What people are saying about "So <inhale> ronery"
So <inhale> ronery
Comments have been closed for this comic.
over 13 years ago
Six panels with no dialogue and a punchline with a weak delivery. Even after playing Mass Effect, I still didn't get this flimsy joke until I read the comments.
over 14 years ago
I thought these was strip joints until I saw the next comic
An Evil Penguin
over 14 years ago
Lovin this arc, TF2 comics are great, but so are these ones. More mass effect and tf2 plz! :D
the brain
over 14 years ago
nothing to get realy, volus loves the girl, thinks being more elegant and geting some bling will impress her
Devil Dan
over 14 years ago
I was reminded of the C-Sec officer telling a volus to take a deep breath.
over 14 years ago
@Replier Guy: Hey now, some people don't understand the jokes unless they know the lore. Hell, some of the jokes Jo does for some games I don't follow like DAO. Though, the rest of the majority, ergo the rest of the games, I understand the jokes.
over 14 years ago
Damn I forgot how clunky ME 1 was. xD Everything felt kinda odd, and I felt depressed when I remembered there was no research lab on the itty bitty Normandy. D: And don't get me started on the Mako. lawl
Replier Guy
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24902]@Esproc[/url] Really? The Volus (short alien) has a crush on the Asari (blue alien), but is too shy to confront her. But seeing the stores that sell shiny things is giving him an idea.....
over 14 years ago
I haven't played most of the games featured in arcs, but I can usually follow the humor.

However this one... nope I'm lost.
over 14 years ago
(9) beats (8)
Nah man Nah
over 14 years ago
Don't do it bro, don't do it. It can only end bad.
over 14 years ago
God, I laughed just reading the title.

Yes, I did let him fight.
over 14 years ago
Awesome! Glad you're branching out with different game arcs.
over 14 years ago
If you start ME story arc, I will send you a group of singing salarians!
over 14 years ago
Cirno is SO RONERY
over 14 years ago
Nobody cares bout Cirno D:
over 14 years ago
So ronery ;_;
over 14 years ago
I move away from the mic to breath in
over 14 years ago
There is no Belt!!! D=<
over 14 years ago
Whats this? a comic without any retarded "spy here" photo comments? I must be in heaven!
over 14 years ago
@.: "Ronery" = Lonely with a Japanesse accent. Mostly used by and in relation to Otaku.
over 14 years ago
wtf does ronery mean
over 14 years ago
ME2 yay!

To be honest, i was getting totally bored with all the TF2 jokes, it's getting old by now, bring on the SC2 and ME2 comics!
Volus Stockbroker
over 14 years ago
Surely <ssssssklik> I'm not the only one who's <ssssssklik> slightly annoyed by the <ssssssklik> slightly more common <ssssssklik> inhalations of the Volus <ssssssklik> in Mass Effect 2 <ssssssklik>.
over 14 years ago
I have a feeling this arc will be very enjoyable...
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24747]@Jericho[/url]: Amusedly: When I read your post, I did so with an Elcor's voice in my head.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24727]@Astralpulse[/url]: Agreeably, the author should draw what he wants. I can't and won't restrict him to any one subject, I'm just throwing my opinion out there. Also, not being about TF2 doesn't mean it fails. I don't hate it, I just don't get the humor so it's rather dull for me.
over 14 years ago
FUCK YEAH!!! I have been waiting for a ME2 Arc!
over 14 years ago
Hehehe, reminds me of the Ronery Signal picture in your gallery.
over 14 years ago
Sheppard is tired of your disingenuous assertions.
over 14 years ago
This comic makes me wish my computer could run Mass Effect 2 so I'd be able to know what the hell is going on.
over 14 years ago
So, author, why the 8? It seems like a slightly higher number would fit better with the floating head and color scheme.
over 14 years ago
Omg, a ME arc! Fantastic.
over 14 years ago

The comic still updates incredibly often. Just because it isn't always TF2 now doesn't mean it's automatically fail.

I'd rather the artist draw what he feels like drawing, rather than be forced into always doing TF2. Stagnation will kill most anything quite quickly.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24712]@Surge[/url]: QFT. Quoted for the fucking truth. Also, I miss TF2 comics. I know change is inevitable and all, but I'm not fond of it all.
Great Biotic Wind
over 14 years ago
Mass Effect NPC with long hair?
over 14 years ago
You mean "Eye'm the strongest"
over 14 years ago
yay a Mass effect arc! yaay!

"I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite comic on the interwebs"
over 14 years ago
i miss Team fortress 2 ;(

but if this involves some "copulating", hey who am i to complain XD
over 14 years ago
Awwww, so cute Volus is so cute!
over 14 years ago
Where did the /funny/ comics go?
Lemure Zombie
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24710]@Gigaman[/url]: SC2? No, THIS IS MASS EFFECT!
over 14 years ago
So... There supposed to be new TF2 arc and we now have SC2? No thx.
Win Laik Pya
over 14 years ago
No Tali? Son, i am disappoint.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24693]@Moogles[/url]: "I don't know what drug you're on but stay back and I won't shoot you!"
over 14 years ago
InB4 the volus became a biotic god.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24688]@Merc[/url]: Kinda like the Quarians... They can't take them off.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24693]@Moogles[/url]: (LT) *pushes over*
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
I gotta say, I'm loving all the mass effect comics. So you can suck it, other Anonymous =P
over 14 years ago
God damn it, not another dumb Mass Effect comic... -_-;
over 14 years ago
Dem outfits. :D Poor Volus.
over 14 years ago
I do kinda feel sorry for how those guys are stuck with such a nerdy image.
over 14 years ago
I'm the strongest!
over 14 years ago
I feel bad for the little guy already.
over 14 years ago
Oh anon, you card.
over 14 years ago
Oh hey! A starcraft comic!
over 14 years ago
Finally, a Original Character. This is indeed a original and yet more...elegant
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24669]@CosmicKirby[/url]: I hit the trigger because I thought I was going to knock him out.
over 14 years ago
Also, quick question.

How many people let the drugged up Volus "fight"?
If so, this comic is for you.
Dragon Knight
over 14 years ago
I don't get it.
over 14 years ago
He's so Ronery. <inhale> Mister Ronery, <Inhale> he has no body. <inhale> To call his own. <Respirator high note>
over 14 years ago
Her fringe is rather unattractive.