What people are saying about "Fruit Challenge"
Fruit Challenge
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almost 7 years ago
Fruit Ninja Gaiden?
almost 7 years ago
@daretobecupid: Coconuts are fruits. Check your facts!!!
almost 7 years ago
So then... Pomegranate are what? The 'I Wanna Be The Guy' of fruits?
almost 7 years ago
Coconuts aren't fruits, Jo.
almost 7 years ago
@Sven Spevec: its not really just cuphead, its been going on for quite a while that games that are hard are now called "the dark souls of ___". crash badicoot is another example of one, called before as the one for platformers before cuphead came out
almost 7 years ago
Ok,who else loves Jo's gaming to real life comics! Natures balance anyone?
almost 7 years ago
If you have a filét knife or whatever they are called. Very long, flexible and very sharp knife, pineapples are easy. Just remove the plant, and cut right through.
almost 7 years ago
Is this a Cuphead reference?
almost 7 years ago
I agree with @beastwolf.

@Travis Staggs Pomegranates is Touhou / Dodonpachi
almost 7 years ago
@Jo Pereira: Never let it be said you don't have original ideas.
almost 7 years ago
Coconuts are cat mario tier.
almost 7 years ago
I wonder where kiwis rate?
almost 7 years ago
@Barkingdeathsquirrel junior: And you have a good chance to find bugs inside them figs as well.
almost 7 years ago
@Alvaro Junior: The wild pineapples are even worse as they also are small. The delicious smell is the hint that there is something good inside. Now the first person who ate cheese... "The milk soured and dried and now it stinks but I'm so hungry..."
almost 7 years ago
This is kinda of a dumb response, but in a professional kitchen, people will peel orange and other similar fruits with a knife, literally carving the skin and rind off of the flesh. It's just easier and faster to do.


almost 7 years ago
Who the fuck uses a knife to peel oranges seriously.
almost 7 years ago
All I'll say is that the person that found out pineapple is edible was very, very hungry.
almost 7 years ago
Pomegranates are the true hellfruit. 35 minutes for 3 mouthfuls. But so delicious you'd do it again...
almost 7 years ago
Never thought I'd see so many bad-ass bitches talkin 'bout their mad orange opening skills...

20 tangerines says that Jo wrote that just to piss people off lol
almost 7 years ago
Grapes represent the Free to Play genre because of all the skins.
almost 7 years ago
Figs are like the early access games of fruit. You really want to wait until all ripening/testing is done before you get into them.
almost 7 years ago
Yep, you really have to get your i-frame timing down to successfully eat a pineapple.
almost 7 years ago
Coconuts hard? Look at this: http://www.keita.com.br/-es/util/Upload/Produto/ImagemFrente/G/60fura-coco-keita.jpg
It costs like 3 reais anywhere... and to open the coconut for the nut just use a hammer and a big knife!
almost 7 years ago
what does pomegranate represents? battlefield?
almost 7 years ago
@Majora Zero: You can if you are hardcore enough https://youtu.be/ATFMh-To-tg?t=3m11s
almost 7 years ago
@T: http://www.carrinhodecoco.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/coco-brasil_venda-saude_slider_img-01.png
Try peeling that one with your bare hands. You either need specialized tools to open a hole to drink, or cut open with a big knife and quick cuts that can slice a finger.
almost 7 years ago
@Jack Suyuthie: Durian is more like one of those games that are pretty good gameplay and mechanics wise, but has poor/outdated graphics and sounds that will turn off most people from playing it.
almost 7 years ago
my god do i love these gamer perspective strips.
almost 7 years ago
FYI my friend is even hardcore. he manage to open up a durian with a screwdriver ^^
almost 7 years ago
actually durian is not really hard to open. It only take me less then 30 sec to open a durian with only a decent kitchen knife, of course the durian have to be ripe. unripe durian is way harder to open. But pineapple in other hand is a hassle to peel and clean up the cones.
almost 7 years ago
Pineapples are the Dark Souls of fruit because the acid in their flesh actually digests that of animals. It's the only fruit that eats you back.
almost 7 years ago
Technically, tomatoes are a fruit.
almost 7 years ago
@Disco Ted: The brown hairy thing that many people know as a coconut actually already was dried and peeled. The fresh thing is much harder to peel. All them can be opened barehanded but if you are hardcore enough you don't peel them before eating. So what fruit is Touhou?
almost 7 years ago
@Rothide: Nah, I'd say Durians are more like Dwarf Fortress. A single whiff of it is enough for almost everyone to abandon it, but there's a complex flavor hidden inside, and only those that decide to man up and take it on head-on get to see, maybe even start appreciating it after eating so much.
almost 7 years ago
it has gotten a bit absurd how much we compare difficult games to Dark Souls. goes to show how famous that game really is if it has become a descriptor for challenging games
almost 7 years ago
peeling oranges with your fingernails is like grinding a pay2win game
almost 7 years ago
Bah, always open oranges with my bare hands.
almost 7 years ago
Oh come the hell on, you don't NEED a knife to peel an orange. If the skin's too thick for fingernails, just use your teeth to get started, it's only a little citrus.

Wouldn't try that on the pineapple though.
almost 7 years ago
The Durian, the Kaizo Mario of fruits.

One whiff and and everyone runs or hits record.
almost 7 years ago
@hi132435: you do unless:
A. You have fingernails
B. You're ok with squishing the orange
almost 7 years ago
Coconuts are games like Dwarf Fortress, really hard to get into and to most people not a lot of results when you do, but in the right hands you can make something amazing.
almost 7 years ago
Commenting to reaffirm that you do not need a knife to peel an orange
almost 7 years ago
Who peels an orange with a knife?
almost 7 years ago
'nuff said.
almost 7 years ago
Coconuts is like fighting games. You just need a right tool, a hammer or a very big knife.
almost 7 years ago
@TheMiscGamer: Real life Conan, right there.
almost 7 years ago
"The Masterpiece You (Probably) Won't Eat"
almost 7 years ago
Since when do you need a knife to peel an orange? Am I the only guy who has fingernails around here? Or does that make me the F2P-er?
almost 7 years ago
Shots fired.