What people are saying about "There Is Always Someone Bigger"
There Is Always Someone Bigger
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about 7 years ago
Cool, thanks!
about 7 years ago
@Thelonius Dunk: e-mail is fine ( [email protected] )
about 7 years ago
Lesson learned: Don't do streaming deals with Facebook. Gamers don't use that for streaming, and they will openly rebel if Twitch or Youtube isn't an option.

Though, really, "don't do deals with Facebook" is generally a good idea in general, no matter how tempting its monolithic userbase seems.
about 7 years ago
@Alex Summerdown: Wow, that's really cute! ^_^
about 7 years ago
this is a silly question, but how i can change my nickname?
about 7 years ago
@Jo: What's the best place/your preferred way to receive fanart? The comments here? Discord? Email?
about 7 years ago
@Alex Summerdown: Wow, thanks dude!! \o/
about 7 years ago
@Overseer Lemoine: Yep, they will only step on people noone knows or cares about now.
Really showed them.
about 7 years ago
Straming's getting too complicated. :\

Unrelated: https://captain-ace-out.tumblr.com/image/170185452231 Hope Jo doesn't mind a little gift fan art. (^_^)7
about 7 years ago
@ Platypus : That's only if they actually filed actual DMCA claims rather than just making insinuations in Twitch/Youtube's direction.
about 7 years ago
ESL committed perjury by filing false DMCA claims. This can include prison time among other penalties. Who ever they have as a lawyer did a piss poor job giving council.
about 7 years ago
@snoipah Found the Neonazi.
about 7 years ago
If ESL is who I'm thinking of, their management of talent was pretty terrible at the International this year. Kept them under lock and key, physically dragging them away from their fans so the talent couldn't give autographs.
I guess it's a necessary evil. Good on Valve for reigning them in.
about 7 years ago
Even the professional dota2 sponsors are fucking scum of the earth, holy shit lol!

Is there a worse community?

Well, I suppose antifa. . . and BLM. . .
about 7 years ago
I have a feeling that Jo would be good at drawing political comics
about 7 years ago
The decision to Stream on Facebook only was the worst ever made. Glad to see Re-Streams are allowed and fuck ESL for that Facebook stunt.. facebooks streams are shit.
about 7 years ago
good to see a DMCA troll get stepped on for once. maybe now they will think twice.
about 7 years ago
Lmao, talk about a bad business advance from ESL
about 7 years ago
When I saw the title of the tab say “There is always someone bigger”, I expected it to be about the Subnautica release. There’s always tomorrow, I guess.