What people are saying about "Tsundere"
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about 14 years ago
She is a very annoying character. One of those you hate, but as a good character can't really say no to, so you're like, fine, come along and don't get in my way.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_23097]@Lobster[/url]: Seriously, how would you feel if your brain was being burned through by purple space fire? Jack can't even control herself anymore.
over 14 years ago
Jack tends to be more civil if you don't set her head on purple space fire.
over 14 years ago

i have found an amazing discovery!

i went 2nd play through

choosing the same option i take at the 1st play

everyones loyal except jack like the 1st play through

but this time jack didnt died! now why that happened, any one care to explain?
over 14 years ago
I liked Jack muuuuch more than Miranda (Though still not that much). I mean jack has a reason to bitch, Miranda doesnt. And yeah, Garrus is the boss of both second teams thanks to him everyone made it out alive, even Miranda and Zaeed who werent loyal.
over 14 years ago
Heh, I don't know which way to think about Jack. Personally I didn't like either of them very much; Jack or Miranda. Miranda seemed like a total bitch, but Jack was psycho. I still don't know if I picked right or wrong, but I guess that's what second playthroughs are for, I'm going to need it.
over 14 years ago
@Brain: I know, but I like having two techs with me. CD's do take a lot of fire off of you if you're on harder difficulties, even for a few seconds. Plus I want to keep people cause I want to see adverse effect in the last or latest installment.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_22965]@Commander204[/url]: Garrus is a good choice to lead the second team, both times. Personally, I went with Garrus leading the teams, Legion in the vents, Samara on biotic barrier, and Jack and Thane with me. I would have used Miranda instead of Jack for her Warp ability, but I didn't have her loyalty.
over 14 years ago
This...isn't quite Tsundere.

She's more bipolar, which isn't the same thing.
over 14 years ago
Jack is awesome.

Anyone who doesn't like her is a pussy who doesn't have any appreciation for exotic chicks... mmmmm bald.
over 14 years ago
As I said in the first post.

Type A Tsundere: (Angry outside, sweet inside)

A Yandere only snaps when something interferes with the object of the Yandere's affection. Additionally, a Yandere is very controlling and such.

A type B Tsundere: (Sweet outside, angry inside) Do not confuse.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_22974]@Jericu[/url] Oh, and I'm feeling evil today, here's TvTropes page that explain Yandere http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Yandere enjoy
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_22974]@Jericu[/url] What? no, Yandere is when a girl/boy is very timid, loving, and caring, never look angry and yet when you trying to broke up with him/her and/or sleeping with other people he/she will went psychotic, ranging from rage to murder.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_22974]@Jericu[/url]: What? Yandere is being psychotic with love, like someone killing their lover because he/she wanted to break up. I wouldn't even say Jack is tsundere. She's pretty much all hostile (tsun) until you get to know her. I like her because she has a tragic past. :C
over 14 years ago
TECHNICALLY people like Jack are called Yandere, which is nice on the inside and PSYCHOTIC on the outside, but that's nitpicking really...
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_22965]@Commander204[/url]: Try sending Jacob or Miranda. Even with Miranda on normal loyalty she survived the second fire squad. She died at the end standoff though as she wasn't loyal, could of been avoided if I took her with me but I didn't like Miranda.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_22965]@Commander204[/url] Because the fire team is determinded by the commanding capability of the character not the fighting skill...
over 14 years ago
she one cazy bitch
over 14 years ago
Also, I always seem to survive the first part of the last mission, but everytime i choose someone for the second fire squad they're always dead. I've done Zaeed and Grunt and they both died. Zaeed, not too worried about, but Grunt? He's a freaking krogan! With Armor fortification!!! WTF Bio?
over 14 years ago
I agree with Jo... I'm not too into the tattooed people. Maybe to fight with, but not for the romance option.
over 14 years ago
I admit that i reeeaaaly hated project zero. Not my type of girl. But then, i kinda felt sorry for her and that was the only reason i've kept her, through pity...
over 14 years ago
I like the characters. Kept everyone alive at the most. Keep everyone loyal + right choices in the game. :P
over 14 years ago
Funny BMcP, I didn't get that impression from Jack's past at all.

She had it bad, oh yes but, she wasn't as bad off as the other biotic children. A lot of Jack seemed manipulated, if she wanted revenge she should lose the tattoos, grow hair and wear a dress. Opposite of what they wanted.
over 14 years ago
from the engineering deck, i only talk to tali ,zaeed and Grunt, Jack creeps the hell outta me. she's bald D:
over 14 years ago
I liked her a bit more then Miranda, probably because Jack was able to come to better terms with her past, which was a lot harsher.
over 14 years ago
I ended up killing most of the characters I loved.

Thane, Mordin, Zaeed...

Still, I giggled like a sadistic little nutjob when I saw Miranda lifeless on the ground :3
Lemure Zombie
over 14 years ago
She's more of a Yandere
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_22918]@Havoc[/url]: Yeah, literally.
Ran Iji
over 14 years ago
Jack never left my party after I got her. She worked well with my full Biotic character. She'd shockwave, and I'd push. >>
That Guy
over 14 years ago
That's really more bipolar than tsundere.
over 14 years ago
This seems slightly more split personality than tsundere.
over 14 years ago
I agree, Jack was just plain annoying.
I managed to kill the 2 crew members I didn't care about/hated, though, so yay! :D (Jacob and Jack)
Tsun Tsun
over 14 years ago
There is an amazing lack of Tsundere in that comic.
over 14 years ago
We must restore this depraved nation!
Devil Dan
over 14 years ago
Better than deredere, I guess.

On another note, why is her scalp on fire?
over 14 years ago
dude.... i dont know why, after jacks loyal mission, she and miranda fight over something and i choose miranda, yeah she got a new outfit but shes not loyal

is that the cause of her dying in the last mission?
over 14 years ago
I liked Jack. She was a bitch with a reason. Unlike Miranda.

Fuck Miranda.
Anouncer Guy
over 14 years ago
Just when you thought Space was safe BUTT PIRATES!
over 14 years ago
That's not fucking Tsundere.
over 14 years ago

Type A Tsundere...