What people are saying about "Big Boys Toys"
Big Boys Toys
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over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_20702]@Lobster[/url]: Not anymore :D I LURV ME THE NEW UPDATE!
over 14 years ago
Y'know, the scout can suck a fat one. Engie doesn't have ANYTHING new.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_20310]@NGE[/url] Competative play is this: The only fun is felt when you see the victory screen. WHo cares if you had a couple great duels between good players? If you lost, where was the fun? Who cares if the match was a close one, the only fun is victory.
Lil Joshu
over 14 years ago
Oh, and I've won the game via bonk in other ways...
quick run past sentry line, cap base on other side before enemies can reverse tracks to get you. Also effectively draw enemies from all over map into chasing you instead of where they need to be.
Lil Joshu
over 14 years ago
[cont'd] player. The point of it is to draw fire from enemy sentry guns and enemy players, giving the rest of your team a crucial few seconds to lay waste to the enemies and their defenses. Communication is a must for this to work. But used properly, the bonk is the spearpoint of a powerful charge.
Lil Joshu
over 14 years ago
Hey, I LOVE the bonk. It has won me games. The problem for a lot of others, is most play the scout as a loner, running in quick and hitting something and leaving. That's not the way you use bonk. Bonk is is 'wipe out the enemy team's stronghold' move. But, for it to work, you HAVE to be a team...
over 14 years ago
but when everyone's playing the game as best they can and it comes down to that naturally, that's when you really have the most fun. Competitive bashing still doesn't make any sense.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_20303]@NGE[/url] Having fun is more then about winning or loosing, as a game won that was a steam roller, a game won within 2 minutes is not a fun game, but a game that is tied neck and neck, everyone giving it their all only for the final victor to be decided in the last few seconds of the game. That is fun.
over 14 years ago
yeah i play for fun and competitve players only play to win and if there's anything i know it's that winning isn't fun !! (???)

seriously what is wrong with you, idiot
over 14 years ago
That can should have an atomic shroom above it.
Fucking competive players and their stupid whining.
Fucking hate em.
over 14 years ago
Well, personally, I dominate those classes as a Scout.
over 14 years ago
Yesterday, I played with Jo.

Dude, I felt so awesome when I backstabbed him.

But I'm disapointed, too. He uses the Natascha. :
Troll now
over 14 years ago
yes u can't be ubercharged with melee and destroy sentry, but who the hell except doing dat? with direct hit u dont even need to do it with empty clip 4 rocets enought for anything and red badge of gayness is a personal ubercharge which reloading itself rapidly after once being activated
Troll now
over 14 years ago
i remember medic update was hell but it not brings fresh bugs

mention release of disciples 3 i may say new year makes everything bugged even valve games
stoopid meeting a deadline at NY holydays to get more PROFIT
Troll now
over 14 years ago
not balanced with showel Eq.
failish resistanse
bugged achievments contuniue being bugged
sandman start to be fixed repeatedly
sandwich very good but i better use infinitive 120hp sandwicches than 300hp one
achievments now give u for free all weapons, but they sometimes don't do it coz bugged
over 14 years ago
But they killed the Sandman D':...still, I rediscovered my love for the scattergun :D
over 14 years ago
Engineer update plox.
over 14 years ago
It's simple. Add a new class. Give Miss Pauling a gun and she becomes the Civilian.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_20244]@Westy543[/url]: You update the same class... twice! That's it, 6 unlocks for the engineer!
over 14 years ago
Personally, I like Nat and the sanvich. The thing about Bonk! is that it's pretty much what people on the forums wanted. There were huge threads about items that would let you distract a sentry or otherwise get past it.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_20242]@zeruf[/url]: How do you do a double update with only one class left? lol
over 14 years ago
place your bets ! , what's the next update class-combo. well judging by that spy+snipe have 1 shot kills, and demo+sold have explosives, i can only asume that engi's healing dispener will be paired up with the medic! dual class updates are so much more fun.
over 14 years ago
From my position, the heavy and scout updates were far better, because they didn't introduce a wide variety of different game crashing bugs that in some cases (like my own) result in the entire computer locking up. [url=#user_comment_20188] @Engineer[/url]: The PDQ will be an amazing tool for offensive engies, don't knock it.
over 14 years ago
I love the sandvich and bonk. Must be the only guy who does.

Natasha, FaN, Sandman, and Backburner can all just go straight to hell though.
over 14 years ago
I may get resented by this comment, but I think this update sucked.The game is all buggy, the pick axe and shield are WAAAAAY overpowered and the S.R. is underpowered. I'm also not a fan of the Direct Hit or the Solider altogether(Even more O.P.). The sword and bugle are nice though.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_20222]@bullz[/url]: I got my Equalizer just fine. The Direct Hit is what I'm missing. Apparently there's an absurdly common glitch where if the Steam item servers are down when you hit a milestone you don't get the item for it. It won't likely be fixed until after Free Weekend is over.
over 14 years ago
if u did the milestone and didnte receive the EQ u should,

try to die a lot, that gives me all the updates, but no boot

i wonder how to gain boots, is it with crafting?

and how to register at this site?
over 14 years ago
I love this update so far, but I wish the milestones weren't broken. I still haven't gotten my Direct Hit from Soldier Milestone 2.

At least now that I have that shovel achievement unlocked I don't have another reason to NOT use the Equalizer. Thing's fuckin' amazing!
over 14 years ago
"...you can even hold down M2 and sweep to detonate a ton of stickies for a carpet bombing way of killing people."

Holy shit I have to try that now
over 14 years ago
Just one thing was missing this update: Meet the Medic/Pyro. Maybe next time :\
over 14 years ago
Suri: With this update the Huntsman has next to nothing on the Direct Hit, though.
over 14 years ago
Don't worry Scout. You still have the best domination lines.
over 14 years ago
Hey, don't be dissing the Huntsman.

It encourages Snipers to get off their asses and do shit.
over 14 years ago
you guys forgot who doesn't get these goodies on HIS CONSOLE
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_20200]@Jericu[/url]: The Razorback would've been a lot better if it were hidden.
over 14 years ago
Technically didn't the Sniper have to supply his own jar of piss?
over 14 years ago
Don't forget the crap valve gave snipers.

A heavy shield, a bow and arrow, and a jar of piss.

Thanks guys.
over 14 years ago
As for the Direct Hit, that thing chews through sentries faster then engies can repair them. I kill those in 3 or 4 hits with them being actively repaired as fast as possible, its amazing what that 25% bonus damage can do.
over 14 years ago
I would not say that the new weapons suck vs sentries, the Scottish Resistance can bounce like pipes, and be detonated through a wall, you can even hold down M2 and sweep to detonate a ton of stickies for a carpet bombing way of killing people.
over 14 years ago
Just last night, I went offensive engie in CTF_Turbine. You'd be very, very surprised how much fun was had.
Troll NOW!!
over 14 years ago
The thing is this mates, every class update the usefulness and uniqueness for that class goes through the roof! If they did faster updates, however, I think we would never leave the idea of non-combat weapons. So we must wait till everyone gets there seconded class update, just you wait and see!
over 14 years ago
Haven't played with the new stuff much, but yeah, it seems that Jo has a bit of a point with the comparative quality of updates. Every unlock in this update was cool and at least moderately useful, while Scouts and Heavies got... well, we all remember how it went.
Niels de Jong
over 14 years ago
I loved that update as well :)

Though i hated it that i only got the banner and the pickaxe and not the direct hit i so dearly craved :(

I did a lot of achievements for the soldier to get them, but some are just too difficult: do i need all of them for the rocketlauncher? >.>
over 14 years ago
You know, this whole WAR I've been hating since, well... my class hasn't updated yet. But as Gelu noted, these weapons suck vs. Sentries. So now, I'm just hoping we get something as fantastic for our update. Not the P.D.Q beta weapon though... that's just sad Valve.
over 14 years ago
zerocool made the photonote i wanted to make... sigh...
over 14 years ago
I've found the good ol' metal bat to be of great use against Eyelander Demomen and Direct Hit Soldiers who can't aim well.
over 14 years ago
Play a surf map with the targe. Thank me later.
over 14 years ago
However, the Resistance does take some getting used to, and it is far more a defenders weapon than the normal Launcher. If you wish to play offensive demo, I would not recommend the Resistance. The Sword and Targe, with the Grenade Launcher, is a very nice set up for a frontlines, offensive demo.
Awesome Dino
over 14 years ago
I really like the bots too.
over 14 years ago
The Sword and Targe are a nice combination, but I prefer to stick with the Scotish Resistance and the Sword by itself. It's easier I think. The Gunboats, however, I find quite useful, and I dont mind replacing the shotgun with them, and with The Direct Hit and The Equalizer, it's awesome.
over 14 years ago
It's worth noting that prior to the update, the Engineer is really getting trashed. Now, with the class rushes and plenty of weapons that are actually quite useless against sentries, it's actually worthwhile playing Engies. One can get quite a lot of kills this way.
over 14 years ago
What the new weapons need are not tweaking - they need bug-fixing. Their animation-calling lines are crashing servers left and right. They have been somewhat fixed by the time of this writing, but who knows how many more bugs we are going to see.

And the Demoman's eyes glow yellow, mind you.
over 14 years ago
the demo and solly weapons needs a bit of tweaking but they pretty well nailed it this time