What people are saying about "Trilogy"
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about 6 years ago
Ugh again with "Only three Batman Arkham games". Guys there were four games, I know Origins felt like a retread of "City" but it's still part of the series. Just because Rocksteady didn't make it doesn't mean it wasn't.
about 6 years ago
I forgot, has Jo ever played Subnautica? If not, it's definitely something to try (once the backlog reaches non-critical levels, at least).
about 6 years ago
This mindset isn't the best, Jo. Especially for this series. You don't play arkham games back to back. They're similar enough that you'll reach burnout.
about 6 years ago
It's addiction when you can't just stop at one...
Is it intervention time? Are we going to catch tentaJo shooting up with his favourite shooters? It is so sad when the mighty fall...
about 6 years ago
The Arkham Games probably aren't your bag anyway, There aren't any multiplayer memes to be found in them, that you can write into esoteric jokes.
about 6 years ago
No love for Arkham Origins?
about 6 years ago
I mean, giant robots x-com (which i find much more difficult than x-com for some reason, i had to restart my campaign three times already!) in space, with it's own universe built up from tabletop and other games - which you don't need to play to understand what's happening here btw :3
about 6 years ago
Well, steam summer sale ends in ~22 hours from here, and while i know that a guy with his "battletech! battletech! get battletech!" may be annoying, as they say - third time's a charm, right? So lets hope you will get it at least for the future )
about 6 years ago
I love Arkham City because it's only good game about Catwoman.
about 6 years ago
As someone who didn't finish Arkham City: Just play Arkham Asylum, Jo.
about 6 years ago
I'm actually doing a re-run right now of the games myself (Return to Arkham versions, they DO update the visuals pretty well) trying to reexperience the story & gameplay from the beginning. Play them as you wish only know that each entry builds on top the one before up til it gives you too damn much
about 6 years ago
Arkham City is really good but I heard lots of bad things about Arham Knights. Plus, I swear that there's some sort of easter egg in the bay that if you fly out far enough low to the water a giant octupus tentacle will pop out of the water and take a swipe at you. I only got it to happen once though
about 6 years ago
@Rodrigo Maciel Costa: The reason I'm using Angie has my proxy is because it was hard to convey the idea with just a tentacle picking the game... it just flow better with a human hand.
about 6 years ago
Arkham City is the best one and its not Assassins Creed kind of open world garbage, its good. Arkham Knight got lots of ass.
about 6 years ago
@Matthew, Jo has done himself as a normal guy a few times, usually when talking about games. Tough the one time I remember he was green...
about 6 years ago
@Matthew Poxson: Engie is almost as much the author avatar as Tentajo himself. Think about it.
about 6 years ago
it's alright. I lost interest myself though.
about 6 years ago
Wait I'm confused... in the previous comic they said "he" and there is really only one main character that is a guy in this comic strip, and he's not got fingers or thumbs... So whose hand is that? What guy is working on picking out a game right now?
about 6 years ago
To be fair there's no true open world in Arkham City, just a general city map where you move to go here or there. Yes, you have some degree of choice on which mission to do but it's not Skyrim.

It's still twice as long as Arkham Asylum tho.
about 6 years ago
Asylum is also pretty short, And it's not as "open world" as others. More like metroidovania.
about 6 years ago
The Evil Within 2 seems pretty good. It seems to combine well traits from games like Resident Evil, Silent Hill and The Last of Us. The first game on the other hand don't look that good...