He's got the equalizer, isn't it obvious, he's gonna make himself go BOOM!
over 14 years ago
soldier is already hurt. enough to be using the equalizer to some effect. wouldn't a rocket jump kill him? or at least crater him?
over 14 years ago
Let's think about this:
Shoot soldier from distance, easy kill. The Equalizer is balanced as long as you don't go toe to toe with a Soldier.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24028]@Bug[/url]: Speakin of which, why haven't they nerfed it...? Its sort of strange. I daresay any Soldier wouldn't use the Shovel if they had a brain, unless they're aiming for a challenge. Its like the only weapon in the game without any real drawbacks. Maybe it should do -HP too...
over 14 years ago
I don't think I'll ever run out of domination quotes to cite as picture notes here. :D
over 14 years ago
Of course he uses the Equalizer, every Soldier uses that OP piece of crap.
over 14 years ago
Pyro needs his Flamethrower! Compression blast him back before he hits the ground, consarned it!
over 14 years ago
Pyro survives shotgunning from air, Soldier survives fall damage and Equalizes Pyro... Level 1 sentry kills Soldier... Or Engie gets another random Wrench kill as Soldier walks around a corner. *shrugs*
: {D
over 14 years ago
How do I shot pyro?
over 14 years ago
That actually more implies to me that the soldier is going to die from fall damage. The soldier winning wouldn't be very pessimistic, now would it?
over 14 years ago
@WHA?!?!?: He didn't have the equalizer out at the time. A better question is why he rocket jumped while he was moving fast enough for the equalizer to be useful. Otherwise, fall damage is incoming
over 14 years ago
Sniper-tan was still alive and airshotted the soly down. It's raining blood!
over 14 years ago
Equalizer only blocks medigun when it is out.
He took the pills and used Equalizers extra speed while low health to get to the point.
over 14 years ago
Wait, last comic soldier was calling for a medic, but he's using the equalizer. Equalizer blocks the medigun, why was he calling for a medic?
over 14 years ago
Clever girl...
BLU Pyro
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
The name of this arc is Pessimism. It may be that BLU has indeed lost this round.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_23957]@StarPilot[/url]: You win 1 internets.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Fire is for cooking smores, son, get a reeeaaallll gun
over 14 years ago
@trollnow.on.nimp.org: The last panel suggests that Soldier is using shotgun, so no, he's not wearing the Gunboats.
And I sure hope there's a sentry somewhere around the point now..
over 14 years ago
well if he has over 30 hp well hes in the air he could simple just shoot the ground right befor he lands sending him up a inch and touch the ground taking 0 fall damage
over 14 years ago
So uh, is he wearing gunboats or did he actually take the pills? I don't think he'll survive the fall either way.
over 14 years ago
Ten class tokens says the soldier dies from fall damage.
over 14 years ago
Son, get rid 'uh that flashy signal shooter and carry a bit 'o buckshot.