What people are saying about "Cute Little Bugs"
Cute Little Bugs
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about 6 years ago
Dat back and booty. Angie so fine.
about 6 years ago
That pissed me off so much I couldn't keep playing when I died after searching for the map guy for half an hour. Had to negativate it on steam because of that small, stupid design decision.
about 6 years ago
Dont give up, this is a very good game. Dark Souls level of Level design, and very good soundtracks too.
about 6 years ago
@Jo Pereira: I know what you mean, I guess it never bothered me much, it gave me a chance to appreciate the beautiful new surroundings rather than peeking my map every two seconds, which I would do otherwise
about 6 years ago
@Michael Watkins: On some maps, the paper trail are very deep in the map... the big city (Queen Station?) zone is one example.
about 6 years ago
I agree with you in most cases on that, but in hollow knight, I like how following the paper trail and the humming noises gives a nice objective when you enter a new zone