What people are saying about "Rhyme"
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over 6 years ago
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Let me see them Angie nudes
Because she is waifu
over 6 years ago
@Nos Rin: That's racist! :)
over 6 years ago
@Vargos: gee thanks for wishing death on me for my choice in fashion and colors
over 6 years ago
holy CRAP is that Red Angie?!
over 6 years ago
@Turgut Ege Öztürk: Turret, sentry, whatever. Long-time TF2 player here, and I hate the pendantic stuff like that almost as much as lime scouts. If you know what they mean, the rest is just technical details.
over 6 years ago
@Kai LaMarche kys please, this is Tf2 and there is no turret in Tf2.
over 6 years ago
@more_Fanservice_Please if by "old red engie" you mean the blonde one she didn't belong to Jo so he can't use her without asking the owner permission first or something.
over 6 years ago
i always pictured attackers as red. *shrugs*
over 6 years ago
Everybody has a "Green Scout" Setup. Even me.
over 6 years ago
As a lime scout main, I can confirm this
over 6 years ago
No one likes lime scouts,and if you are one,you don't deserve to be alive within this earth,and if you do,then P E R I S H.Or don't.I don't mind
over 6 years ago
Protest post! Morgan and jane cheated! Make them share turn from now on.
over 6 years ago
@Raxyz: the closest I can think of is that one old Mann Milk joke.
over 6 years ago
It's always nice to see the comic's roots.
over 6 years ago
I'm curious though, did you ever drawn Scout in a situation where he wasn't an asshole or got screwed in the end? XD
over 6 years ago
Oh hey, TF2! I almost forgot about it!
over 6 years ago
Finally a comic about something other than the new outfits!
over 6 years ago
Hah, this reminds me of all the old "Team GRN" TF2 troll videos by dsSLAY3R. Those things were a damn hoot - https://www.youtube.com/user/dsSLAY3R/videos
The "Dig Dug Scout" video is a freakin' classic.
over 6 years ago
Aww, was hoping for something with Jane and Morgan
over 6 years ago
We only get one a year now :(