What people are saying about "Reloading"
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over 7 years ago
I haven't played Ana since the new update and if they decreased the reload time for her(which I remember was the quickest reload in the game),...oh well we always have Zenyatta
over 7 years ago
People forget too fast of the era of triple tank, where Ana was not only better than Mercy, but a requirement on every team, despite her requiring a lot of skill. Anyway, remember /737/ and the Blizzard's way of balance. Now its Mercy turn.
over 7 years ago
Mercy's just one of those characters who will either be in every game or never get picked. The only reason she wasn't like that earlier is because people were still learning the game.
over 7 years ago
Ana also doesn't have to constantly rush from one side of the fight to the other just to heal everyone, because she has unlimited range!

...assuming the whole team stays in sight at all times and the other team has no shields or a dva to block shots. I'm sure that happens sometimes, right?
over 7 years ago
Another big part of Ana besides healing is also denying the enemy healer. Her biotic grenade can be used on two brawling tanks if they are close enough (hence why she pairs well with rein and hog), preventing the tank from being healed and boosting your healing in your tank.
over 7 years ago
because you're keeping the soldier who is wrecking everyone alive. She'll say "shit healer" at the end of the match. It playing healer shit. Signed, a Diamond support in League, a 4.2k Position 5 support in Dota, a twice Masters support in Overwatch. Healing in Overwatch is the least fun.
over 7 years ago
@Andrew Nguyen: Like you said, you have basically Mercy has the one true healer. Lucio and Zen can heal, but not solo heal so you'll need a Mercy anyway.
over 7 years ago
Healing is fun, but you could be the best Ana in the world, you could be healing a Soldier 76 with ult on who is wrecking the whole enemy team with Nano Visor, and the Widowmaker that stubbed her toe who lost 1 HP will be spamming "I need healing" and when you don't switch to her immediately
over 7 years ago
Ana's strength isn't her heals though, it's her ability to set up her team to focus burst an enemy to death. Sleep darts and anti healing are her kit standouts. If your team needs straight healing, you should be taking mercy or lucio.
over 7 years ago
Healers are extremely un-fun to play
over 7 years ago
@Ancel De Lambert: Nevermind, I though he was Support but he is actually Defense.
over 7 years ago
Who plays Torb for support? He's point control.
over 7 years ago
@Nirolap Daniel: Hard to tell... probably Torb?
over 7 years ago
Which Support Class Is Least Picked?