What people are saying about "Boba Challenge"
Boba Challenge
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almost 5 years ago
I mean, BOBA IS awesome.
but I love this challenge and I need to actually look up stuff instead of just going, "oh neat."
almost 5 years ago
Well, she ain't wrong, on both accounts.
almost 5 years ago
Just look for "Sagu" and apply those to tea. There, you got tapioca pearls.
almost 5 years ago
Actually, I would like to see Victoire do this, just to prove she can do it better.
almost 5 years ago
Jo, eu achei na Liberdade em SP. Caro e não acho que vale realmente a pena.
almost 5 years ago
This is a fad in South Korea. As always I don't get it.
almost 5 years ago
Victoire, you're still alive? °_°'
almost 5 years ago
Search for "bubble tea" Jo.
almost 5 years ago
Qual sua cidade? Aqui em Campo Grande MS tem vários quiosques desses, virou modinha. Só não vi esse meme ainda