What people are saying about "Invite Only"
Invite Only
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almost 14 years ago
Nexus put it poorly, but Chunky's correct. Starcraft's three races are the Space Marines, Genestealers/Tyranids, and Eldar/Dark Eldar from the Warhammer franchise (or the "series" Nexus was referring to). Starcraft is a good game, balanced, but not innovative (see WC1&2).
almost 14 years ago
I don't give a shit if your comment is 6 months old, but just how fucking stupid are you Nexus? Starcraft was one of the fist RTS ever and without it Dawn of War wouldn't even exist. Go google things before you spew out retarded shit.
about 14 years ago
It would be more accurate (possibly) to say that Starcraft borrowed heavily from the Franchise Dawn of War is based on, Warhammer 40000. A table top war game that has existed since 1987.
about 14 years ago
Shut the fuck up, nexus. Seriously. According to wikipedia, Dawn of War was released by THQ on September 20, 2004 in North America. Starcraft was released for Microsoft Windows on 31 March 1998. So, Starcraft cannot possibly be a ripoff of the dawn of war series. Fuck off and eat shit for breakfast.
over 14 years ago
This game was really crap. It felt like first one.

Dawn of war II at least try something different and unique gameplay. SC is nothing but a rip off from Dawn of war series game.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
is he from penny arcade's comic?? he seems so, but blond
over 14 years ago
Where do you guys are you on right now ?
On the internet , and what can you find in the internet ? SOMETHING YOU THINK THEY ALREADY MADE
Yes , you can experience Starcraft 2!!!!
go on this website : http://darkblizz.org/Forum2/sc2-tools/
Download the game and install Lazy launch v2
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24597]@GBC[/url] Swing and a miss.
over 14 years ago
I have one question? What the hell is wrong with jetpacks and burrowing? I'm just happy that blizzard is paying attention to something other than WoW
Mad Cow Milk
over 14 years ago
Hmmm. I have been playing SC1 again, and its a fun game. What really was needed was something a little fresh, and way better graphics. Sounds like they did this so I AM PLEASED. If it an't broke....
Also, ultralisks burrowing? COOL! Maybe they can't move while burrow, while others will be able too.
over 14 years ago
m-my...my...p-p-precious pc gaming...

abloo bloo bloo bloo bloo ;_;
A Bag of Opinions
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24354]@sawblade[/url]: "Insert a certain Aerosmith song"
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24352]@Platypus[/url]: I don't think Zerg age particularly matters when it comes to Zerg units being majors or not. Also, I am imagining that the marine is .... a lady :3.
over 14 years ago
Poor Jo, if only you actually got to play, like me. :) http://www.youtube.com/thebaron87reviews

Nothing is up yet, but I'll be uploading stuff tonight.

P.S.: There's nothing wrong with a sequel being just like the first game. That's why it's a SEQUEL and not a SPINOFF.
over 14 years ago
Drone-chan is a either a juvinile or fully mature, depending if you count Dron-chan morphed into a building to be the fully adult stage or not. Mumm... Sexy
Hive-chan. What a MILF. XD
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24320]@Rogue[/url]: Do the Protoss really need that much love? They're already much more mobile than the other factions from what I can tell, and that can be all the difference in the world. But then, I'm not in the Beta so I don't know how much of a difference that makes...
over 14 years ago
Isn't drone-chan under aged?
over 14 years ago
Protip: Its a beta.
Ever seen StarCraft beta?
over 14 years ago
Um... the second b'aawww in the below post is me b'aawwwing for not getting you b'aawwwing.

Not me saying "Cry Some More."
over 14 years ago
Eh, I don't think auto-mine is that meaningful of a switch.
And dammit. burrowing ultras are awesome, particularly given everything else burrrow including lurkers.
wait, is this comic note just a b'aawwww I didn't get into beta? so I have failed for taking it at all seriously.

over 14 years ago
Thank the gods something that is not a shooter. its seen like most games that have come out for the past few years most have been shooters. Shooters are taking over! we need less shooters we need more games of any thing not a shooter or rpg shooter.
over 14 years ago
from reading the comments here.Its not as good as the first yet i should buy it just for the name starcraft on it?i just don't get it. if it turns out to be a bad game yet feels like starcraft i should buy it?
over 14 years ago
Yesssss give into to your hatred and strike them down! Only then shall you be excepted into the beta!
over 14 years ago
Stupid. LULZ
Pretty sure that u'll use the same idea for D3 beta.
Uber Spycrab
over 14 years ago
nice hair man :D
Lemure Zombie
over 14 years ago
It's not that secret, anyone with some $$$ can get in. The cheapest I saw was a key going for around $50.
over 14 years ago
Meh. The protoss didn't get much love... No more dark archons... no good reaver replacment.
Games decent, but not the revolutionary game we were looking for...

Our last hope is in UMS...
over 14 years ago
well always can download beta, maybe not play online, but can actually see game replays durr
over 14 years ago
Pretty much the exact thoughts of those who couldn't get in.
over 14 years ago
so it's still obsolete compared to dawn of war

ok good tip
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24312]@iSpycheck[/url]: wow so he burn his eyes out from hearing the bad news on dukem, or slab ton of eyeliner. either way his eyebrows is eating his forehead.
over 14 years ago
Isn't that the Casual Boy?
over 14 years ago
perhaps it's just a beta
perhaps it's just the way of blizzard's games, since they see how it's easy money with game for boys of 8 years old. With world of fakegame it's worked ^^
over 14 years ago
Dawn of War is better anyway.
A lucky one
over 14 years ago
I've got an invite. I tried out Terran and Zerg vs easy computer cause I never played SC before. Zerg are haaaard. Try going to a convention! Thats what I did back in 2008.
over 14 years ago
I personally have few problems with the current SC2 build. The basic idea of the reaper is far-fetched, but the terrans needed to be more versatile, and reapers seem like they would be fun to use, should you get into the beta. The graphics arent perfect but they do the concepts justice and look fine
over 14 years ago
Everyone who didnt get a beta key needs to Zerg rush Blizzard! We shall overwhelm them with our superior numbers!
over 14 years ago
Don't see why you're complaining anyways. It's Starcraft, and aslong as the feeling of Starcraft is around then why complain?
over 14 years ago
wait is that desmond from assassin creed? he must had pickpocket that invite.
A Bag of Opinions
over 14 years ago
@u mad: "LIKE A FOX!"
u mad
over 14 years ago
cuz u bad
Paper Skull
over 14 years ago
I was lucky enough to get in the beta, and yes, it is just the original starcraft with new units and visuals. That being said, IT'S STARCRAFT. Even if it's not as good as SC1, it's starcraft, people.

Also, the physics and unit interactions are about 5x better than they were before.
over 14 years ago
err i signed in so you would have a way to contact me
over 14 years ago
ola person who dose Nerf now, i have a beta key that i summitted but i would be willing to give ya the beta cd key that they send me (when i get it) if ya want it. just one thing, i submitted it after the first round of keys went out so i don't know when they will send me the beta cd key
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
I wish I had a beta key. I could have given it to you when you twitted it, but unfortunatly I didn't get any either.
over 14 years ago
meh. getting the there is only war beta was fine. I dont play star craft much
over 14 years ago
who mad? you mad.
over 14 years ago
Tsun-tsun, Jo.
over 14 years ago
i know the feeling it gay that their can a free beta to anyone that well be OK. Blizzard i be so mad i well go zerg on
over 14 years ago
Did anyone else notice how absolutely fucked up that mech's arms are? His right one doesn't exist, and then his left forearm is invisible.

over 14 years ago
Huh, the guy in the red-hoodie reminded me of the protagonist from Magi-Nation. It's the artist, you say?

*crackpot theories*
over 14 years ago
I heard they were selling the beta keys on eBay for about $200.
over 14 years ago
I'll take the beta key if you don't want it :D
over 14 years ago
You require additional Beta Keys.
over 14 years ago
Drone-tan, you're drunk! Come home with me at once!
over 14 years ago
Actually, I like it quite a bit :(. Sorry you didn't make beta but it is really quite amazing.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
I see bush