[url=#user_comment_21758]@What[/url]: Wtf? Samus has always been a girl. And I can see why using Justin Bailey here is not advised...RUN FASTER SAMUS!!!
about 15 years ago
I get the joke, maybe the school girl uniform was for her, or another girl was there and became a victim of those tentacles.
Looks like she will come back after she has the PowerBomb, Super Missile and other destructives PowerUps or she will blow up the planet like always...
about 15 years ago
So Master Chief turned into a tentacle monster big deal, that's a lot better than him trying to get Samus drunk at last year's Christmas party...
about 15 years ago
Samus is not afraid of the Schoolgirl costume. She's afraid of what would happen if the Tentacle realized that under that kickass suit is a pretty pretty girl.
about 15 years ago
Let us remember that Samus was once to be a guy.
Think hard before searching for metroid prons on that note.
[url=#user_comment_21728]@Bisected[/url]: Combine advisors aren't exactly swift nor nimble.
about 15 years ago
What? Zero Suit Samus hentai is AWESOME
Jack Desert
about 15 years ago
hooboy... Japanese schoolgirl tentacle.. the world ends by it self raping XD
about 15 years ago
You all know you want to see that happen. Go buy the book from Japan.
about 15 years ago
Samus Aran's only fear... I think it got the schoolgirl costume by penetrating then bursting open the last victim O_O RUN, SAMUS, RUN! It deals 1-swell KOs!
about 15 years ago
That is why I use the NARPAS SWORD0 code.
000000 000000
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_21676]@Blah[/url] Tentacles tend to be on aliens, which Samus kills, and that would be one that would rape her.
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_21687]@Westy543[/url]: Encountering a generic but immobile purple tentacle monster when you're wearing a tank's worth of armour/exoskeleton is probably better than being attacked by a very mobile Combine Advisor with neither armour nor the advantage of being the protagonist...
about 15 years ago
No double entendre, everyone knows about the Wood Beam.
You acquire it in Warfair? You know the one.
about 15 years ago
make me wonder, when I read the manga, Samus were orphaned after her parent are killed by the pirates when she's a small child. Then some alien took her and rise her until adulthood. my question is....
Do Samus learn things like love relationship and... sex? what her normal life is like?
about 15 years ago
Oh she'll be back. She just has to acquire the Little Boy and Fat Man bomb powerup first.
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_21642]@Lord_Tristan[/url], I think you inadvertanly stumbled upon Enlong's meaning... It's a "wood" beam. And Samus is the reciprocating gender...
about 15 years ago
That thing might just have an Energy Tank in it, but even I wouldn't fight it for that.
about 15 years ago
you know what, I'm gonna go get the Ice beam first, then come back.
about 15 years ago
better safe than sorry better safe than sorry
about 15 years ago
sooner or later, someone will make a story/image from this...
hail the internet!
about 15 years ago
>engie wishes happy year of the tiger
>2010 will be a Metal Tiger year
dohohohohoho I see what you most likely coincidentally did thar
about 15 years ago
I've always tought what would happen, if the character I'm controlling refused to go cheerfully in Caverns of Horror. That could be pretty hilarious. Now I know.