nerf?
Black Dragon
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_28564]@Nielsdejong[/url]: Actually if you think about it, considering Bill's bio and how he hates walking up stairs, he should be considered exempt as well because of his bum leg which would fit him in #3.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Oie! Francis stole Louis's gold watch from hit right arm! no wonder he was getting frisky.
Big Dan
over 14 years ago
I guess that if you don't bother to show up for two projects in a row (Crash Course and The Passing), the character you voice act will be the one killed. Who knew!
over 14 years ago
>implying Zoey was even considered to be killed by the lonely faggots at valve.
over 14 years ago
Bill's in a minority though.

He's old.
over 14 years ago
Why... why does Bill look so happy in the last panel
over 14 years ago
He's saying that the very left orientated media nowadays protects:

1: minorities, blacks in particular

2: Women

3: Cripples

4: Homosexuals

So if your a straight white guy who isn't crippled: You've got a problem! :P
over 14 years ago
Don't ask, don't tell?

And all this reminds me of that one video of Bill and louis on youtube...
over 14 years ago
"Damn'it Francis!"
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_28549]@Clark[/url]: Yeah, pretty much it. Does word 'minority' confuses you?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_28459]@mokesmoe[/url] That's the reason they killed Bill off in the first place.
over 14 years ago
I'm a little confused, why is Francis kissing Louis? Is it because he's pretending to be gay and being gay is considered by many a minority?
Doktor J
over 14 years ago
Looks like Bill should've pulled the veteran card here :(
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_28510]@Serathis[/url]: Actually the blondes are usually the whores and the brunettes usually the good girls.
Officer Combine
over 14 years ago
@umad? What have you been doing reading up until now then?
over 14 years ago
This, of course, happened after Francis turned down Rochelle in the ad.
over 14 years ago
First good Nerf NOW comic ever.
over 14 years ago
I really loled!
over 14 years ago
Smart move on Francis's part. =D
over 14 years ago
wait, doesn't the black guy always dies first in horror movies?
over 14 years ago
Come on its, obvious who dies in what order: old guy, black guy, smart guy, then the whore. Only the saintly white, blonde female survives.
over 14 years ago
Wait gibus was own by a dead man,
max's decap head is from a dead man-bunny,
now bill whom hat was use for a marketing ploy to get those to buy l4d2 is now dead.
valve needs to make a "tower of the fallen" hat if you craft/own all three items in your backpack.
Norman Onymous
over 14 years ago
The comic probably should have been flipped, because as it is you read the director's line saying it's between Zoey and Bill BEFORE you see how Francis excluded himself.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_28500]@Akal[/url] I'm pretty sure rule 34 probably means that if you google hard enough, you already CAN see Zoey and Ellis Hookup. Zoey and Anyone probably... maybe even Bill and anyone.
over 14 years ago
Ahhh... the horror stories I could tell about the retardation that was louis' AI. Bill (me) punched by a tank and downed on top of a rock, Tank kills my other two, already badly hurt human controlled, friends before it dies and louis runs up just below me and screams, " BIIIIILL!" a hundred times.
over 14 years ago
i wanted loius to die. i mean he was worthless in the game, he got in the way more then he helped. at least we get to see zoey and ellis hook up hopefully
over 14 years ago
(Reposting old joke) The witch killed Bill, blame the witch. After all, she was dressed as a bride in the Passing, and everybody knows The Bride is out to Kill Bill.
Finalsage @deviart
over 14 years ago
Hah freaking awesome, way to think fast Francis old buddy, so long bill, you will be dearly missed, Jim French you sir can go suck a c***
over 14 years ago
I blame Jim french
Know crash course? bill got jack in CC, and he got jacked up in the passing, because french quit being the voice actor
*grumble* stupid frenchmen, backstabbin me, killing bill, being french
Obvious Man!
over 14 years ago
incase nobody gets it, francis is pretending to be of the homosexual minority and is thus exempt from dying
over 14 years ago
I like how part of the joke is that everyone in the comic except Bill actually says something. Nice layer of subtlety.
over 14 years ago
Bill! NO!

Zoey. mmmm.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_28459]@mokesmoe[/url]: Second argument for Bill being obvious: Nobody would care if Francis bit it, cause he's a dick without a brain. There would be outrage if Zoey bit it, and probably squeals of RACISM RACISM from people that happen to be retarded if it was Louis.
Officer Combine
over 14 years ago
I guess this explained what injured Louis so badly.
over 14 years ago
I guess there's something besides vests that I don't hate...
over 14 years ago
Save me some sugar, this won't take very long.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
As soon as they announced that one surviver would be dead, it was obvious who it was. The voice actor for bill doesn't work for valve anymore, so they can't make new lines for him.
over 14 years ago
Smart move, Francis XD
Wake The Shark
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
is it just me, or does the director seem gay?
over 14 years ago
om nom nom nom x3
over 14 years ago
It seems Francis is more clever than he looks.