What people are saying about "Adult Stuff"
Adult Stuff
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almost 6 years ago
@Marcos Kosteraku Sollero: it will take place right after the conception-preventing field gets shut down. You’ll don the clothes (and nudity) of a young human willing to “do their part”. It will be an open world dating sim with combine fighting. Or just a clip of Gordon and Alyx having sex
almost 6 years ago
Became curious when I see your strip, but did´nt find nothing that look good, isn´t expensive for a not well know game, or don´t look like a old adult flash game.
almost 6 years ago
That feel.
almost 6 years ago
Frankly, the "Adult" games on Steam is nothing new. For years the exact same game has been for sale where you can patch it. The patch usually is one file with one line of code that usually is "Adult=true".
almost 6 years ago
Please, "You Need a Budget" has been on Steam for ages.
almost 6 years ago
Games like you describe already exist. Check out Evenicle, it just got released there a bit ago ^^
almost 6 years ago
I feel like the reason Blizzard isn’t worried is more to do with the fact that Hearthstone appeals to a different kind of card game player. As much as I love magic MtG: Arena has the same issue I find in the physical MtG game, it’s a money sink. Unless you drop money you can’t play most modes.
almost 6 years ago
But still... as a grand sage wizard (aka no girlfriend), this adult games are way too vanilla for me. Steam had do better before to confert me into their fap cult.
almost 6 years ago
People say MTGOnline is better than arena (even if it's not that pretty), but I'm having international card problems (and some exchange rate problems too) ant MTGO has a US$ 10 entry fee
almost 6 years ago
It would be fun to see HL3 as erotic xD
I started playing hearthstone because of magic (the actual paper card game), and since arena came to beta I never launched hearthstone again
almost 6 years ago
This Change is actually beneficial and ethical. Most fans of Erotic games from Japan only could pirate them because buying them was bitch. But with steam, it is easy as two clicks. More games will sell and more devs. will get paid, and Half-Lite 3 will come! I think...