What people are saying about "Battle Royale"
Battle Royale
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about 6 years ago
I still think PUBG is pretty interesting and cool :)

But mainly because of Achievement Hunter.
about 6 years ago
Escape from Tarkov is hiding behind the tree in the background.
about 6 years ago
Maybe now that Fortnite is kicking their ass, Bluehole will actually FIX THEIR GAME!
about 6 years ago
i think the biggest mistake PUBG made is when they try to attack fortnite on battle royal mode. I mean attacking other for a genre is a stupid move, that give a bad rep for you and good publication for them.
about 6 years ago
Doesn't Fortnite not have bullet drop? Git gud son
about 6 years ago
I really don't care battle royale or not, I play PUBG for ARMA-like ballistics and realistic guns / locations and huge open map. PUBG is closer to military sim, Fortnite is closer to something like overwatch with arcadey shooting. Ot each its own. I always wanted a milsim with matchmaking.
about 6 years ago
Sounds like you're not looking for Battle Royale, but Last Man Standing mode of Quake and like.
about 6 years ago
@Nick Merritt: shit man, shootmania, I thought that game was going to be huge for some reason, the trailer was epic at least.
i got a 3 pack with some friends and they barely played it if at all. Sigh.
about 6 years ago
@TimbreTone: I do. :S :(
about 6 years ago
"Personally, I'm just waiting for a class-based Battle Royale with Team Fortress / Overwatch gunplay and less focus on looting, more focus on shooting."

Isn't that already overwatch/team fortress???
about 6 years ago
"Personally, I'm just waiting for a class-based Battle Royale with Team Fortress / Overwatch gunplay and less focus on looting, more focus on shooting."
So you mean paladins battlegrounds?
about 6 years ago
I've played all of 13 minutes of it 5 years ago so have no idea what it's like today, but ShootMania Storm seems to still be going pretty strong if the Steam News section is anything to go by.
about 6 years ago
@TimbreTone: http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/2092 :)
about 6 years ago
Remember when Fortnite was supposed to be a Horde mode/Tower Defense game with Minecraft elements?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.
about 6 years ago
@Boomfly The discussion on Paladins vs Overwatch has been done to death by now, and there is a ton of things that Hi-Rez did first that OW then took. Also, IMO, Paladins has more depth by far.

If only its matchmaking wasn't horribly broken to the point of unplayability...
about 6 years ago
Jo, check out paladins battle royale. It's what you want, though not out yet. Instead of scavenging you get buffs for kills, and the game's an overwatch clone.
about 6 years ago
...This is going to go full circle back to team deathmatch.
about 6 years ago
@GratLurking: I totally agree.
about 6 years ago
actually a large battle royal that focused more on taking high ground and shooting as opposed to having to scavenge for guns sounds great.
I've play the free fortnite royal, it's frustrating getting killed before you even find a weapon.
about 6 years ago
I wonder what Jo thinks about the latest StringStorm video?
about 6 years ago
Battleground games just don't poke my buttons. Too much quiet before you get 1-2shot because RNG.
about 6 years ago
@Niklas Schirmer: Seconded.
about 6 years ago
Try Paladins: Battlegrounds when the mode is out.
about 6 years ago
@PewnyPL: I usually do them closer to the end of the month. I'll try to do something this weekend.
about 6 years ago
Hey Jo, was there only one Cheesecake this month, or am I for some reason not getting them? (10$ patron here)
about 6 years ago
@Carlos Flores: Yep, but I will save my interest for when I see a playable version.
about 6 years ago
I think the class-based shooter Paladins has a battle royal mode or at least is getting one.